Originally Posted by ShttsWeak
Even though your post was rightfully removed I'll give my 2 cents on it.
Your observations can be compared to this. Three white man walk into the house of a poor black family with shotguns. They take the family and stuff them in the closet for 2 weeks. During those 2 weeks the 3 armed men completely refurbish the house. They put new rugs down and brand new furniture. They than let the family out of the closet and castigate them for sitting down on the new couch.
Lol at the classic left wing uninformed "colonial" or "white-black" analysis.
Let me pose to you these ?'s:
Where are ARABS indigenous....
Here is a hint, A&&BIA.
Where is Islam indigenous?
Here is a hint, SE A**B&A.
How did Arab culture/blood and Islam come to Palestine(a purely geographic term I find less than offensive as its used to describe the lower coastal part of the levantine)??
Here is a hint C*L*N*A*ism.
So who is the black and who is the white in this little ridiculous vignette?
And what if most of the "blacks" came to live in the house bc the whites fixed it up and hired "blacks" to help them.. ..would they have more or less rights to the house than either the original Whites....the blacks who had been there, the new Whites....or anyone else?
A simple analysis, however helpful to the petromurders that condone GENOCIDE in Darfur while decrying Jewish rubber bullets, is pretty much indicates gross intellectual laziness at this point.
If you are that ill-informed I suggest just reading about 15 books on the subject and then chiming in with something relevant to the actual history of the region.