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The GOP war on voting The GOP war on voting

10-01-2012 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Voting when you're not eligible is clearly a criminal situation.
They are not charging them with crimes (at least noit yet) but rather establishing if they are eligible to vote in this election. Clearly several of them, I am guessing 90% just how the artilce reads are not.
10-01-2012 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
LOL So we use a criminal principle and try to apply it a civil situtation and act like it has some historic support for the situation. But the voting principle the US was founded on was to show you owned land is that what you want to go back to?
No, because equal protection of voting rights has since been constitutionalized and reinforced through amendment several times.
10-01-2012 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Double Eagle
I admit I am but a pale imitation
there you go again
10-01-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
LOL So we use a criminal principle and try to apply it a civil situtation and act like it has some historic support for the situation. But the voting principle the US was founded on was to show you owned land is that what you want to go back to?
This does seem to be the direction that Republicans want to take the country in. It's quite bizarre, but it's really true. They see liberty and freedom the same way our founding fathers saw it: the liberty of the property owning whites to rule over the rest of the people. That's really what they mean when they keep harkening back to "the values this country was founded on" and that's what they are striving for by spending the vast majority of their political capital attacking gay rights, reproductive rights, and trying to roll back the right to vote (for those who they see as an attack to the founding principles).

They really miss those good ol' days where women and negros had no clear path to success in business, and more importantly when they had no say whatsoever in their political system. Their entire philosophy is based on an idea of hierarchy, the hierarchy being of course "job creators" (an overtly religious title) at the top and those damned 47% leeches at the bottom. And if they have their way the hierarchy will determine a lot more than physical comfort, it will determine our entire political system by way of mass disenfranchisement of those 47%.

If you paid attention during the Republican primary, this attitude was quite obvious. Any time this viewpoint was trumpeted by one of the candidates, the crowd went wild. Perhaps the biggest moment of applause during this season's primaries was the crowd erupting at the idea of letting someone die in the streets because of an inability to pay for medical treatment. These guys aren't messing around--they want a strict system of social darwinism where those who succeed flourish and those who fail starve, along with their kids of course. And they're not afraid to change the rules of the game to get where they want to go.

This is evident not only in their voter suppression efforts this year, but in their efforts to destroy and defund public and private unions alike. Scott Walker, Jim Kasich and others have made it a priority to erode collective bargaining rights. This makes zero sense from a free market perspective, but it makes perfect sense when you see their true goal--to make sure that labor unions, one of the few special interests groups actually looking out for the working man, are cut off from funding, and that the working class is largely cut off from the benefits of unionization.

Are voters going to continue to fall basically along the same partisan lines, or are some Republicans going to cower at the sheer brutality of these tactics? The Republican party has obviously decided to take a hard, hard turn to the right, but will the electorate shift as well?

The dead-in-the-water poll numbers of Romney and his downticket Senate Republicans are saying something, they're saying that Americans aren't necessarily just going to follow the Republicans down this road. And with shifting demographics strongly favoring those who work for a living, Republicans have some big long term troubles so long as their vision of a prosperous America is so far removed from the common man's. Only 55-58 percent of whites are supporting Romney so far, telling us that a large portion of white America doesn't see a slavery based economy and a land-owners-only political system as the direction to go in.

As long as the people turn out and vote, the Republican's message of returning to the distant past CANNOT win. It is no wonder they are trying to change the rules.
10-01-2012 , 02:33 PM
double eagle with the well-executed under-the-radar brag
10-01-2012 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by drugsarebad
No, because equal protection of voting rights has since been constitutionalized and reinforced through amendment several times.
and do those statutes talk about "Guilty until proven innocent" or providing "due process of law".
10-01-2012 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
and do those statutes talk about "Guilty until proven innocent" or providing "due process of law".
I'm speaking to your implication that equal protection of voting rights finds absolutely no refuge in an originalist-oriented argument about the Constitution because of the state of voting rights during the founder's time. That's not really an argument you can make. Well, I guess you can, but nobody serious does, and it's misinformed.
10-01-2012 , 03:50 PM
And to answer your question, yes, it does speak to equal protection that a wide, wide net is cast over people before anything is definitively proved.
10-01-2012 , 11:18 PM
Greg Palast on lolRT discussing the coordinated effort to employ multiple techniques to shred the voter rolls and eliminate democratic votes
10-02-2012 , 02:44 AM
God dammit I think I may be addicted to trolling racist ******s about Voter ID. I wanna quit but it's so ****ing fun! Is there some kind of 12 step plan I can go through to help me kick the habit?
10-02-2012 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by Double Eagle
God dammit I think I may be addicted to trolling racist ******s about Voter ID. I wanna quit but it's so ****ing fun! Is there some kind of 12 step plan I can go through to help me kick the habit?
a good 1 step plan is pussy

So, people still think that only one party is doing illegal **** when there is power to be gained? lol

they probably both cheat enough to negate each other
10-02-2012 , 10:24 AM

Voter ID halted in PA until after 2012 election.

Edit: LOL republican friends mad butthurt on Facebook going all the way back to page 1 of this thread. "What's the problem with proving who you are and where your from!!!1"

Last edited by drugsarebad; 10-02-2012 at 10:50 AM.
10-02-2012 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by dessin d'enfant
get that arbitrarily increasing type II errors won't magically reduce type I....
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You think they know the difference?
They might not know the terms but I would say most people could produce the argument or at the least understand it in 10 min after you explain it to them. There is a reason why the people who actually think it's hugely important to have voter ID laws always sound like tyler and if that's not at best bottom quintile for a group thats ~half the population....

