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The GOP war on voting The GOP war on voting

10-05-2012 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
Wasn't the main reason supposedly the black churches bussing everyone (dem blacks on dem busses again!) to the polls after services on Sunday?
That is correct. They did that here in Florida so all the pastors are organizing marches the week before. Souls to the Polls brah!
10-05-2012 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Billionaire William Louis-Dreyfus Calls On Fellow Rich To Battle Voter Suppression
This voter fraud is making him thirsty imo.
10-05-2012 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Double Eagle
Rumor has it that busloads full of non-white people were going to descend on polling places around the state. That's very scary.
Oh, the buses. I should have guessed.
10-05-2012 , 10:22 PM
I would think the reason is so they can tabulate the early votes before election day. There's typically different procedures for early voting. In Illinois, you have to show ID to vote early, but not on election day, and they want all of their manpower for the regular polling stations on election day. I think Illinois also stops early voting before election day.
10-06-2012 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by iron81
I would think the reason is so they can tabulate the early votes before election day. There's typically different procedures for early voting. In Illinois, you have to show ID to vote early, but not on election day, and they want all of their manpower for the regular polling stations on election day. I think Illinois also stops early voting before election day.
I just checked Lake County and we're from 10/22 through 11/3 for early voting. I had no idea about the ID thing though, I always procrastinate and show up on election day.

I'm so tempted to make an illegal immigrant joke about myself but if the INS showed up at my door I'd be pissed.
10-06-2012 , 10:32 AM
Could you pass this 1965 literacy test for non whites?
10-08-2012 , 11:53 PM
Workers in Michigan being threatened with pay decreases across the board if they don't elect Mitt Romney.
GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- The president and CEO of Lacks Enterprises is warning his company's 2,300 employees their paychecks will be smaller if President Barack Obama is re-elected.

Richard Lacks urged his employees to “vote to improve your standard of living” in a letter notifying them of their sixth bonus in almost three years thanks to the good times his automotive parts company has enjoyed.

But Lacks was not about to give Obama any credit for the auto industry’s recovery. He told his employees the Affordable Care Act, which he called Obama Care, will raise his company’s health insurance costs by 2 percent a year.

“As employees, you will receive no additional direct benefit other than you will have to pay for it,” said Lacks in a letter he sent to hourly employees last Friday.

“The talk of additional tax increases by the administration, if re-elected, will have an additional negative impact on the organization,” he wrote. “ It is always important to remember the more government takes the less there will be available to spread around to the working people of this company.

“It is important that in November you vote to improve your standard of living and that will be through smaller government and less government,” Lacks said in a letter that was leaked to
10-09-2012 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Workers in Michigan being threatened with pay decreases across the board if they don't elect Mitt Romney.

This is the actual problem with citizen's united
10-09-2012 , 05:54 PM
It's still illegal at the state level I believe. Could be used to challenge CU.
10-10-2012 , 04:58 PM
Saw that James O'Keefe has a new investigation video out. He looked into voter fraud, and documented this on tape, sadly.

"O’Keefe and Project Veritas expose Obama for America/DNC voter fraud enablers"

...James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas investigators went inside Organizing for America headquarters in Houston, Texas, and captured footage of paid campaign workers and other volunteers conspiring to commit election fraud not in 1 or 2 states, but in five different states. The video above speaks for itself. But there is much, much more....
10-10-2012 , 05:00 PM
That's pretty ****ing dumb of them (we've been told numerous times to not only do **** right but to watch out for anyone trying to get us to do something wrong) but there is no way voter ID laws can stop that stuff, unfortunately.
10-10-2012 , 05:12 PM
The more you have freedom the higher the likelihood someone will abuse that freedom. If the people involved with voter ID spent time working out how to stop voter fraud instead the system would work so much better.
10-10-2012 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Almond
Saw that James O'Keefe has a new investigation video out. He looked into voter fraud, and documented this on tape, sadly.

"O’Keefe and Project Veritas expose Obama for America/DNC voter fraud enablers"
..James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas investigators went inside Organizing for America headquarters in Houston, Texas, and captured footage of paid campaign workers and other volunteers conspiring to commit election fraud not in 1 or 2 states, but in five different states. The video above speaks for itself. But there is much, much more...
What a shocker.
10-10-2012 , 05:21 PM
Why are you guys (looking at Phil and rjoe) conceding there's anything wrong here. O'Keefe strikes ****** gold again. Just write "video" and "fraud" and everyone gets defensive.

