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Georgia's 6th - Ossof v. Handel. Georgia's 6th - Ossof v. Handel.

06-22-2017 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I'm in a similar boat. I've considered running but my concern is less hating the job and more "I do not have the fundraising chops to be able to have enough money to compete in the slightest."
I couldn't do it, but volunteering and being an activist would be way easier.
06-22-2017 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf

Ossoff should've said Handel was going to vote for Trumpcare and was Trump's best friend and FORCED her to either alienate her base by walking that back or embrace. Instead he ran ads about reducing government waste.

Civility is bull****. Have principles, or failing that, act like someone with principles.
This is of course correct.

One thing to bear in mind though is that this precise strategy means Democrats would probably lose by an even larger margin in GA 6. It's a bunch of rich white Republicans, the only thing they hate more than the blacks might be mooching poors.

The reason why it's critical that Democrats do this is to have a simple set of coherent messages and principles. It's also why we really should stop talking about Russia so much and literally just bash these *******s over the head with healthcare. The Democrats are going to have like 80 competitive districts to play in during the 2018 cycle. We need a clear, coherent set of ideas we run on everywhere. Some corners of the Democratic party think the rural whites should get the Bernie messages while the rich white suburbanites get a replay of the 2016 campaign. This is a bad idea.

One reason why the GOP has tons of automated robotic voters is how stridently and consistently ideological they are. One measure of this is to to watch how even the hopeless GOP loser candidates sound in districts they are overmatched in; their candidates are STILL strident right-wing idiots that have the same Fox News talk radio talking points these guys have been jabbering about for generations now. Democrats fret about how much money the GOP dumps into these things but we have severely, severely discounted how their ideological project has produced an army of old whites who reflexively know what to think, how to feel, how to respond to any situation, any time their political agency is needed: don't ****ing dare let the liberals win, they'll give your money to the blacks and darkies and immigrants. All their candidates read from basically the same script and it costs them nothing to keep their base on message, on point, understanding the stakes, voting consistently and predictably over and over again. And that's what parties are supposed to do! That's the environment ideologues want to create!

Democrats have instead spun themselves in a million different directions trying to hopelessly maintain a coalition ranging from erstwhile rich white Romney voters to poor racial minorities in cities. It's a hopeless endeavor.

Pick some priorities and run on them everywhere, and only talk about those things. Normal people don't have the bandwith or virtue to give a **** about the dozens of things being a coherent Democrat requires of you. Just talk about how the government provides services to people and rich people will pay for it. That's it. KISS method to politics. GOP has mastered it. We're trying to sell dozens of different products across a wide swath of the market and perpetually failing to make a profit in any of them.

And we all have to have spines and stomachs when the strategy doesn't work to flip GA 6, or produce wonders immediately. The GOP has had plenty of setbacks over time. They have seen plenty of losing candidates go down trying to mine every last angry white and failing. Still they press on. The kind of message I'm talking about won't win back GA 6, because frankly a district with a bunch of wealthy white people ain't our voters. Still, talk about our priorities on our terms and let the loss come our way. We will see benefits elsewhere and over the long haul.
06-22-2017 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Also, you voted for Trump, what the **** are you on "republican folly for all of us." We know what concern trolling is.
i voted for trump because the other choice was not worthy of my vote.but i did vote. unlike some folks who did not vote. that is probably the best reason to explain why trump is president. got it?
06-22-2017 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
i voted for trump because the other choice was not worthy of my vote.but i did vote. unlike some folks who did not vote. that is probably the best reason to explain why trump is president. got it?
Hey, hindsight is 20/20. At least you realize your mistake now, right? That's the important thing.
06-22-2017 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
Wrong. Trump is popular among those who voted for Handel. Embracing Trump would have only increased her margin of victory.
Then why did she keep her distance from him during the campaign?
06-22-2017 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
i voted for trump because the other choice was not worthy of my vote.but i did vote. unlike some folks who did not vote. that is probably the best reason to explain why trump is president. got it?
People still dislike Hilary even though it has been shown almost all the reasons for their dislike have pretty much been created by fake news stories implanted by Russian hackers and alt right news sources.
06-22-2017 , 04:36 PM
Excellent post DVaut.

