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The Great ObamaCare Debate, Part 237: Back to Court The Great ObamaCare Debate, Part 237: Back to Court

03-02-2012 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
Dialysis isn't a human right. I'm sorry. It never was and never will be.
You gotta be worried that it will be though, right? It's the direction the majority of the world is moving towards. Even America. No one will repeal Obamacare and if the dems get both houses plus president again they will take another step towards UHC.
03-02-2012 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
You gotta be worried that it will be though, right? It's the direction the majority of the world is moving towards. Even America. No one will repeal Obamacare and if the dems get both houses plus president again they will take another step towards UHC.

Says hi
03-02-2012 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by ErikTheDread

Paid for by taxes is not the same as free ldo.
To those who don't pay taxes, it sure is.
03-02-2012 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by awval999

Says hi
Fo' sho' they could take it down. I'm interested to see how it plays out. I feel like the king yutz Scalia will have something petty and disingenuous to say about it.
03-02-2012 , 02:10 PM
So what happens to the entire program if the individual mandate gets voted down?
03-02-2012 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by awval999

Says hi
We are seriously in a dark time wrt to the SCOTUS if they kill Obamacare.
03-02-2012 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by krmont22
So what happens to the entire program if the individual mandate gets voted down?
It ****ing dies of course. How many times in this and other threads have we explained to you that that is why the mandate is so crucial? 100 at least. And you and your ilk always blandly reply with "That's fine but ah just don't like the govt tellin' me what to buy". You can't get all the good stuff w/o knowing you have most of the pool, healthy and sick. This is why the republicans were all for the mandate from 1993 or so until 2008.

Just think of it as a new tax that you get a tax break on for having health insurance. No one is making you buy anything. You don't go to jail if you don't have health insurance. And you still get all the lifesaving care you want.
03-02-2012 , 02:43 PM
So you believe that the mandate is constitutional?
03-02-2012 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
Just re-reading my health care plan, I like it. I am interested in what you all think, constructive criticism and all. This is me trying and realizing the government does have a place for truly catastrophic care.
One specific issue is that its inefficient. This has been mentioned before but there are lots of medical conditions that are significantly cheaper to treat early (or to just prevent) with early or regular small costs (like regular doctor visits, or simple prescriptions).

In the other thread I used Strep Throat as an example. If my doctor visit is free (because I've effectively paid for 'unlimited' visits through my health insurance) I'm likely to go to the doctor earlier than if I have to pay for it. As a consequence I stop being contagious earlier and reduce my chance of serious side effects. My quality of life is better, my friends/family/co-worker's quality of life is better, and I reduce my chance of a big bill down the road.

Now, its possible your plan is still cheaper than a more comprehensive plan but its not a given (I'd love to see research either way). And your plan definitely leads to lower quality of life for lots of people - including people that you think act totally responsibly with respect to their health.
03-02-2012 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by krmont22
So you believe that the mandate is constitutional?
Yes, under the commerce clause. Also from a pure practival common sense POV (which the court can and does cite all the time) I don't see that constitutionality cares about the technicality of "buy this or you will be taxed" vs. "buy this and get a tax break" which we know happens all the time. You guys keep saying people are forced to buy health insurance as if it's "buy this or you go to jail" (which I honestly wonder if many of you forget that it's not most of the time).
03-02-2012 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by krmont22
So you believe that the mandate is constitutional?
Yes, for all of the reasons he listed.

