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June LC Thread **Survivor White House Edition** June LC Thread **Survivor White House Edition**
View Poll Results: Who will NOT survive the month of June?
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III
12 20.34%
John Kelly
4 6.78%
Jared Kushner
2 3.39%
Wilbur Ross
2 3.39%
Ben Carson
3 5.08%
Rudy Giuliani
9 15.25%
Scott Pruitt
9 15.25%
Kellyanne Conway
1 1.69%
Rod Rosenstein
8 13.56%
9 15.25%

06-20-2018 , 11:01 PM
Blade was the original and still is the best Marvel superhero movie. 1 and 2, 3 not so much.
06-20-2018 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are white.
Sure, but they've put in a ton of work to sell that angle. Like Herman Cain and Ben Carson are also beloved figures of the conservative movement.

The theory here is that assimilated upper-middle-class Hispanics will be embraced by white people as "the good ones" while Central American immigrants and Puerto Ricans will continue to be demonized. I dunno. It's plausible but I think that's an awfully fine hair for deplorables to be splitting. Also, as an observer of chiefsplanet, I can tell you that neither Rubio or Cruz are entirely trusted.

Originally Posted by zikzak
Tila Tequila was welcomed with open arms by literal Nazis.
They're not ever going to turn away hot girls. No one's dick is racist.
06-20-2018 , 11:08 PM
FWIW - I enjoyed Superman I, II and III. Superman III still has the best villain lair of all time. I also really liked Batman with Gene Hackman. And the Dark Knight Returns. And Deadpool. I think that's about it.
06-20-2018 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
They're not ever going to turn away hot girls. No one's dick is racist.

Doesn't matter had sex!
06-20-2018 , 11:12 PM
I love sci-fi, but Riddick was just a hot mess.
06-20-2018 , 11:16 PM
see dib i made 20 posts and almost all of them were ignored but in the end it will be worth it one day when my genius is recognized.
06-20-2018 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
FWIW - I enjoyed Superman I, II and III. Superman III still has the best villain lair of all time. I also really liked Batman with Gene Hackman.
I spent three minutes staring at this wondering whether you meant Batman with Jack Nicholson or Superman with Gene Hackman.

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
see dib i made 20 posts and almost all of them were ignored but in the end it will be worth it one day when my genius is recognized.
Just because no one replies doesn't mean they aren't read and appreciated. Do you ever watch the CW Supergirl show? I feel like you might like that.
06-20-2018 , 11:16 PM
EU trying to destroy the internet.
06-20-2018 , 11:43 PM
SCOTUS to take up asset forfeiture in their next term

Soon after Tyson Timbs was arrested for selling heroin worth a few hundred dollars to undercover officers in Indiana, police took his truck.

The high court announced Monday that it would review whether constitutional protections against “excessive fines” restrict states from seizing property in the common, but controversial, law enforcement practice of asset forfeiture.
06-20-2018 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I spent three minutes staring at this wondering whether you meant Batman with Jack Nicholson or Superman with Gene Hackman.

Just because no one replies doesn't mean they aren't read and appreciated. Do you ever watch the CW Supergirl show? I feel like you might like that.
No I dont have cable at my apartment. I could watch tv via netflix but havent watched much either. I have time but for the past few months I actully havent seen or read anything. except internet stuff.

the last thing that i watched was a few weeks ago I was with a friend and I saw a movie thats pretty new and its about a guy who wakes up after a car crash and anyone who stands within 50 feet of him automatically dies.... so in the beggining of the movie he like has head injury and is looking for help but people swerve off the road and die because they are near him and then he goes into a restuarant and all the epople die. pretty good movie
06-21-2018 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I love sci-fi, but Riddick was just a hot mess.
Maybe because you expected it to be Sci-Fi. I viewed it more as a comic book movie. But an actual good one with original characters, plot lines and incredible imagery.

Oh yeah - I also loved Guardians of the Galaxy. Haven't seen the new one yet.
06-21-2018 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I spent three minutes staring at this wondering whether you meant Batman with Jack Nicholson or Superman with Gene Hackman.
The first thing. I had Hackman on the brain.
06-21-2018 , 12:33 AM
06-21-2018 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
No I dont have cable at my apartment. I could watch tv via netflix but havent watched much either. I have time but for the past few months I actully havent seen or read anything. except internet stuff.
Supergirl is on Netflix, you should check that out.
06-21-2018 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
The first thing. I had Hackman on the brain.
best hackman movie i'm aware of:
06-21-2018 , 01:03 AM
The Conversation, then French Connection.
06-21-2018 , 01:16 AM
You guys are sleeping on Loose Cannons.

06-21-2018 , 02:28 AM

Not one of his best, but I liked Enemy of the State.
06-21-2018 , 05:45 AM
Crimson Tide
06-21-2018 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Actually, Murcia was founded in 825 AD by the Moors.
It's a ****ty city for vacation though. Cordoba and Grenada are way better if you have any interest in the Moors or any Muslim influence in Spain.

