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The Great ObamaCare Debate, Part 237: Back to Court The Great ObamaCare Debate, Part 237: Back to Court

06-25-2015 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by adios
LOL I was wondering how many posts I'd have to read before the inane word butthurt (is it homophobic besides inane?) is used. The very first one I read uses it!!!

You won baby!!!
Fantastic post as always.

Can you share your thoughts on Justice Scalia's use of "jiggery-pokery" in his dissent? Racist or most-racist-thing ever?
06-25-2015 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Chief's Planet updates? Free Republic has been delivering the butthurt.
Maximum butthurt - 3 pages in a few hours.
Much hand-wring about this VERY DANGEROUS PRECEDENT of SCOTUS determining intent.
06-25-2015 , 02:13 PM
Is adios even sure what adios is actually mad about?
06-25-2015 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
I think it would have been bigger than this. True, diehard conservatives weren't going to be swayed, but Republicans were going to have to pretend that losing the subsides was a bad thing and then explain why they wouldn't simply reinstate them.

The real key is that it would have energized Democrats to get out and vote.
Democrats will be energized by whatever ****show the republicans run for pres. I think this is liberal fantasizing the same as conservatives on CP consoling themselves with "Well it will fail anyway, so at least now that's all on Obama."

A ruling the other way would have been a huge defeat for Obama and the ACA imo. The only good that might have come out of it is it might have shortened our timeframe to single payer after all the carnage.
06-25-2015 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Right-wingers gotta be super pissed the SCOTUS justices their Presidents nominate only turn out to be movement conservatives like half the time. Roberts another in the long line of RINO justices like Kennedy and Souter and O'Connor. Don't think Scalia can live long enough to survive a two-term Hillary Clinton presidency either.
Guess the truth does have a liberal bias. Has it ever gone the other way?
06-25-2015 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Maximum butthurt - 3 pages in a few hours.
Much hand-wring about this VERY DANGEROUS PRECEDENT of SCOTUS determining intent.
Chiefsplanet/Scalia argument:

06-25-2015 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by adios
LOL I was wondering how many posts I'd have to read before the inane word butthurt (is it homophobic besides inane?) is used. The very first one I read uses it!!!

You won baby!!!
I was wondering how many adios posts I'd have to read before he displayed an intense amount of butthurt over this defeat. FIRST ONE!! What a great day and it's not even lunch yet.
06-25-2015 , 02:20 PM
I haven't been paying attention.

Give me a TL;DR on why this decision is a good thing.

I'm getting health insurance for "free" from my wife's employer. There was talk of dumping people into the exchange, and pricing was obscene. $15k/yr with obnoxious deductibles.

Does this decision make it more or less likely that I'm going to be out tens of thousands of dollars every year in premiums/deductibles? Because if that happens, my jimmies will be extremely rustled.
06-25-2015 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I haven't been paying attention.

Give me a TL;DR on why this decision is a good thing.

I'm getting health insurance for "free" from my wife's employer. There was talk of dumping people into the exchange, and pricing was obscene. $15k/yr with obnoxious deductibles.

Does this decision make it more or less likely that I'm going to be out tens of thousands of dollars every year in premiums/deductibles? Because if that happens, my jimmies will be extremely rustled.
That seems really high, is your current plan zero deductible?
06-25-2015 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Turn Prophet
Chiefsplanet/Scalia argument:

This is so good.

As is the thread title. Cudos to whoever changed it, I totally stole it and put it on FB.
06-25-2015 , 02:38 PM
Next impending butt hurt - gay marriage legalized
06-25-2015 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
That seems really high, is your current plan zero deductible?
Essentially, yes.

Edit: That's not fair, actually. The dental coverage is less than spectacular. I wind up paying about 30-40% of the bill for that stuff. That can add up with 3 kids.
06-25-2015 , 02:48 PM
My (fortune 100) company has been raising the deductible on the best plan they offer every year I've been there. It's up to $600 now. I think and supposedly is going up to like $2k next year. Obama's fault?
06-25-2015 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Essentially, yes.

Edit: That's not fair, actually. The dental coverage is less than spectacular. I wind up paying about 30-40% of the bill for that stuff. That can add up with 3 kids.

Healthcare is expensive.

Your wife's company choosing to dump you into the exchange (should they do that) is essentially them telling their employees that they don't want to pay for insurance any longer as an employee benefit.
06-25-2015 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I haven't been paying attention.

Give me a TL;DR on why this decision is a good thing.

I'm getting health insurance for "free" from my wife's employer. There was talk of dumping people into the exchange, and pricing was obscene. $15k/yr with obnoxious deductibles.

Does this decision make it more or less likely that I'm going to be out tens of thousands of dollars every year in premiums/deductibles? Because if that happens, my jimmies will be extremely rustled.
This doesn't affect you at all.
06-25-2015 , 04:48 PM
Fox news headline no longer focused on obamacare
06-25-2015 , 04:50 PM
You guys, (i.e. Fly, suzzer, Namath12, et al.) are pretty good sports ... So far I've only read one post taking delight with my spectacular fail. Oh, well ...

I really thought the plaintiffs would prevail as (at least) one of the Justices clearly changed their mind since it required four votes to grant cert and hear the case in the first place.

