Originally Posted by LASJayhawk
FWIW: my take on the Hage case was not my opinion, it was a Federal Court Judge, Robert C. Jones.
Guess he is full of bull**** too.
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
Since he got overturned, yes.
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Yeah, he didn't know what he was talking about either, as the appellate court showed.
My bad, the awards were by Judge Loren Smith, Jones was the one that held 2 government employees in contempt of court for witness tampering and wanted the DOJ to investigate the NFS and BLM for RICO act violations.
They one every step of the way from when the case was filed in 1991 as the government drug it out until the appeals court ruling. Oddly enough that was the first time they had to self represent as the lawyers fees had bankrupted them.
You may be impressed with a government that will drag people through the courts, loosing all the way for two decades until you can no longer afford proper representation. I'm not.
Hage, Bundy, Tombstone AZ, and the Las Vegas Valley Water District all have/had problems with BLM and NFS. It's not just about the ranchers, the Feds want the water rights.