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Explosion at the Boston Marathon (NSFW Graphic Images): Waltham Murders Tied, 3rd Supect Dead Explosion at the Boston Marathon (NSFW Graphic Images): Waltham Murders Tied, 3rd Supect Dead

04-18-2013 , 01:27 PM
The buzz after Obama's speech appears to be rage that Obama wasn't this mad about

04-18-2013 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
No, not at all. I am confused as to where the investigation stands. Seems like the internet has cleared the guys that ended up on the Post but Napalitono says they are still looking to talk to two people of interest.

Different people I assume? It sounds to me like the FBI is trying to find somebody and the high school kid and his coach would not be hard to find. Sorry if I am being dense.
Right. By all other accounts, except for the NY Post's (i.e., CBS and the AP), those two dudes are cleared and not the suspects.

I guess until authorities release information publically, we won't know for sure.
04-18-2013 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
You're free assert your right to say no. It might get really annoying and end up taking more time. It would certainly give them more reason to have an interest in you. Honestly, I think there would be good reason. A couple bombs just went off by a person who is at large. Just show your ID to the MP and move along.

Hey, it's cool, you don't have to show them, they'll just hassle you and interrupt your day and generally make you regret it if you say no, but it's totally legal.

Cool, just show your papers because this will something something stop bombs, cuz all terrorists have big TERRORIST labels on their drivers licenses and passports.

Good lord. Did phill hijack your account? This sort of boot-licking is usually coming from him.
04-18-2013 , 02:01 PM
Case Closed post-2011 is basically Phill.
04-18-2013 , 02:04 PM
yeah but what happened that triggered the change?
04-18-2013 , 02:07 PM
You broke him cos he kept reading your posts rather than skipping over them as much as possible like the rest of us do.
04-18-2013 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
yeah but what happened that triggered the change?
Pretty sure he got a job as a lawyer so like most everyone else he now invests in and supports a garbage system that he previously attacked, since he enjoys bread and vagina.
04-18-2013 , 02:26 PM
Outrageous and unbelievable how stupid this Republican representative is...

So, some Fox dude comes on and accuses the Saudi kid of basically doing the deed.

" EMERSON: I have been given privy to certain classified information, it appears that it was a political act of terrorism done for political reasons. Yes, there has been no person arrested. There have been people interrogated. Not just in one house, but raids on several houses. On the Facebook page of the person of interest, there were interesting entries against the United States. Again, he has not been convicted, but the burns on his skin match the explosive residue of the bomb that exploded.

HOST: Is this the Saudi national or those two different people?

EMERSON: The Saudi national."

Ok, np, be an idiot. But then, when it's clear it's not the kid, the same guy comes back on Fox 6 hours later and tries to give himself an out...

"EMERSON: Let me throw in another curve ball here that is going to make news. Remember the Saudi that they initially had arrested, or at least detained? … Well I just learned from my own sources that he is now going to be deported on national security grounds next Tuesday, which is very unusual."

The kid is supposedly going to be deported. Definitely true because he heard it from someone. This, naturally, is picked up by all the usual idiots like Glenn Beck and Breitbart and taken as rock solid fact...

... fueling all kinds of moronic speculation about this supposed deportation (of which the entire thing is based on nothing).

Ok, still, np. Morons gotta be morons.

But now...

Couldn't believe what I was hearing. Jeff Duncan, Republican, South Carolina.
04-18-2013 , 02:34 PM
The right wing swamp tours all start in random internet toilets, flow up to Rush/Beck, then the meme eventually manifests itself as GOP establishment embarrassing itself on Fox/in Congress/etc.. I say "embarrassing itself" when viewed by normal people. As seen by the GOP base, being enthralled with the latest insanity from Beck and asking Big Sis if she's stopped masturbating to scanned TSA xrays of pre-teen girls long enough to pretend deport the Saudi princling who did the Boston bombings is a feature, not a bug.
04-18-2013 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
The right wing swamp tours all start in random internet toilets, flow up to Rush/Beck, then the meme eventually manifests itself as GOP establishment embarrassing itself on Fox/in Congress/etc.. I say "embarrassing itself" when viewed by normal people. As seen by the GOP base, being enthralled with the latest insanity from Beck and asking Big Sis if she's stopped masturbating to scanned TSA xrays of pre-teen girls long enough to pretend deport the Saudi princling who did the Boston bombings is a feature, not a bug.
This latest example is Friend of Hamas-level stupidity. A rumor based on pure air makes it to Congress. Unreal.
04-18-2013 , 02:44 PM
Holy ****, that Jeff Duncan clip is like the script of a South Park episode where Stan's dad or someone is comically unable to process a simple point. ****ing idiot couldn't even wrap his head around the fact that the uninformed speculation he heard about brown people on the news wasn't true!
04-18-2013 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Hamish McBagpipe
This latest example is Friend of Hamas-level stupidity. A rumor based on pure air makes it to Congress. Unreal.
Welcome to the Politics forum. We lol at **** like this all the time.
04-18-2013 , 02:48 PM
Oh, I missed the fact that Duncan is the guy who said this:

DUNCAN: You know, when Forbes Magazine or Drudge or some reputable news sources start to repeat the numbers…the numbers cease to become Internet rumors and they start having some credibility.
04-18-2013 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by pvn

Hey, it's cool, you don't have to show them, they'll just hassle you and interrupt your day and generally make you regret it if you say no, but it's totally legal.