You're effectively claiming that the Government is forcing me to have children by giving tax breaks to parents. It's ridiculous.
03-02-2012 , 02:47 PM
Or forcing me to buy a house to get the mortgage interest deduction. I don't think it's constitutional that I can't deduct the rent I pay.
03-02-2012 , 02:48 PM
oh so now it's a tax cut

03-02-2012 , 03:16 PM
Those who are adamantly opposed to govt healthcare: are kids whose parents can't afford healthcare just ****ed under your ideal plan? Just wondering.
03-02-2012 , 03:20 PM
What about the children?
03-02-2012 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
Those who are adamantly opposed to govt healthcare: are kids whose parents can't afford healthcare just ****ed under your ideal plan? Just wondering.
are the kids whose parents aren't lucky enough to live in the US just ****ed under your ideal plan? Just wondering.
03-02-2012 , 03:37 PM
I definitely think we should tax the entire world and provide UHC to every living human.
03-02-2012 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by krmont22
I definitely think we should tax the entire world and provide UHC to every living human.
I don't think you're being serious, but that would be the ultimate goal as best I can tell. It would be wonderful to live in a world with a functional health care system that works for everyone. But that's decades away from happening.
03-02-2012 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
are the kids whose parents aren't lucky enough to live in the US just ****ed under your ideal plan? Just wondering.
I ran this through my "pvn translation app" and it gave the result of:

"oops, i cant answer that, quick, lets deflect and handwave the point"

Ive not yet programmed the RNG into it that decides whether module "pvn deflect and handwave" gives you a picture of a pear, some vague reference to how things are worse in other countries so who cares or it just posts a random smiley, but i think the app is decent enough to release as a beta and would help people when interacting with pvnbot.
03-02-2012 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
I don't think you're being serious, but that would be the ultimate goal as best I can tell. It would be wonderful to live in a world with a functional health care system that works for everyone. But that's decades away from happening.
Yeah. I mean its a nice idea but its hard enough to convince Americans that letting the poor get adequate healthcare is hard enough, its going to be politically impossible to push for worldwide UHC coverage under the current paradigm even if the sums added up like they do for UHC in America.
03-02-2012 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Ive not yet programmed the RNG into it that decides whether module "pvn deflect and handwave" gives you a picture of a pear

Last edited by Low Key; 03-02-2012 at 03:43 PM. Reason: is that even a pear? i don't really know my fruits.. which is sad as a vegetarian
03-02-2012 , 03:52 PM
the US inexorably is moving toward the idea (if its not there already) that health care is a requirement for our society as a whole. Even if Obamacare is repealed, it's gonna happen. 3 years, 5 years, 10 years from now.

ITT people trying to hold back the tide with a couple buckets and cinder blocks.
03-02-2012 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by krmont22
So you believe that the mandate is constitutional?
Since pretty much the founding of the republic

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -- in 1798

In July of 1798, Congress passed – and President John Adams signed - “An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen.” The law authorized the creation of a government operated marine hospital service and mandated that privately employed sailors be required to purchase health care insurance.

Keep in mind that the 5th Congress did not really need to struggle over the intentions of the drafters of the Constitution in creating this Act as many of its members were the drafters of the Constitution.

Last edited by Namath12; 03-02-2012 at 04:11 PM.
03-02-2012 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I ran this through my "pvn translation app" and it gave the result of:

"oops, i cant answer that, quick, lets deflect and handwave the point"

Ive not yet programmed the RNG into it that decides whether module "pvn deflect and handwave" gives you a picture of a pear, some vague reference to how things are worse in other countries so who cares or it just posts a random smiley, but i think the app is decent enough to release as a beta and would help people when interacting with pvnbot.
lol @ phill

constantly complains about everyone else's low quality posting, has never made a high quality post in his entire history here

Not to mention the post above could just as easily be turned around against you. The point of the post wasn't to answer the question, it was to show how dishonest the question was. and the fact that you missed that was completely unsurprising. The fact that government heathcare proponents can point to a slightly different group of "people I care about" doesn't show they're A) morally superior (but they CARE about KIDS) or B) that what they support is actually going to lead to a net benefit.

But keep tarding up threads complaining about how tarded they are, phill, you're fighting the good fight.
03-02-2012 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Ashington
Since pretty much the founding of the republic

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -- in 1798

So you see no diference from: Taxing sailors who are employed in commerce, using the tax money to run federal hospitals for those who paid the tax


Telling everyone that they must contract with third party health insurance companies or pay a hefty fine.
