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Law and Order 2 Law and Order 2

09-21-2017 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Uh,I was there....

Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
You witnessed it?
09-22-2017 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
You witnessed it?
Some of it, but my view was quite a ways back,cause cops with guns out made me move way back.

Most of the neighbors were yelling "he's deaf!" But like that's going to matter.

It was kinda surreal,you just knew it was going to go bad, cause the guy raised his weapon (pipe or a short stick, about two feet long) and was walking towards the cops.

That's when I moved way back.

I didn't see it, but others said one cop fires his taser, it missed or didn't make direct contact with the deafy and so the other cop fires his gun.

A complete comedy of errors.

Now, this is my opinion,no basis in fact, but the victim may have been drinking.

And his father supposedly didn't speak English very well, so no telling what he told his son about what happened, I don't know the family, just happened to be on the street dropping off a co worker,we were a couple houses down talking and got curious when the banged up truck pulled into the yard and a few minutes later a cop car pulled up.

Some witnesses say he was mentally handicapped, I can't speak to that, my co worker isn't sure, it's one of those things,you have neighbors but you don't know much about them.

Like I said, plenty of bad decisions all around.

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09-22-2017 , 12:26 AM
How many cops were there at the time of the shooting?

And "deafy"? For real? And this is a guy who lives on your block?
09-22-2017 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Not so fast, this was literally down the road from me, the deaf guy was defending his father who had been involved in a hit and run, which if you see the surveillance video, it's a wonder he wasn't killed, he flips his truck, it rolls back onto it's wheels and he goes to his sons residence.

Evidently he told the son what happened and so the son gets a pipe/ stick and goes to confront the cops when they show up a few minutes later.

Cops tell him to drop the weapon, pointing guns at him, he doesn't but advances towards them, so one cop fires his taser.

Unfortunately, another cop fires his gun at the same instant.

The ol Betty Shelby move....

(Look it up, it happened in Oklahoma too)

So what pretty much happened is an illegal immigrant got into a wreck, his dumbass son tried to fight the cops and a trigger happy cop shot him.

Plenty of bad decisions all around.

Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

09-22-2017 , 04:31 AM

Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Not so fast, this was literally down the road from me, the deaf guy was defending his father who had been involved in a hit and run, which if you see the surveillance video, it's a wonder he wasn't killed, he flips his truck, it rolls back onto it's wheels and he goes to his sons residence.

Evidently he told the son what happened and so the son gets a pipe/ stick and goes to confront the cops when they show up a few minutes later.

Cops tell him to drop the weapon, pointing guns at him, he doesn't but advances towards them, so one cop fires his taser.

Unfortunately, another cop fires his gun at the same instant.

The ol Betty Shelby move....

(Look it up, it happened in Oklahoma too)

So what pretty much happened is an illegal immigrant got into a wreck, his dumbass son tried to fight the cops and a trigger happy cop shot him.

Plenty of bad decisions all around.

Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Uh,I was there....

Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Some of it, but my view was quite a ways back,cause cops with guns out made me move way back.

Most of the neighbors were yelling "he's deaf!" But like that's going to matter.

It was kinda surreal,you just knew it was going to go bad, cause the guy raised his weapon (pipe or a short stick, about two feet long) and was walking towards the cops.

That's when I moved way back.

I didn't see it, but others said one cop fires his taser, it missed or didn't make direct contact with the deafy and so the other cop fires his gun.

A complete comedy of errors.

Now, this is my opinion,no basis in fact, but the victim may have been drinking.

And his father supposedly didn't speak English very well, so no telling what he told his son about what happened, I don't know the family, just happened to be on the street dropping off a co worker,we were a couple houses down talking and got curious when the banged up truck pulled into the yard and a few minutes later a cop car pulled up.

Some witnesses say he was mentally handicapped, I can't speak to that, my co worker isn't sure, it's one of those things,you have neighbors but you don't know much about them.

Like I said, plenty of bad decisions all around.

Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

See that bolded part? Way down there at the end?
09-22-2017 , 04:46 AM
See, the incredible part is idiots like this never realize Other People will notice things they don't.

He regales us with a story that would lead us to believe he has hidden cameras installed inside the victim's house, but when it comes to something that might make the victim look more vulnerable and sympathetic?

09-22-2017 , 04:49 AM
Everybody knew it was going there after the first post, right? It can't just be me.
09-22-2017 , 05:26 AM
Separate but related:

I'm pretty sure if you gave the average person a stick I could still easily whip their ass, and I'm not even in great shape anymore.

Now, the point isn't that I'm sort of badass. The average person isn't a badass even with a stick so you'd only need to have a handful of badassery percentile points on them. AND THAT IS WHAT ALL COPS SHOULD HAVE.

Oh, he has a stick? Well take it away from him and smack him on the ass with it, the odds are way in your favor that he's not a ****ing Eskrima master.

Oh, shooting him would be easier? Sure, but that's not the job! That's not the job so it looks like it's gonna be a hard day, nobody ever promised you a rose garden.

