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Explosion at the Boston Marathon (NSFW Graphic Images): Waltham Murders Tied, 3rd Supect Dead Explosion at the Boston Marathon (NSFW Graphic Images): Waltham Murders Tied, 3rd Supect Dead

04-19-2013 , 11:49 PM
Was locking down Boston worth the cost? (Please no "YOU CAN'T PUT A PRICE ON LIFE" comments. Yes, yes you can. You can't have sensible public policy otherwise).
04-19-2013 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Horton
re Lanza: It was either his mother's religion or his lack of antipsychotic meds. I'm going with the former as well.
Actually, it looks like Adam was a Satan worshiper, and thought he was the devil, all religious fabrications he learned from his mother and from his school.

Psychotropic and anti-psychotic drugs can effectively treat the religiously fanatic.
04-19-2013 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
so basically every christian who ever did anything bad did it because of their religion?
Clearly stated "fanatic" Christian.

How you get "every" from that is on you.
04-20-2013 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Nichlemn
Was locking down Boston worth the cost? (Please no "YOU CAN'T PUT A PRICE ON LIFE" comments. Yes, yes you can. You can't have sensible public policy otherwise).
A snow day you can go out and drink after without all the snow? Hellz yeah worth it!
04-20-2013 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Russell
Clearly stated "fanatic" Christian.

How you get "every" from that is on you.
adam was fanatic?
04-20-2013 , 12:03 AM
Is anyone else completely vexed as to how this kid could be in a firefight with the suburban cops, get away, and later elude a paramilitary door to door hunt for half a day? I think this leaves a huge black eye on the authorities involved for the past 24 hours, when the ****ing homeowner is the one who found him.

Did whoever was in charge not tell the guys searching to peek under and inside cars? How would you miss bloodstains on a boat sitting in the driveway of a house you just searched each room of? I'm glad they caught this POS alive but honestly, should've been caught way earlier, and without civilian assistance.
04-20-2013 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
His tweets make him seem like a really sad dude who needed help, but snapped instead.

I'm with Dvaut1 here, I am thinking the hatred will go on immigrants. Already saw an anti-immigration FB post on my feed. Apparently this kid could have been deported a couple years ago, but was. So they blame Obama. Forgetting that Obama is setting record numbers as far as deportation goes(a negative about Obama that is for sure).
I don't really think this thing will even end up developing its own sort of independently recognizable right wing hate initiative. Like off the bat it isn't a Sandy Hook-type event that people will expect to be addressed with any specific legislative response or action or anything. No applicable "THIS IS A WAKE UP CALL ABOUT OUR ______ LAWS!" or "IT'S TIME FOR A STRONGER MILITARY PRESENCE IN ______!" The strongest result will be that it bolsters already existing prejudices imo, but it'll also end up as a minor recycled talking point in discussions over immigration, the perceived CRIPPLING of our military strength in the ME under Obama, why we need to end the American war on Judeo-Christian values, on and on.
04-20-2013 , 12:05 AM
04-20-2013 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Nichlemn
Was locking down Boston worth the cost? (Please no "YOU CAN'T PUT A PRICE ON LIFE" comments. Yes, yes you can. You can't have sensible public policy otherwise).
Not sure what you mean by "locking down".

If you had to go to the hospital, I'm sure you could go.

Public transport was ordered shut down.

Beyond that, I believe the rest was voluntary compliance, though I could be wrong.

There was no Martial Law in place, and I am not sure which Mass statute would allow the police to arrest for non-compliance.

Gov. Deval Patrick called on residents of Boston and Watertown to stay at home.

"We're asking people to shelter in place," Patrick said. "In other words, to stay indoors with their doors locked, and not to open their door for anyone other than a properly identified law enforcement officer."

The request extended to the neighboring communities of Waltham, Newton, Belmont and Cambridge.


Most area businesses were closed. City employees in Boston were told to stay home or remain where they were — though Homeland Security officials later said people who were already at work were free to go home. Courthouses were shut down, and area schools were closed, including universities.
Doesn't sound like much of an 'order' to me. Sounds voluntary, and most people were only too happy to comply. Public employees and buildings were shut down. Private businesses were free to remain open or not.
04-20-2013 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Russell
Not sure what you mean by "locking down".

If you had to go to the hospital, I'm sure you could go.

Public transport was ordered shut down.

Beyond that, I believe the rest was voluntary compliance, though I could be wrong.

There was no Martial Law in place, and I am not sure which Mass statute would allow the police to arrest for non-compliance.

Doesn't sound like much of an 'order' to me. Sounds voluntary, and most people were only too happy to comply. Public employees and buildings were shut down. Private businesses were free to remain open or not.
04-20-2013 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by LeoTrollstoy
Is anyone else completely vexed as to how this kid could be in a firefight with the suburban cops, get away, and later elude a paramilitary door to door hunt for half a day? I think this leaves a huge black eye on the authorities involved for the past 24 hours, when the ****ing homeowner is the one who found him.

