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July LC Thread **Survivor White House Edition** July LC Thread **Survivor White House Edition**
View Poll Results: Who will NOT survive the month of July?
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III
2 3.92%
John Kelly
18 35.29%
Jared Kushner
1 1.96%
Wilbur Ross
4 7.84%
Ben Carson
0 0%
Rudy Giuliani
1 1.96%
Scott Pruitt
15 29.41%
Kellyanne Conway
2 3.92%
Rod Rosenstein
3 5.88%
5 9.80%

07-26-2018 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Generally blue means 'has people', but who are those 20. They have to be super rich in that area no? Tiny population in that area means estates right?
...maybe? idk, this is the area:

The upper left is a horse stable, bottom right is described as "Jasper Ridge Farm". Having one of your borders defined by the 280 freeway says "not rich" to me, but a bunch of open space bordering Palo Alto says "maybe".
07-26-2018 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Just looks like a dad taking his kids out to see some rockets, don’t know what the big deal is.
I mean, you posted it here.
07-26-2018 , 03:02 PM
Nolan is probably a nerdy fanboi who fantasized about banging Grimes because she's as close as you can get to a real live anime character, but now that she's banging a billionaire instead he's realizing just how unattainable his fantasies actually are.
07-26-2018 , 03:10 PM
This may help explain Grimes/Musk to the unawares, an excerpt from a 2010 documentary on Grimes (then a student at McGill), starting at 0:50:

"I really think like the continuation of space exploration is like a really important thing. I think it should be like much more focused on in schools.
Would you like to go to space?
Oh, yes! I think I would. I mean the ideal [that I look as like impossible?] would be to work for NASA.
[shows off picture of Sally Ride taped up in her apartment]"
07-26-2018 , 03:14 PM
The map thing inspired me to make an album of Rectangles Of Places That Don't Suck:

I've got the west coast up to the Rocky Mountains, gonna be out of town for a few days though.

Surprising place: Fresno!
07-26-2018 , 03:14 PM
07-26-2018 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Nolan is probably a nerdy fanboi who fantasized about banging Grimes because she's as close as you can get to a real live anime character, but now that she's banging a billionaire instead he's realizing just how unattainable his fantasies actually are.
yeah man, that's the reason i was so upset about the roy moore thing, i'll never have the job title he did and lord knows everyone wants to bang 13 year olds or whatever >.>
07-26-2018 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
This may help explain Grimes/Musk to the unawares, an excerpt from a 2010 documentary on Grimes (then a student at McGill), starting at 0:50:

"I really think like the continuation of space exploration is like a really important thing. I think it should be like much more focused on in schools.
Would you like to go to space?
Oh, yes! I think I would. I mean the ideal [that I look as like impossible?] would be to work for NASA.
[shows off picture of Sally Ride taped up in her apartment]"
Do you have any youtubes that explain Gimes's decision to go to McGill? Seems like Simon Fraser would be a better fit.
07-26-2018 , 03:25 PM
Grimes is no Lorde I know that much
07-26-2018 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
Do you have any youtubes that explain Gimes's decision to go to McGill? Seems like Simon Fraser would be a better fit.
As someone who attended Simon Fraser for a time I likely have some relevant insight. The fact she grew up in Vancouver would make McGill much more attractive. Not only is it further from home and more prestigious, it's in a big city, so you can do things like make music and play local clubs instead of being stuck on the top of a small mountain in a series of futuristic concrete bunkers. Also, she grew up pretty rich, so she could afford it.
07-26-2018 , 03:29 PM
I thought Grimes was supposed to be punk/goth or whatever and not Lolitacore.
07-26-2018 , 03:29 PM
Scam moar "non" profits

07-26-2018 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
The city of Orlando is running a test/pilot of this tech right now

I guess all black people look the same after all. /s

Originally Posted by spidercrab
Today I learned (from this very cool NYTimes map) that my neighborhood -- shockingly -- voted for Clinton in the 2016 election:

With exception to my sisters and a few distant relatives, everybody in my family lives in a precinct that voted 2:1 Trump or worse and are at least a 20 minute drive from a Clinton precinct. My family in those deplorable precincts all voted Trump. I assume their friends did as well.
07-26-2018 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
As someone who attended Simon Fraser for a time I likely have some relevant insight. The fact she grew up in Vancouver would make McGill much more attractive. Not only is it further from home and more prestigious, it's in a big city, so you can do things like make music and play local clubs instead of being stuck on the top of a small mountain in a series of futuristic concrete bunkers. Also, she grew up pretty rich, so she could afford it.
Interesting. Any scoop on what Grimes was like in high school? What kind of crowd she ran with, grades, favorite teachers etc.
07-26-2018 , 04:14 PM
Lol Musk calling a dude a pedo. It's absolutely always projection with narcissists, huh?
07-26-2018 , 05:03 PM
I can't breathe

07-26-2018 , 05:04 PM

Was there some news?
07-26-2018 , 05:05 PM
How tall is Beto O'Rourke?
07-26-2018 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

Was there some news?
Earnings forecast badly below expectations and slowing user growth because its users are all old and dying off.
07-26-2018 , 05:11 PM
Also Mark Zuckerberg is a sociopathic scumbag, maybe? One can dream their "privacy" policy and refusal to censor actual Nazis is having some effect.
07-26-2018 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by dth123451
Also Mark Zuckerberg is a sociopathic scumbag, maybe? One can dream their "privacy" policy and refusal to censor actual Nazis is having some effect.
Well, I was programming my new GPS receiver radio stations today and bumped into Rush for a few seconds. His hawt take is that people are mad about them censoring the nazis conservatives.
07-26-2018 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Earnings forecast badly below expectations and slowing user growth because its users are all old and dying off.
I just cant picture FB being a giant player in 10 to 20 years. It's already unpopular among youths, what happens when they continue to not adopt it and its userbase continues to skew like 3x older than it was when it started?
07-26-2018 , 06:16 PM
I take pride in the fact that I've never made a FB account.
07-26-2018 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
I just cant picture FB being a giant player in 10 to 20 years. It's already unpopular among youths, what happens when they continue to not adopt it and its userbase continues to skew like 3x older than it was when it started?
This forum is basically a nanocosm of what will happen.
07-26-2018 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by dth123451
Lol Musk calling a dude a pedo. It's absolutely always projection with narcissists, huh?
Grimes is 30! Not 18, not 13, 30! Is there something inappropriate about 30 year olds dating/having sex that I missed?
