Originally Posted by Riverman
I mean not that I generally disagree with them, but the passion with which people advocate for billionaires really is a strange phenomenon.
What about Bill Gates?
Did he not revolutionize this world? I like playing Halo 3 live... guess what we would still be playing if it weren't for him? tecmo bowl, UNLIVE.
The stranger phenomenon is why people have such disgust for billionaires.
How much has Bill Gates given to charity? A LOT. How much more would he have been able to give if he did not have to pay probably 50%+ in taxes? Less? no, MORE.
How many jobs do you think Bill Gates has created??? How many more would he have created if he only had to pay 10% taxes? Hell, this guy should pay ZERO in taxes for what he has done.
There are only 400 billionaires in the U.S. and I am sure the average billionaire is worth only 1-2 billion. Why don't we just tax them all at 100% then that means we get 1.0 trillion in tax receipts. Yippee, that means we are ONLY 75% of the way to paying off ONLY Obama's first year. Now what do we do about the other 4 or 5 trillion he has tacked on till then? What about all those people that work under the billionaires that just lost their jobs?
I got an idea, we can just print even more money to subsidize the unemployment of all those laid off workers that worked under those billionaires that have recently lost their jobs because those billionaires can no longer run their business because they got taxed 100%
I swear some of you people think that billionaires were just created out of thin air. You know, kinda how john kerry became a millionaire.
You want to take from the gigantic producers in this country, so the idiot politicians can waste that money and also give it to the idiots while I watch that hard earned money go down the slot machine drain everytime I walk through the casino to the poker room.