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Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN

06-18-2015 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by braves2017
Can you elaborate on why you think it was assault? How would you physically remove the child? Me, I'd the use the neck because the body normally follows.
I bet you would. I'd probably not get my panties in a bunch over a child not showing me "proper respect" and get on with my job. Which is to deescalate the situation in a calm and reasonable manner and try and solve any dispute in a measured and rational way.
06-18-2015 , 09:18 AM
Lets all hope braves never gets anywhere near a child, wtf. If you think dads are throwing their 12 year olds down by the neck you are pretty much the definition of an idiot.
06-18-2015 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by braves2017
No. I'm just willing to back up my assumptions with something tangible. There is enough information to dispute or at least call into question some of the claims being made by the cool kids.
Originally Posted by braves2017
No. I'm just willing to back up my assumptions with something tangible. My assumptions are based on evidence, not skin color like the cool kids. There is enough information to dispute or at least call into question some of the claims being made by the cool kids.
Your evidence is something you said was heavily edited and shouldn't be trusted. It wasn't good enough yesterday but it's good enough today because you think it proves your point. Lol.
06-18-2015 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
lol all this "cool kids" talk, braves is super butthurt about his previous acct being banned

that, or he's spank's gimmick

I'm glad you are so invested in who I am....its brings sense of satisfaction that you are still talking about this a few months after I registered.
06-18-2015 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
I bet you would. I'd probably not get my panties in a bunch over a child not showing me "proper respect" and get on with my job. Which is to deescalate the situation in a calm and reasonable manner and try and solve any dispute in a measured and rational way.
****ing comedy. Police reacting to citizens participating in disorderly conducting and resisting arrest is equivocated to "not showing proper respect". Hint: It takes both sides to act rationally to solve a situation in a rational way. There is conclusive evidence the adult was not listening to the cops. If the person is not listening to the cops, you cant deescalate them. You make no ****ing sense.

I'm glad you were not able to answer my question. It's very telling.
06-18-2015 , 09:25 AM

We have provided evidence of our claims in the form of video and written accounts of the event. You don't think they are sufficient proof, but now the burden is on you to show that the accounts are inaccurate. The preponderance of evidence is in our favor.
06-18-2015 , 09:26 AM
Braves, you think a proper response of an adult male being yelled at by a female child is to remove them from the situation by throwing them down by the neck.

Why exactly do you think people are going to engage you in any sort of serious manner on the subject after that?
06-18-2015 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
I bet you would. I'd probably not get my panties in a bunch over a child not showing me "proper respect" and get on with my job. Which is to deescalate the situation in a calm and reasonable manner and try and solve any dispute in a measured and rational way.
Is that generally what the US police consider to be their job? Do you think the cases we see are a few bad apples?

Plus they do seem to get shown proper respect which is ~none. If they commanded respect they might not need to use force so much.
06-18-2015 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Lets all hope braves never gets anywhere near a child, wtf. If you think dads are throwing their 12 year olds down by the neck you are pretty much the definition of an idiot.

LOL. Do you even know which girl was the 12 year old? the girl I'm talking about was not "thrown down". she was physically removed from the immediate vicinity and restrained up against a car.
06-18-2015 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie

We have provided evidence of our claims in the form of video and written accounts of the event. You don't think they are sufficient proof, but now the burden is on you to show that the accounts are inaccurate. The preponderance of evidence is in our favor.
You call the account abuse. yet you cant say what was abusive about them. You cant show where the girl jaw was broken or even prove it was broken other than some claim by "the family". That is your problem, not mine. The video demonstrate the cops restraining people, not abusing them. You said they were arrested for "no reason" and the video clearly demonstrate the reason they were arrested. They were acting disorderly and subsequently resisted arrest. Cops restraining someone who is disorderly is not abuse.

Last edited by braves2017; 06-18-2015 at 09:41 AM.
06-18-2015 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Braves, you think a proper response of an adult male being yelled at by a female child is to remove them from the situation by throwing them down by the neck.

Why exactly do you think people are going to engage you in any sort of serious manner on the subject after that?
Do you really think the girl was restrained for yelling? If so you haven't watched that video or you are just making **** up. I know the cool kids believe everything you say but I dont buy your bull****. Its absurd you completely ignore the physical belligerence against the cops by the citizens that is clearly visible in this video that led to the restraining.