If anyone wants a tl;dr, it's here:

Originally Posted by DVaut1
Just talk about how the government provides services to people and rich people will pay for it. That's it.
06-22-2017 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
i voted for trump because the other choice was not worthy of my vote.but i did vote. unlike some folks who did not vote. that is probably the best reason to explain why trump is president. got it?
Oh yes,I get it, you voted for a horribly dangerous man child for president because the person who had decades of experience in politics and world relations wasn't worthy of your vote. It couldn't possibly have been because that man child spoke to your base sensibilities. Hillary just "didn't deserve it."
06-22-2017 , 04:41 PM
TIL that being the lead character of a reality show makes one more deserving of being President than [any other qualifier here].
06-22-2017 , 04:49 PM
living a fabulous life of luxury from birth by profiting off direct implementation of systematic racial discrimination made trump worthy of... wow what a deplorable political base
06-22-2017 , 05:10 PM
i voted. a sum of 65000 voted would have made clinton the winner. do you thin that there were 65001 folks in those 3 states that could have VOTED and swung the election her way. i do. maybe if liberals who want everything just handed to them because it is their birthright had got up and out of their parents basements and VOTED we would not be discussing this tripe now. got it?
06-22-2017 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
i voted. a sum of 65000 voted would have made clinton the winner. do you thin that there were 65001 folks in those 3 states that could have VOTED and swung the election her way. i do. maybe if liberals who want everything just handed to them because it is their birthright had got up and out of their parents basements and VOTED we would not be discussing this tripe now. got it?

Originally Posted by becky88
i voted for trump because the other choice was not worthy of my vote.but i did vote. unlike some folks who did not vote. that is probably the best reason to explain why trump is president. got it?

Originally Posted by master3004
Oh yes,I get it, you voted for a horribly dangerous man child for president because the person who had decades of experience in politics and world relations wasn't worthy of your vote. It couldn't possibly have been because that man child spoke to your base sensibilities. Hillary just "didn't deserve it."
Gee, What could have given me THAT idea?
06-22-2017 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by bigt2k4
People still dislike Hilary even though it has been shown almost all the reasons for their dislike have pretty much been created by fake news stories implanted by Russian hackers and alt right news sources.
06-22-2017 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
i voted. a sum of 65000 voted would have made clinton the winner. do you thin that there were 65001 folks in those 3 states that could have VOTED and swung the election her way. i do. maybe if liberals who want everything just handed to them because it is their birthright had got up and out of their parents basements and VOTED we would not be discussing this tripe now. got it?
I'm 100% for sale to be an astroturfer. I've got nothing but time and a passion for internet ****posting.

PM me any available info, tia.
06-22-2017 , 05:37 PM
I mean,

this **** looks like a ****ing orientation video for Atlanta municipal employees or something what the **** have a goddamn message, mention the party you're in, and say something for christ's sake.

The idea that we're going to be able to run non-ideological centrist technocrats in red districts and trick Republicans into voting for us through not mentioning that we're Democrats will only work if

1) The Republican candidate literally does not exist
2) They don't bring their glasses to the ballot booth.
06-22-2017 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Excellent post DVaut.

If anyone wants a tl;dr, it's here:
the only thing they hate more than the blacks might be mooching poors.
eb you disappoint me
06-22-2017 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf

The idea that we're going to be able to run non-ideological centrist technocrats in red districts and trick Republicans into voting for us through not mentioning that we're Democrats will only work if

1) The Republican candidate literally does not exist
2) They don't bring their glasses to the ballot booth.
I don't know Fly, It seems to have worked in France where robot Macron beat right-winger Le Pen.
06-22-2017 , 06:29 PM
that was mostly "don't vote for the fascist" still works in france for some reason.
06-22-2017 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
that was mostly "don't vote for the fascist" still works in france for some reason.
If Hitler happened in North America, that might have worked here. Simply put, the stories and warnings about fascism that were passed down through generations are still recent enough in Europe to matter. We haven't had that here.

Maybe I'm oversimplifying, but I think that's why Europe is more resistant to that stuff.
06-22-2017 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
If Hitler happened in North America, that might have worked here. Simply put, the stories and warnings about fascism that were passed down through generations are still recent enough in Europe to matter. We haven't had that here.

Maybe I'm oversimplifying, but I think that's why Europe is more resistant to that stuff.
might've? Trump without the stupid or sex assaults or mafia ties would've won as big as Trump claims he did.

for some reason was my poor sarcasm humor.
06-22-2017 , 07:24 PM
For dvault, fly, cuse, etc. Are you guys mostly concerned with the execution of the message (the lol tweet ad) or the focus of the campaign itself? If the latter, aren't most of those decisions data-driven these days? Like I'd be on board with just hammering healthcare and trying to force the GOP to disown trump all day as well, but there's gotta be polling or some other data behind the campaigns' decisions the last few cycles to try to fence ride, right?
06-22-2017 , 07:27 PM
i read that the reason he didn't do any big ads against trump is because some focus group didn't like it

focus groups are and always have been as about as relevant as the ****ing myers brigg test
06-22-2017 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
i voted for trump because the other choice was not worthy of my vote.but i did vote. unlike some folks who did not vote. that is probably the best reason to explain why trump is president. got it?
You always have the option of writing-in. Or voting third party. Or, more simply, realizing that the hate FoxNews has put in your head for Hillary isn't sensible at all and thus doesn't justify voting for someone else you know will be remembered by history as an awful buffoon.
06-22-2017 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
that was mostly "don't vote for the fascist" still works in france for some reason.
There's no FoxNews to dictate people's thinking in France.