Did whoever was in charge not tell the guys searching to peek under and inside cars? How would you miss bloodstains on a boat sitting in the driveway of a house you just searched each room of? I'm glad they caught this POS alive but honestly, should've been caught way earlier, and without civilian assistance.
He somehow slipped outside the perimeter, so that house wasn't searched door to door. Keep in mind this was a pretty large area they were trying to seal off.
04-20-2013 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Russell
Not sure what you mean by "locking down".

If you had to go to the hospital, I'm sure you could go.

Public transport was ordered shut down.

Beyond that, I believe the rest was voluntary compliance, though I could be wrong.

There was no Martial Law in place, and I am not sure which Mass statute would allow the police to arrest for non-compliance.

Doesn't sound like much of an 'order' to me. Sounds voluntary, and most people were only too happy to comply. Public employees and buildings were shut down. Private businesses were free to remain open or not.
From listening to the scanner all night, they did temporarily restrain people who were out if they remotely matched the description, but only for 10-15 minutes until they verified that they weren't the suspect.

I'm sure people could make a case that that is unconstitutional, but there's the letter of the law and there's common sense, and I think common sense needed to prevail here and it did.
04-20-2013 , 12:15 AM
It means you watch too much TV.

That the law enforcement officials identified and then killed/captured perpetrators at all in two days is a triumph.
04-20-2013 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Russell
Not sure what you mean by "locking down".

If you had to go to the hospital, I'm sure you could go.

Public transport was ordered shut down.

Beyond that, I believe the rest was voluntary compliance, though I could be wrong.

There was no Martial Law in place, and I am not sure which Mass statute would allow the police to arrest for non-compliance.
That's my understanding as well. A friend of mine decided to visit Boston this week (nice timing?) and her return flight was today. She allowed herself more time to get to the airport, but left her place and got to the airport during the lockdown period with no issues and no hassle.

(Turns out more time was not necessary since there was essentially no traffic, but hey. Better safe than sorry if you do get stopped I guess.)
04-20-2013 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by drugsarebad
I don't really think this thing will even end up developing its own sort of independently recognizable right wing hate initiative. Like off the bat it isn't a Sandy Hook-type event that people will expect to be addressed with any specific legislative response or action or anything. No applicable "THIS IS A WAKE UP CALL ABOUT OUR ______ LAWS!" or "IT'S TIME FOR A STRONGER MILITARY PRESENCE IN ______!" The strongest result will be that it bolsters already existing prejudices imo, but it'll also end up as a minor recycled talking point in discussions over immigration, the perceived CRIPPLING of our military strength in the ME under Obama, why we need to end the American war on Judeo-Christian values, on and on.

I hope you're right for your guys sake. Up here we're getting new bills being tabled starting Monday so the window for a power grab is already opened
04-20-2013 , 12:27 AM
for ****s sake
04-20-2013 , 12:28 AM
Must be ****ing hot in the sonoran desert perhaps a drink of cool water and a nap is in order?

Last edited by seattlelou; 04-20-2013 at 12:29 AM. Reason: Damn you Joe!
04-20-2013 , 12:28 AM
04-20-2013 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
It means you watch too much TV.

That the law enforcement officials identified and then killed/captured perpetrators at all in two days is a triumph.
04-20-2013 , 12:30 AM
I shall add Jack Daniels to said water, have two 9mm pistolas at the ready, for when .gov comes breaking down the door. Please don't shoot my dogs.
04-20-2013 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by jcorb
I shall add Jack Daniels to said water, have two 9mm pistolas at the ready, for when .gov comes breaking down the door. Please don't shoot my dogs.
Make sure to hold your breath while doing this.
04-20-2013 , 12:39 AM
.gov will probably be bringing some AR's.

I'd recommend you purchase some too.
04-20-2013 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
I will be interested in finding about this kid. How can you be so heartless to set that bomb down in front of the kid but show compassion to the car owner?
04-20-2013 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
His tweets make him seem like a really sad dude who needed help, but snapped instead.

I'm with Dvaut1 here, I am thinking the hatred will go on immigrants. Already saw an anti-immigration FB post on my feed. Apparently this kid could have been deported a couple years ago, but was. So they blame Obama. Forgetting that Obama is setting record numbers as far as deportation goes(a negative about Obama that is for sure).
"Given the events of this week, it is important for us to understand the gaps and loopholes in our immigration system," Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa said.

Grassley, an opponent of past immigration proposals in Congress, was speaking at the start of a congressional hearing on legislation unveiled earlier this week that would give 11 million people living illegally in the United States a chance at citizenship.
This happened earlier today, btw. So yeah, it isnt possible that this will spill into the immigration debate, it is a lock to do so.
04-20-2013 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by Turn Prophet
Classmates are saying Tsarnaev loved to drink, smoke, and party on college campuses... doesn't seem like a rabid fundie of any type to me, but who knows. My money is still on weird sociopath with unsatisfactory, non-epic motive.

But I don't want to derail the coming anti-Moooooozlim bloodlust the country is preparing itself for.
I thought some of the mainstream accused 911 hijackers were at a titty bar prior to he event . I also was told Mohammed Atta played craps in LV on occasion.