Last edited by braves2017; 06-18-2015 at 09:44 AM.
06-18-2015 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by braves2017
LOL. Do you even know which girl was the 12 year old? the girl I'm talking about was not "thrown down". she was physically removed from the immediate vicinity and restrained up against a car.
Originally Posted by braves2017
Can you elaborate on why you think it was assault? How would you physically remove the child? Me, I'd the use the neck because the body normally follows.
So frothing mad you don't even remember what you wrote
06-18-2015 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
So frothing mad you don't even remember what you wrote

[ ] Reading Comprehension

[ ] Context

You are terribly confused due to the lack of the above.
06-18-2015 , 09:52 AM
Why is he even allowed to post here.
06-18-2015 , 09:53 AM
Lol if you are going with the "I wouldn't throw them down by the neck, just put the 12 year old girl in a choke hold" line of argument.

But I know braves, those uppity negroes were dangerous. We read you loud and clear.
06-18-2015 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Why is he even allowed to post here.
[x] butt hurt

Why are you? Cant handle the truth?
06-18-2015 , 09:54 AM
Braves, contrary to your belief, thinking its OK for cops to beat the **** out of black people isn't the truth. Sorry.
06-18-2015 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Lol if you are going with the "I wouldn't throw them down by the neck, just put the 12 year old girl in a choke hold" line of argument.

But I know braves, those uppity negroes were dangerous. We read you loud and clear.

Yep, race is the reason I'm making all these other non-racial arguments

The cool kids stand-by ulterior motive deflection.

Its kind of ironic because race is the entire reason you are making your argument.

Last edited by braves2017; 06-18-2015 at 10:01 AM.
06-18-2015 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Braves, contrary to your belief, thinking its OK for cops to beat the **** out of black people isn't the truth. Sorry.
[ ] video/evidence shows these cops beating the **** out black people.

[ ] restraining disorderly black person is "beating the **** out of black people"

[ ] LetsGambool understands the definition of "beat"

strike (a person or an animal) repeatedly and violently so as to hurt or injure them, usually with an implement such as a club or whip.
06-18-2015 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Why is he even allowed to post here.
Echo chambers ftw!!!!
06-18-2015 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by adios
Echo chambers ftw!!!!
The cool kids tend to get this way when someone challenges their absurd positions. I guess the absence of dissenting opinion is something this sub forum has come to expect. I think that is telling of the cute little clique that has persisted for years. They want people like me to be banned based on their little mythical creations while ignoring the obvious lies and distortions being told by their friends.
06-18-2015 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]

Cop punches a 12 year old black girl breaking her jaw and breaks her ribs restraining her. Another child is maced, a pregnant black woman is assaulted and a black mother in charge of the children is assaulted by a cop.

They were told the group of kids (8 in total) couldn't enter a pool because one didn't have a proper swimming costume and the two adults asked for a refund.

Chief Wiggum praised his child assaulting cops for not using their guns. On the unarmed back children and adults. Whose only crime is resisting arrest. They were being arrested for being angry at not getting a refund.
Is there a different video than this? It's too chaotic to tell what's going on.

However, one thing worthy of note, is that there appeared to be some random white dude holding someone against the fence and at one point he was getting in the way of the officers trying to make the arrests.
06-18-2015 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by braves2017
The cool kids tend to get this way when someone challenges their absurd positions. I guess the absence of dissenting opinion is something this sub forum has come to expect. I think that is telling of your little sub clique that you are painfully unaware of.
"Police shouldn't abuse young girls."

Absurdest of positions.

In b 4 braves accuses me of not being able to read, distorting his views, and b 4 he makes insecure assertion of his intellectual superiority.
06-18-2015 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Is there a different video than this? It's too chaotic to tell what's going on.

However, one thing worthy of note, is that there appeared to be some random white dude holding someone against the fence and at one point he was getting in the way of the officers trying to make the arrests.

I would agree that was preposterous but my guess is the cops were willing to take the help.
06-18-2015 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
"Police shouldn't abuse young girls."

Absurdest of positions.

In b 4 braves accuses me of not being able to read, distorting his views, and b 4 he makes insecure assertion of his intellectual superiority.

Abuse =/= Restraining

[ ] Money2Burn/Cool Kids understands the difference