This video makes no sense and is so incredibly edited it's hard to figure out what's going on.

This is from some clown right wing blog, so you're getting the CHARITABLE TO O'KEEFE interpretation:

In the video, an O’Keefe operative tells a woman identified as Stephanie Caballero, regional field director at OFA Houston, that she has a Florida voter registration card and intends to vote both there and in Texas. While Caballero doesn’t explicitly encourage her to vote twice, she doesn’t discourage her from doing so during their laughter-filled conversations.

There’s another cut in the video, after which the videographer asks, “And so, and there’s no way that they would be able to cross-reference the ballots?”

“If you voted twice?” Caballero asks. “I don’t know this. That’s not my expertise. I would just do Florida because in Texas it really doesn’t [count].”
BOOM, when do we disenfranchise black people because of this now?

Let's keep going!:

“I was gonna see as far as all the registering for Florida, where do I get the forms to do that? Or not registering but voting in Florida for the absentee,” the videographer asks.

“So what you‘ll have to do is you’re gonna call in to Florida and call,” Caballero says. “Are you gonna do what I think you’re gonna do?”

“Well I mean if no one’s gonna know,” the videographer says as Caballero laughs and declares, “You’re so hilarious.”

After a cut in the video, Caballero says, “OK, I’m just going to print this out for you.”

There’s another cut, then the videographer says, “Yeah, because I have several friends who, who‘ve done that and they said that it’s no problem.”

After another cut, Caballero seems to be advising the videographer what to do if she gets caught.

“Come up with, like, if anyone checks say, ‘I don’t know,’” she said as the two laugh.

“Well just because I mean, it’s, I don’t know — it’s so important, everything we’re doing here is so important,” the videographer says as Caballero agrees.

She adds, “That there’s absolutely no way, um, if I have an opportunity to make my voice heard, I’m gonna make my vote twice. I’m gonna make it heard twice.”

After another cut, Caballero retrieves the Florida ballot application for the videographer, who says she’ll figure out how to fill it out.
"You're so funny"

...after another cut...

"So I'm going to like, umm, I don't want to get in trouble, but umm?"

...after another cut...

"I'll print out the forms"

Massive voter fraud operations!

If you actually watch the video, it's even worse from a "wait, what is going on here?" perspective. The thing cuts out multiple times in a 2 minute span. I can't imagine why.
10-10-2012 , 06:06 PM
I'm thinking of it from a staffer point of view Dvaut.

“So what you‘ll have to do is you’re gonna call in to Florida and call,” Caballero says. “Are you gonna do what I think you’re gonna do?”

“Well I mean if no one’s gonna know,” the videographer says as Caballero laughs and declares, “You’re so hilarious.”
Parts like this anger me. If she had any suspicions as to what this girl was 'planning' on doing she should have not been laughing about it or helping her print forms. She should have handled it in an entirely different way.

I watched the video early this morning and she should absolutely not been laughing and carrying on with someone who was obviously planning something not legal.

(and yea, I'm going off the favorable to o'keefe edits because that's what everyone else will see)
10-10-2012 , 06:23 PM
Yes well you can't know what happened between the edits, which I'm sure is important context but let's give O'Keefe the benefit of the doubt because if anyone deserves it, it's clearly him. Even taking the exact view O'Keefe wants, this lady is guilty of at worst - laughing and printing out some registration forms?

Remember the reaction it elicited IN THIS THREAD -- one dude declares O'Keefe videotaped "voter fraud" which he didn't, he caught a conspiracy to commit voter fraud -- committed BY O'KEEFE'S EMPLOYEE. Wow, you can film your own people conspiring to commit voter fraud, incredible news, I'd have never imagined. Also you can find someone nearby to laugh about it and give you registration forms.

I'm more intrigued why are people (rjoe) like you falling for this over and over? I mean I suppose I am growing slightly more surprised people aren't on the lookout for literally O'Keefe committing voter fraud but at some point, O'Keefe & co. actively committing crimes and Democrats failing to stop him isn't a problem to lay at the feet of low level Democrat functionaries and poll wokers, right? This is some ****ed up victim blaming is all I can say, but I'm not sure why people not enthralled with these dumb games gleefully pile on and join in blame people who aren't vigilantly stopping O'Keefe from breaking the law.

Last edited by DVaut1; 10-10-2012 at 06:32 PM.
10-10-2012 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Yes well you can't know what happened between the edits, which I'm sure is important context but let's give O'Keefe the benefit of the doubt because if anyone deserves it, it's clearly him. Even taking the exact view O'Keefe wants, this lady is guilty of at worst - laughing and printing out some registration forms?
I've been checking on this **** throughout the day, and Drudge has been hammering that Obama went to a wedding with the VP debate moderator in 1991 as center screen headline the whole day.