Jesus ****ing Christ.
09-22-2017 , 05:50 AM
In addition to what 5ive wrote, there were at least 2 police officers on the scene. Even if the guy starts swinging his walking stick at one of them the other cop can still use his weapon. As 5ive has pointed out, police officers seem to be unwilling to take any risk in their job.

Jail the shooter and fire everyone else in the department, then start from scratch.
09-22-2017 , 06:46 AM
Unwilling to take risk and more than willing to cut corners. Saying '**** The Police' is invigorating but the reality is just wanting it held to the same standard as LITERALLY EVERY OTHER JOB.
09-22-2017 , 08:21 AM
It's like an electrician not wanting to risk electrocution so he tears down the whole building just to be safe.
09-22-2017 , 09:37 AM
if somebody attacks an electrician with a pipe, I think the electrician gets away with shooting the guy

walking towards the electrician with a pipe, no

distance matters
09-22-2017 , 09:45 AM
the courts have a history of placing officer safety over non-officer safety

this is absolutely a problem

not because officers should be made unsafe

but because officers in the vast majority of these situations have immensely superior faculties - training, equipment, backup - that generally does not factor into the analysis whatsoever in determining how "safe" the officer actually is
09-22-2017 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
Everybody knew it was going there after the first post, right? It can't just be me.
WTF are you talking about?

I'm saying this wasn't a cut and dried case of a cop shooting an innocent.

The guy didn't do himself any favors by confrontation.

When you do something stupid in front of cops today,it's not surprising they overreact.

Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
09-22-2017 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
See, the incredible part is idiots like this never realize Other People will notice things they don't.

He regales us with a story that would lead us to believe he has hidden cameras installed inside the victim's house, but when it comes to something that might make the victim look more vulnerable and sympathetic?

I don't like it how cops shoot first and get paid vacation later, but I'm also not going to be too sympathetic to someone acting a fool and getting themselves killed.

This was preventable on both sides.

Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
09-22-2017 , 10:04 AM
It's always "preventable on both sides" but only in one major industrialized country does it mean a death sentence. In others, it doesn't.
09-22-2017 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
if somebody attacks an electrician with a pipe, I think the electrician gets away with shooting the guy

walking towards the electrician with a pipe, no

distance matters
If someone with a stick attacks four electricians who all have guns, tazers, billy clubs, and combat training, the electricians might not get away with shooting him before stick touched electrician.
09-22-2017 , 11:25 AM

Do you live on the block? Does your co-worker live on the block? Were you at your co-worker's house? Did you just hear this story from your co-worker? Does your co-worker really live on this block?
09-22-2017 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
If someone with a stick attacks four electricians who all have guns, tazers, billy clubs, and combat training, the electricians might not get away with shooting him before stick touched electrician.
a stick or a pipe? you're changing the facts to mute the danger

the self-defense standard is usually something like "a reasonable expectation of imminent bodily harm"

"will I ultimately lose this fight" is not the standard

if it's reasonable to think the guy will get one good hit on you unless you shoot, you've acted in self-defense
09-22-2017 , 11:53 AM
It's been reported as a stick or a pipe. I don't know that we'll find out, but it's not going to be a heavy pipe. The mentally handicapped deaf guy was just carrying it to shoo stray dogs.

The cops did not have a reasonable expectation of imminent bodily harm. The standard for cops should be higher though. Risk should be part of the job. It should be a danger of serious bodily harm. Otherwise they could have run away and faced no risk at all. They could have just asked some bystanders to take away the guy's stick as well.

As Huey points out, there's zero chance this guy gets shot in a non-police state.
09-22-2017 , 11:56 AM
you're suggesting the police have a duty to retreat?

I think a metal pipe presents the risk of serious bodily harm.

You can say "well the cops have equipment", but you're arguing about whether the cops can use their equipment to begin with.
09-22-2017 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
you're suggesting the police have a duty to retreat?
If they are too frieghtened to stop shooting anyone holding a toy, a wallet, a stick, a book or a phone, then absolutely they should run away.
09-22-2017 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
a stick or a pipe? you're changing the facts to mute the danger

the self-defense standard is usually something like "a reasonable expectation of imminent bodily harm"

"will I ultimately lose this fight" is not the standard

if it's reasonable to think the guy will get one good hit on you unless you shoot, you've acted in self-defense
It's not reasonable for a cop to think he is going to get hit in virtually all cases where the subject has hand to hand weapons. Literally every other modern police force has figured out ways to not kill crazy dudes with a knife/bat/pipe. US cops can't be bothered to get back in their car and wait for backup. They MUST control the situation immediately even if it means shooting the dude.
09-22-2017 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
you're suggesting the police have a duty to retreat?

I think a metal pipe presents the risk of serious bodily harm.

You can say "well the cops have equipment", but you're arguing about whether the cops can use their equipment to begin with.
It's a mentally handicapped guy with a stick. If he waves that stick at you and your three armed friends and you shoot him, you're going to prison unless you live in Florida or Texas and you're white.
09-22-2017 , 12:10 PM
microbet, how intimately do you know the details of this encounter?

and why do you keep muting the harm presented?

did an apparently deranged man charge cops with a metal rod, or did an autistic kid waive a small piece of wood around his head yelling "dur"?