Cool, just show your papers because this will something something stop bombs, cuz all terrorists have big TERRORIST labels on their drivers licenses and passports.
Are we sure this is a "show your papers" thing or are they just restricting the area near the blast and making people prove they have business in the area? All I saw was a pic, so maybe I missed a story.
04-18-2013 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by drugsarebad
Holy ****, that Jeff Duncan clip is like the script of a South Park episode where Stan's dad or someone is comically unable to process a simple point. ****ing idiot couldn't even wrap his head around the fact that the uninformed speculation he heard about brown people on the news wasn't true!
Ah, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that it might actually be true and that the kid IS being deported (when the investigation is over or w/e). But, as it stands now, the story is based purely on what Emerson said on Fox. He heard it from a guy, lol. So, that's the point, entire thing is based on unsubstantiated claptrap. F all.
04-18-2013 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Hamish McBagpipe
Ah, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that it might actually be true and that the kid IS being deported (when the investigation is over or w/e). But, as it stands now, the story is based purely on what Emerson said on Fox. He heard it from a guy, lol. So, f all.
This is the perpetual problem of responsible people versus brazen idiots. See the vaccine debates, evolution, whatever. You have one guy confidently asserting what looks like complete fiction. You have the other lady being like, yeah bro, I have no idea what you're talking about, sounds crazy, but I'll get back to you - since as you say, it would be irresponsible to state confidently about some person's immigration status in a hearing without knowing the facts.

In the same way, evolution deniers or vaccine scare mongerers can slam their shoe on the table and say God did it, we don't have the missing link, spontaneous generation doesn't happen, too many vaccines cause autism, whatever. The responsible scientist can only say evolution best explains the current condition of the world, what we've empirically observed, and that science always accepts new information if necessary. The goon comes away looking confident and postured, the responsible person looks like they have their finger in the air trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing.

So the first dude looks all confident and he knows his ****, and the lady looks squirmy and non-responsive in this case. Although I think Napolitano did a good job calling him a ****ing moron as best she could. Charlatans always win these kinds of image battles, at least initially.
04-18-2013 , 02:55 PM
Someone needs to design a chrome plugin that works out if you are watching a youtube vid related to politics and if it is it just hides all the comments. It would protect my faith in humanity or at least the parts of humanity that comment on youtube.
04-18-2013 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
my faith in [...] the parts of humanity that comment on youtube.
04-18-2013 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Are we sure this is a "show your papers" thing or are they just restricting the area near the blast and making people prove they have business in the area? All I saw was a pic, so maybe I missed a story.
It could be, which is why I asked for an explanation. CC doesn't seem to care and is apparently fine with soldiers asking citizens for papers because something something bad guys don't have papers?
04-18-2013 , 03:30 PM
You'd think one of the benefits of being in congress is that you can get information straight from the horse's mouth and not ask the damn horse about what you heard on CBS? That's setting aside that his quest is like post deletion worthy stupid even if everything he believed was true. I almost hope that's just self aware grandstanding gone wrong than him actually being that stupid.
04-18-2013 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
You'd think one of the benefits of being in congress is that you can get information straight from the horse's mouth and not ask the damn horse about what you heard on CBS? That's setting aside that his quest is like post deletion worthy stupid even if everything he believed was true. I almost hope that's just self aware grandstanding gone wrong than him actually being that stupid.
There's 535 of those guys.
04-18-2013 , 03:45 PM
and they're all grandstanding
04-18-2013 , 03:55 PM
"Saudi student hurt in Boston bombing not a suspect, not being deported

Administration officials told The Hill on Thursday that news reports about the student injured in the bombing are confusing him with another student from Saudi Arabia who was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement for violating his visa."
04-18-2013 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Hamish McBagpipe
"Saudi student hurt in Boston bombing not a suspect, not being deported

Administration officials told The Hill on Thursday that news reports about the student injured in the bombing are confusing him with another student from Saudi Arabia who was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement for violating his visa."
Oh good, the right wing is given a natural pivot to more idiocy due to the confusion they created.

Where they go from here: What this proves is that the immigration system is far too confusing and unmanaged and no one can keep track of just which Saudi national is cleared, which is being deported, and which blew up the Boston marathon. Isn't this America? Why don't we know which Saudis are terorrists and which to deport? Surely it's all of them. We need a massive immigration overhaul to deport all Saudis and build a border fence to prevent them from immigrating from Mexico, due to this problem at Immigration and Customs not knowing which Saudis to deport and which to arrest for terrorism.
04-18-2013 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Oh good, the right wing is given a natural pivot to more idiocy due to the confusion they created.

Where they go from here: What this proves is that the immigration system is far too confusing and unmanaged and no one can keep track of just which Saudi national is cleared, which is being deported, and which blew up the Boston marathon. Isn't this America? Why don't we know which Saudis are terorrists and which to deport? Surely it's all of them. We need a massive immigration overhaul to deport all Saudis and build a border fence to prevent them from immigrating from Mexico, due to this problem at Immigration and Customs not knowing which Saudis to deport and which to arrest for terrorism.
Hey, all us brown people look alike. Sometimes I'll see a guy on TV and be like "holy ****, that's me!" and then realize wait no, that's Aziz Ansari.