That's how bad O'Keefe's track record on this is. He's lost MATT DRUDGE.
10-10-2012 , 06:30 PM
From a campaign viewpoint laughing about it is about as bad as helping them actually fill out forms knowing it's fraud. They're really ****ing strict about it and have been very very clear on what to do.

And yeah, O'Keefe is a horrible liar who edits the **** out of everything but that's not what people will think about. They're going to think about an Obama staffer laughing and saying 'omg you're not doing what I think you are?! lololol'. It's really bad and she should have known better because we were warned they were out there.
10-10-2012 , 06:31 PM
DVaut- You mean "not committed by O'Keefe's employee". Because AFAIK this person has not actually voted in two states yet.

The most daring act of investigative journalism since that time Erick Erikson's fake credit card donation didn't get declined fast enough which proved Obama was getting funded by overseas criminals.
10-10-2012 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
DVaut- You mean "not committed by O'Keefe's employee". Because AFAIK this person has not actually voted in two states yet.

The most daring act of investigative journalism since that time Erick Erikson's fake credit card donation didn't get declined fast enough which proved Obama was getting funded by overseas criminals.
I boggle at the Democrats who are like "aww man when are we going to clean up our act??" WTF guise, let me help you get over your battered wife syndrome, YOU ARE NOT THE O'KEEFE LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION and no one should be feeling that guilty you're not vigilantly policing O'Keefe's law breaking. For ****'s sake.
10-10-2012 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
ho edits the **** out of everything but that's not what people will think about. They're going to think about an Obama staffer laughing and saying 'omg you're not doing what I think you are?! lololol'. It's really bad and she should have known better because we were warned they were out there.
Like I said, battered wife syndrome. You even know O'Keefe is a conman who runs around just trying to make Democrats look stupid and criminal (by committing crimes himself, then wondering why Democrats didn't stop him); he abjectly tells false stories through horrendously edited videos to reach his conclusion and you blame...the marks for the con?

Could the Democratic lady have immediately phoned the police? Maybe? Some people probably like to live their lives as if there aren't hordes of James O'Keefes out there trying to con them and make them look bad.
10-10-2012 , 07:45 PM
Yes, I do blame her. Hopefully the full video comes out and shows she did absolutely nothing wrong but judging even the clips where you're sure there is no editing she didn't handle it the way she was supposed to.
10-10-2012 , 08:46 PM
Can one of the law experts please explain to me why this guy isn't already facing charges? Last time I checked extortion is not protected under the first amendment.

The Ohio Democratic Party has requested a criminal investigation of the Ohio-based Murray Energy, after the coal company allegedly told employees to donate to Republican politicians including Mitt Romney.

The alleged coercion of political donations from employees may have "involved extortion, money laundering, racketeering, and other violations of Title 18 of the US criminal code," Ohio Democratic Party chairman Chris Redfern wrote in a letter to U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach on Monday.

Last Thursday, The New Republic's Alec MacGillis reported that Murray Energy CEO Bob Murray pressured his employees to donate to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, among others, as well as to Murray Energy's pro-Republican political action committee. Some of the firm's 3,000 employees reportedly feared they might lose their jobs if they did not make these political donations.

Before that, in August, Murray reportedly forced coal miners at the Century Mine in Beallsville, Ohio, to give up a day's worth of pay to show up at a rally with Romney, according to the local news radio station WWVA. Then, too, some workers feared not attending could cost them their jobs.

Murray, a climate-change denier, has a history of making questionable claims. In 2010, for one, he wrote a letter to employees in which he said that, if workers did not donate to Murray Energy's PAC, "the coal industry will be eliminated and so will your job."
10-10-2012 , 08:55 PM
There's probably an investigation going somewhere right now but we don't hear about that low level initial ****.
10-11-2012 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
How can you be in our Armed Forces and not be a citizen? They should make you a citizen when you complete your enlistment IMO.
I'm a bit late to the party on this but my father moved to America from England when he has 15 during Vietnam and was notified he was going to to be drafted so he enlisted in the air force. He says that he was being prepared to work in intelligence after acing all the exams when they got word he wasn't a citizen and intelligence was no longer an option.

So yeah...not only can you enlist without being a citizen, you can be drafted (at least you could 40 years ago)
