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Law and Order 2 Law and Order 2

08-26-2014 , 04:42 PM

cliffnotes, cops visit possibly suicidal teen, kill him (of course, they feared for their lives).
08-26-2014 , 11:04 PM
08-27-2014 , 08:58 AM

Beverly Hills police officials said Tuesday that it was "extremely unfortunate" that officers handcuffed and detained an African American film producer who was in the city to attend a pre-Emmy party.

Producer Charles Belk "matched the clothing and physical characteristics" of a suspected bank robber when he was pulled over by officers on Friday evening after he left a restaurant on Wilshire Boulevard, according to the Beverly Hills Police Department.

Belk said on Facebook that he was walking to his car when he was confronted by police, handcuffed and forced to sit on the sidewalk. He said he was detained for six hours.

"I get that the Beverly Hills Police Department didn’t know that I was a well educated American citizen that had received a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California, an MBA from Indiana University... and an executive leadership certificate from Harvard Business School," Belk said. "Hey, I was ‘tall,’ ‘bald,’ a ‘male’ and ‘black,’ so I fit the description."
08-27-2014 , 02:29 PM
Albuquerque police used a tazer on a man who had doused himself with gas, which of course, set the man on fire

08-27-2014 , 03:18 PM
Georgia cops tazer a man 13 times using the tazer as a cattle prod because the suspect said he was too tired to walk. The suspect later died.
08-27-2014 , 03:31 PM
I'm sure manslaughter charges are right around the corner, let the system work.
08-27-2014 , 03:35 PM
Great opinion piece in the NY time about how hard it is to actually hold the government accountable for misdeeds:
08-27-2014 , 06:14 PM
Guy is streaming himself playing a video game. Some trolls who know the guy's address call in a bogus report to the police that there is a crazed shooter at the address. Sure enough, a swat team with weapons draw busts up in his house, and it's all captured live on the stream. No dogs were shot or babies grenaded this time.

The idiocy behind this is that cops will send out a commando swat team with weapons draw with no investigation or proof of anything, which seems insane.
08-27-2014 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
The idiocy behind this is that cops will send out a commando swat team with weapons draw with no investigation or proof of anything, which seems insane.
If they didn't and there was a shooter the vast majority of people would call for their heads.

Same reason schools close every time there is a bomb threat even though there is never a bomb.
08-27-2014 , 06:34 PM
Video Gallery Map 138 Comments

Updated: 4:54 PM - Omaha Police Chief Todd Schmaderer identified the two men killed during a robbery Tuesday night as 32-year-old Cortez Washington, the suspect, and 38-year-old Bryce Dion, an audio technician with the television show Cops. Both were killed by police gunfire. The chief said, “The officers had no choice other than to respond in the way that they did.”

Police find guy robbing a wendys. Has television crew from "cops" in tow. Suspect fires at cops, they return fire killing suspect and tv audio guy.
08-27-2014 , 06:50 PM
Is it bad that I feel no outrage over that?

No, no it isn't

lol police state apologists
08-27-2014 , 09:47 PM
Good news for the L&O thread

In a 51-page ruling that upholds a lower court decision, the appeals court said the police responded with unnecessary and inappropriate force and under the circumstances, are not protected by "qualified immunity" from the lawsuits.

"The plaintiffs presented evidence indicating that all of the defendants understood that the warrant was for a small amount of drugs meant only for personal use. The basis for the officers entry, in other words, was related to an offense that was neither grave nor violent," the appeals court wrote in a decision released late Monday.
08-28-2014 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Guy is streaming himself playing a video game. Some trolls who know the guy's address call in a bogus report to the police that there is a crazed shooter at the address. Sure enough, a swat team with weapons draw busts up in his house, and it's all captured live on the stream. No dogs were shot or babies grenaded this time.

The idiocy behind this is that cops will send out a commando swat team with weapons draw with no investigation or proof of anything, which seems insane.
They go through his cell phone! Riley vs California just ruled that they can't do that!

Originally Posted by Bremen
Is it bad that I feel no outrage over that?

No, no it isn't

lol police state apologists
Not sure what you're saying here. I don't have a problem with the police responding to a robbery nor shooting back at someone that shoots at them.
08-28-2014 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
The idiocy behind this is that cops will send out a commando swat team with weapons draw with no investigation or proof of anything, which seems insane.
They got a call from a guy who said he had just shot two people at this office building. I'm ok with the police getting there ASAP in that scenario. Though it is shocking to see what a SWAT raid looks like. We really need those body cameras to video tape all police but especially SWAT raids.
08-28-2014 , 03:00 AM
I can understand the cops being forced to investigate a phony claim, but deploying the Starship Troopers unit on the sole basis of one anonymous call is asking for trouble.

I mean at this point if you don't like a person just call in a fake threat at their address and there's a decent chance a SWAT team shows up and kills them or the family dog.
08-28-2014 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
I can understand the cops being forced to investigate a phony claim, but deploying the Starship Troopers unit on the sole basis of one anonymous call is asking for trouble.

I mean at this point if you don't like a person just call in a fake threat at their address and there's a decent chance a SWAT team shows up and kills them or the family dog.
So with a report of an active shooter they should send one guy in and if he gets killed, then send the SWAT team? This is like, the one and only good use of a SWAT team.
08-28-2014 , 03:08 AM
And yes, prank calling the SWAT team on live streamers is now a thing and that's what happened here.
08-28-2014 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill

I mean at this point if you don't like a person just call in a fake threat at their address and there's a decent chance a SWAT team shows up and kills them or the family dog.
Or just call the cops anonymously and say you heard alot of yelling coming from his house and you think he is beating up his wife. Even when both he and his wife say it isn't true he will probably end up arrested and charged and get his ass kicked by the cops when he protests his innocence.
08-28-2014 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
Not sure what you're saying here. I don't have a problem with the police responding to a robbery nor shooting back at someone that shoots at them.
Neither do I. But they inadvertedly killed someone who works on Cops, a show that glorifies the police oppression of minorities and the poor. If I believed in karma I would claim it's in action here.

edit: also my post was meant to convey that I'm somewhat uneasey about being almost happy someone died
08-28-2014 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by Bremen
Neither do I. But they inadvertedly killed someone who works on Cops, a show that glorifies the police oppression of minorities and the poor. If I believed in karma I would claim it's in action here.

edit: also my post was meant to convey that I'm somewhat uneasey about being almost happy someone died
I should hope so given that he's a sound guy for a TV show. I'm assuming those people take whatever jobs they can get.
08-28-2014 , 04:08 AM
Morally, just doing a job doesn't cut it.
08-28-2014 , 04:11 AM
He's working a boom mic for a television show, not manning the incinerator at Dachau
08-28-2014 , 04:22 AM
So? Arguing you're not as bad as someone else is not a defense.
08-28-2014 , 04:27 AM
A human being died, inflicting his loved ones with irrevocable loss. I don't at all understand "being almost happy" about that because the guy worked for a television show that you don't like.
08-28-2014 , 10:08 AM
Jesus that swatting thing is terrifying and awful. LOL at a dozen cops rolling in with full body armor and ARs pointed at some gamer nerd in a T-shirt, simply going off a phoned-in "tip."

Seriously though, I'm sure it's been mentioned elsewhere in this thread (which I admittedly do not follow too closely), but this is one of the many consequences of being in a perpetual state of war for the last 13 years and the glorification of the military that accompanies it. Huge surplus of military equipment, tens of thousands of combat veterans coming home with no discernable skills other than infantry tactics, and probably orders of magnitude more wannabe soldiers who couldn't pass the PT test to get in or whatever. What kind of jobs do you think all those dudes end up in?
