I'm so proud of my governor and legislature. It's a solid victory for marriage in WA today, and particularly sweet on a day when leading anti-gay bigot Rick Santorum was visiting.
Of course the anti-gay bigots who live in WA have already filed a referendum to take this away, but I think it'll be a long shot in November. If the referendum does pass I will be so amazingly incredibly bitter. If WA passes a referendum to strip gay people of the right to marry I may be more disappointed in that electoral outcome than any other ever.
I played poker for a living for 6 years, I always considered second (third fourth) level thinking, especially of the fish/amateurs one of my biggest strengths. I find it so so hard to understand seeing a couple like the two guys in that video talk about how much marriage has meant to them, how much more connected they feel, and how happy it makes them, then being so deluded with religious dogma to say no you can't have it because my religion says so.