10-02-2012 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by drugsarebad

Voter ID halted in PA until after 2012 election.

Edit: LOL republican friends mad butthurt on Facebook going all the way back to page 1 of this thread. "What's the problem with proving who you are and where your from!!!1"
Excellent. A win for democracy.
10-02-2012 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Excellent. A win for democracy.
I haven't accomplished anything today as I watch republicans bury themselves in butthurt on Facebook.


SUPREME COURT SAID ITS OK! (oh wait PA constitution is different than US constitution)

Or my personal favorite...


It doesn't get much better than hearing knee-jerk Republican defense of a government agency as totally efficient without hearing all or any of the facts. Not just any agency either. The DMV, like the living ****ing nightmare poster boy for inefficiency.
10-02-2012 , 12:19 PM

"Notably, the Court's ruling accepts the principle that the voter ID rules are legal. Unfortunately, the timing of the change meant that Pennsylvanians will have to wait one more election cycle before they can be sure their elections are fraud-free," Cooper said.

In his ruling, Simpson granted a preliminary injunction that temporarily halts enforcement of the law until after the November 6 election. He cited likely disqualification of eligible voters as the reason.

"Consequently, I am not still convinced in my predictive judgment that there will be no voter disenfranchisement arising out of the commonwealth's implementation of a voter identification requirement for purposes of the upcoming election," Simpson wrote. "Under these circumstances, I am obliged to enter a preliminary injunction."
Big gigantic LOL that Pennsylvanians will soon be sure their elections are fraud free. Nevermind that*almost every case of voter fraud that's ever been found would not be solved by voter ID laws. But again that's just pesky logic. It seems we've *shifted the goalposts now so that *this has nothing to do with actual fraud anymore, just about the *perception* of voter fraud--which Republicans*created in the first place. My head hurts.
10-02-2012 , 01:13 PM
Watching the Fox coverage of the court decision. Apparently they have their own voter fraud outreach program they're using to round up their stories. They ended their little segment with "and if you've heard of voter fraud, we want to know about it at and as you can guess, we are just getting SLAMMED with e-mails".

I would pay serious money to read that inbox.
10-02-2012 , 01:32 PM
lol omg that **** is going to make the yoisthisracist inbox look like peer-reviewed scholarship
10-02-2012 , 01:40 PM

Hahahaha suck it you douche, maybe you'll have better luck stealing elections in 2016
10-02-2012 , 02:01 PM
lol Dumbocrats. Keep pretending that you're not riddled with election-rigging criminals. Just last month another Dimocrat plead guilty to felony conspiracy to commit voter fraud in AK...

Now this typically corrupt leftie somehow still has his name on the ballot for November even after pleading guilty and there is no GOP candidate so there will have to be a special election if he wins. More theft of taxpaying patriot's money to pay for this commie's criminality.

"lololol, no voter fraud." Yep, ok, keep it up. Meanwhile the felonies keep piling up. Obamao's party of corruption, voter fraud, and lies.
10-02-2012 , 02:04 PM
It must be strange living in right wing fantasy land. The only major voter fraud this election has been committed by Republicans, and we all know that they have pulled out of five key swing states early because of this. They have practically conceded the Presidential election already, and are starting to funnel money to the downticket races. We'll see if that works, as of right now the Senate is looking very strong for the "Dimocrats" and the Presidency is a near lock.
10-02-2012 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Hamish McBagpipe
lol Dumbocrats. Keep pretending that you're not riddled with election-rigging criminals. Just last month another Dimocrat plead guilty to felony conspiracy to commit voter fraud in AK...

Now this typically corrupt leftie somehow still has his name on the ballot for November even after pleading guilty and there is no GOP candidate so there will have to be a special election if he wins. More theft of taxpaying patriot's money to pay for this commie's criminality.

"lololol, no voter fraud." Yep, ok, keep it up. Meanwhile the felonies keep piling up. Obamao's party of corruption, voter fraud, and lies.
You'd think with what's going on with the RNC and voter registration in FL the dittoheads would keep a low profile on this issue.

Too funny.
10-02-2012 , 02:07 PM
Oh yeah surprise surprise, the voter fraud that was committed in Hamish's article would NOT have been stopped by Voter ID. Also the guys were caught and are now looking at serious prison time. The system clearly works. Great endorsement of immediate repeal of all of these frivolous Voter ID laws, Hamish.
10-02-2012 , 02:08 PM
Billionaire William Louis-Dreyfus Calls On Fellow Rich To Battle Voter Suppression
10-02-2012 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Hamish McBagpipe
lol Dumbocrats. Keep pretending that you're not riddled with election-rigging criminals. Just last month another Dimocrat plead guilty to felony conspiracy to commit voter fraud in AK...

Now this typically corrupt leftie somehow still has his name on the ballot for November even after pleading guilty and there is no GOP candidate so there will have to be a special election if he wins. More theft of taxpaying patriot's money to pay for this commie's criminality.

"lololol, no voter fraud." Yep, ok, keep it up. Meanwhile the felonies keep piling up. Obamao's party of corruption, voter fraud, and lies.

Also Arkansas is AR, not AK.