Originally Posted by DVaut1
And so: as long as whiteness preserves outsized social, political, and economic capital and privileges ... and so long as racial minorities claimed inherent genetic inferiority is used to justify their exploitation -- there's going to be simply huge incentives for racial castes to perpetuate and sustain themselves. They've evolved and sustained over hundreds of years now. They serve a purpose for people. It's going to be hard to undo.
I see apartheid as a possible future as a result of declining white population while holding nearly all the political power.
06-21-2018 , 07:58 AM
If Trump realizes his full SCOTUS equity we're probably getting there within my lifetime.
06-21-2018 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I think we're already pushing the boundaries of what "whiteness" is about as far as they're going to go. We've already absorbed the low-hanging fruit like the Irish, Italians, Polish, Catholics, etc long ago. Jews are sort of on the way to becoming an accepted member of Team Whitey. But what's left? Certainly not blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, or mixed-race people. Maybe Asians to some extent (as an example, former 2p2er Wil made a hero effort to join the team), but the Great Yellow Peril of China is probably going to continue to be an important heel for white America. I know Republicans were making a play to court Hispanic voters in the 2000's, but they kind of **** the bed there with Trump.

So yes being a Real American in 2018 doesn't mean exclusively being a WASP like it did in 1918, but I think we can only stretch the label so far and in a generation or two it's inevitable that "whites" will no longer be a majority.
Hard to predict, but glibly: so long as whites get the best of everything, and so long as racial minorities are exploited and degraded -- there's going to be huge incentives for people -- be they mixed race, Hispanic, black, Asian, whatever -- to try to join the construct of whiteness. If only implicit, and over a long period of time.

I think your argument is that since the world is often perceived as zero-sum in nature, current members of the 'full whiteness' club will continue to try to restrict the definition of whiteness to its most limited possible definition while still maintaining enough numerical vibrancy to control political power. Probably for lots of people because they're simply utterly deplorable, but perhaps also because it's strategic -- because they recognize the privilege and status whiteness affords, and because they see the world as zero-sum, they see expansion as degradation of their own standing. In my gut, it's probably both: the symbiotic relationship between dominance and power and loathing exist in parallel in the deplorable mind, and feed off of each other. But that's all pop psych, I guess.

In the end, I agree with you that the current generation of right-wingers is absolutely loathe to expand whiteness, which is what I think you're basically arguing: hey, the Poles and Jews and Catholics are basically in now, but they'll never accept Muslims or Mexicans, etc.

Whether they can maintain that posture is an open question. I agree with your read of right-winger desires, but I am not sure how tenable the current idea of whiteness is. But I think that's fundamentally where politics lives these days, at its core. And it more or less the battle that is playing out right now and will likely define most of our political lives over the coming generation or two: can the current construct of whiteness and its members maintain political leverage via a combination of statutory chicanery, disenfranchisement, authoritarian policing, etc. to restrict social and political and economic benefits to the maximum benefit of the currently privileged? That is, can they go full ethnostate and apartheid? That's not historically unprecedented; it could happen.

Or will whiteness it be forced to expand and broaden due to various pressures (e.g., anything from losing elections to mass chaotic street violence and civil war, or whatever falls in between). Something akin to that absolutely started during the end of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era where 'whiteness' went from some conceit of "pure blooded WASP-yness", and due to a combination of social and political changes evolved to a "well, it's just sort of a subjective view of skin pigmentation, and if you're the kind of guy who puts his cell phone on a clip on his belt on the outside of his pants and fantasizes about vigilante violence against young black men, you're in" that it is today, regardless if your ancestors are from Ireland or Eastern Europe or Cuba or whatever. I mean George Zimmerman will probably be the Nathan Bedford Forrest of the late 21st century white supremacists, they're going to try to construct statues of him in public spaces and ****, and he's a former Catholic altar boy with Peruvian and African ancestry.

But in any case, whatever version of whiteness prevails, my ultimate retort to simplicitus then is that no matter how that battle plays out, 'white people' -- the idea of whiteness and the power and privileges whites have in the US -- probably aren't doomed. The current construct of whiteness may be on its way out, but as I alluded to earlier, like a religion, its fate can ebb and flow and the construct can expand and contract but its adaptability has proven robust over a long period of time now.

When we get to the core of it, and if you'll allow me to do the leftist thing now: so long as we have an economic system predicated on exploration and hyper competitive struggle to accumulate resources, "race" is going to be a super convenient and malleable construct to justify an inequitable social reality. See how durable total pseudoscience race bull**** is, from phrenology to Charles Murray to Jordan Peterson -- it's enduring and everlasting. The incentives to maintain it are too strong to overcome since the benefits and harms are manifest and obvious, and so I think we're fated into lots of people simply working backwards into models they know to justify it.

And it's just hard to see how it will ever end so long as we practice capitalism in its current form.

Last edited by DVaut1; 06-21-2018 at 09:58 AM.
06-21-2018 , 10:10 AM
George Zimmerman put in some serious work to sell his angle, but I see your point: maybe “whiteness” is going to be more about cultural touchstones rather than skin color and if you’re wearing a MAGA hat you get to be one of the good ones like Kanye.
06-21-2018 , 10:15 AM
Kagan siding with the conservatives and showing her embrace of textualism, yet again:

This seems like a not so important decision, but it demonstrates how she approaches the Constitution, generally.

One of the worst decisions Obama made was appointing her. She's going to be unreliable for years to come.
06-21-2018 , 10:23 AM
In bigger SCOTUS news, they just ruled that states can collect tax revenue online from out of state retailers, even if they don't have a presence in-state (overruling an old decision).

lmao Gorusch, Alito, and Thomas all joined in to overrule a SETTLED ISSUE OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW because society has changed, ****ing hypocritical frauds