In breaking news I am happy to announce the opening of my own sports book! You can all get rich quick by betting on my predictions for NFL and NBA games - with an occasional foray into politics where I am famous for reading the tea leaves and accurately calling mid-term elections.
06-25-2015 , 04:53 PM
Roberts didn't have to change his mind to think that it deserved a day in court. Granting cert is not a vote for the plaintiffs. Tons of SCOTUS decisions are not 5-4.
06-25-2015 , 04:53 PM
#3 on ike's reading list - The Blaze - is on it: Was Supreme Court Justice John Roberts Blackmailed?

Like me, Justice Roberts is a lifelong dedicated conservative warrior. He was appointed by President George W. Bush to become the key conservative vote in important decisions that effect “the fundamental transformation of America.” Justice Roberts was born, raised and groomed for one job in this life – to join that Supreme Court, strike down Obamacare, protect the Constitution and end big government overreach.

Yet he is the man responsible for saving Obamacare – twice.

Justice Roberts legacy as a “conservative warrior” will be that he protected big government, supported government overreach and helped to hasten the fundamental transformation of America.

This doesn’t seem odd to you? This doesn’t smell rotten?

I have felt the same way about Speaker of the House John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for years now. Something is wrong. All it takes to destroy America and pass Obama’s agenda is to control a few key powerful positions in Washington, D.C.

Just blackmail one or two key conservative leaders to stop the GOP from blocking Obama’s agenda. Just find out the weak link of a key opposition leader or government official and hold it over their heads. It’s that simple. Suddenly sworn lifelong conservatives are giving Obama whatever he wants – Obamacare, Trans Pacific Partnership, massive tax increases, amnesty for illegals. The list is long.

This gem in the comments:

"This is dead simple. Justice Roberts has two adopted children. There were some shenanigans getting the adoption paper work done. The threat against him is not actually against him but against his adopted daughters that could be deported which would also devastate his wife and him. So, yes, Obama is blackmailing him with deporting his daughters. Pure Alinsky – can’t attack the man so attack his family and a strong family commitment then becomes his achille’s heel.

Keep in mind how the Obama administration handles deportations. They enforce the law selectively. Illegal immigrant rapists and murders are let loose on the streets but cross them and your adopted children will be deported.

This is all documented. I saw an article somewhere some time after the first Obamacare decision that was butchered by Roberts about his adopted children. Do the research. It’s there. But it was a back page little blurb that could have been blown up into a national scandal and possibly have removed Roberts from the bench. But nothing came of it. Why? Because they knew they would need it again later.

Now apply this to Boehner, McConnell, military leaders, anyone at all that gets in the way. Make them an offer they can’t refuse."
06-25-2015 , 04:57 PM
This is all documented. I saw an article somewhere some time
06-25-2015 , 05:46 PM
Porsche owners confirmed salty

Originally Posted by The Brewmeister
A tyrant is being groomed. I will be SHOCKED if this president goes away quietly when his term is up.
The Constitution means nothing to this guy so what makes anyone on this board think that he won't appoint
himself president for life? He's being enabled by the MSM, the Supreme Court and a do nothing Republican
congress. If he attempted it no one with any type of power would even attempt to stop him.
Originally Posted by Moe
Yeah, I don't expect him or his angry 'Put Upon' Wife to go away quietly with any kind of Class... America will someday be sorry for ever letting a 'you know what' into the Oval Office...

Thanks John and Mitch for standing up to a F**Kin' Tyrant, you lying Bastards...

Any doubt on the way the SCOTUS will rule on anything anymore? Thanks Mr. Roberts...

Originally Posted by Moe
I used to think People that said, 'The Democrats have something BAD on Justice Roberts', were F**Kin' Crazy, now I'm beginning to wonder...

If he was willing to twist himself into a pretzel to make O'bamaCare Constitutional, is there anything he wouldn't do for them?

This BS today is no surprise...
Originally Posted by odurandina
read it on Breitbart a few hours ago.

the Republic was lost in 2012.

we're just posting on the too big to fail part of what is rapidly becoming a forgone conclusion (the death of our Republic).

you now have 2 choices: take up arms or be boiled alive.

take your pick.

eventually you may convince enough of your brothers, sons, fathers, and friends to take up arms.

that 'Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death,' has teeth.
06-25-2015 , 05:53 PM
Haha FOX isn't even talking about the decision. They are talking about if the Secret Service acted quickly enough to remove the heckler for Obama's speech yesterday and whether he should have said "my house" when the house belongs to America. GTFO.
06-25-2015 , 06:18 PM
Justice Roberts was born, raised and groomed for one job in this life – to join that Supreme Court, strike down Obamacare, protect the Constitution and end big government overreach.
Dude if you're going to give away the entire plot to the new Terminator you should at least throw in a SPOILER WARNING
06-25-2015 , 06:25 PM
Jesus, I wouldn't expect a forum full of people with a large enough net worth to own Porsches to sound exactly the same as Duck Dynasty survivalists preparing for the apocalypse. Did a lot of them acquire their cars secondhand?
06-25-2015 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Jesus, I wouldn't expect a forum full of people with a large enough net worth to own Porsches to sound exactly the same as Duck Dynasty survivalists preparing for the apocalypse. Did a lot of them acquire their cars secondhand?
let me tell you have salvation army donations work:

donations go through sorters who always have their pick of the litter, sometimes quite literally. Anything they don't want goes to the stores.

So yes, it seems likely that a donated porsche wouldn't make it out of the donation pile and to the store.

I'm pretty sure that's what's going on here
