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Charlottesville Cosplay Party Charlottesville Cosplay Party

08-20-2017 , 02:38 AM
I'm too liberal to be elected as a Republican
08-20-2017 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Saw the guys at Charlottesville? Meet your future Republican congressmen
Gonna let you in on a little secret. The current generation of Republican leadership are ALSO white supremacists:

08-20-2017 , 04:35 AM
Jimmies rustled when someone insults white supremacists. Propagates racial IQ theories. Too liberal for the GOP.

I guess that's possible.
08-20-2017 , 04:40 AM
I mean I appreciate the efforts of journalists to discover that in fact a bunch of angry white supremacists marching around Charlottesville have designs on a role in the future Republican Party but let's not get too breathless about it, it's worth remembering current Republican President Donald J. Trump once spent almost $100k to take out ads in New York City papers demanding the execution of 5 innocent black guys accused of raping a white woman.
08-20-2017 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
yeah, but an object can't really "spin" in 1 dimension. the analogy definitely needs some work.

Well, I'm sure you're aware of Sagan's Law Of Political Discourse: If you f**k up the flatland analogy, you just might be the flatlander.
08-20-2017 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by xnbomb
and black people have lower IQs than whites and East Asains

08-20-2017 , 06:46 AM
I just thought that post was meant as sarcasm
08-20-2017 , 07:44 AM
Was definitely a weird place to drop a Bell Curve link.
08-20-2017 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by xnbomb
Basically my only concern on this site for politics is trolling the libtards in Politics and P7.
08-20-2017 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Jews are the masterminds behind "replacing" whites by tricking minorities to come here and breed.
Step 1: Trick Minorities to come here and breed.

Step 2: ?????

Step 3: Profit
08-20-2017 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
How will ACLU know whether the protesters will be carrying weapons at the later protest when litigating the permit?

Is it specified in the permit itself? That would seem to run afoul of the 2nd.
It says they're going to "screen" more carefully. The could just ask potential clients "are you going to carry firearms." Or they could look online since these things are always organized online and if people are posting "make sure to bring your firearms" then they would know not to take the case.
08-20-2017 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Did you have fun? Would you go again?
I went more out of a sense of obligation than to have fun, but it was probably the most interesting thing to be doing in Boston yesterday, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

It was hot and sweaty, especially dressed in all black as I was. There was a dreadlocked hippie or three waving around burning sage; some possibly transgender wytches of Tumblr engaged in performative protest; a number of bongo-drum-beating DSA joiners chanting "No Trump! No KKK! No fascist USA!"; plenty of signs from the women's march or BLM protests reused for the purpose; a truly absurd number of cameras. My overall impression was of a sea of energized leftists who, despite their disagreements, walked agonizingly slowly toward a chainlink fence set up by police to the special snowflakes of the right safe in their little free speech zone.

Originally Posted by zikzak
I'm glad at least one politard went. I was stuck at home working.
Happy to hold it down for the forum.

Originally Posted by cuserounder
Was there a lot of conversation? Planning for future protests/events? Were any of the police saying much or acting like they were in support of either side? What were your thoughts before hand on possibly being in harm's way?

Beyond that, can you give us a brief trip report? (A paragraph or two, or more if you feel like it.)
See above, but to your questions:

(1) There was a fair amount of conversation taking place, yeah. I overheard lots of street philosophers getting into hypothetical debates; someone came up to my friend and started talking to her as though they assumed she was alt-right (even though we were standing around with the lefties chanting near the State House); lots of organizations there passing out fliers or trying to encourage joining; had a chat with some DSA people who'd been involved in getting a white supremacist fired by sending pictures from Charlottesville to his employer; and just a general mood of political engagement and encouragement.

(2) The police seemed totally neutral and disinterested. They just stood around at designated points to make sure nothing got out of control. My friends and I had left to go drink at a bar before anyone got arrested.

(3) I thought about it enough to look at 4chan on the way in. My roommates were very concerned for my well-being, but for the most part I wasn't worried. That said, there were many at the protest with Heather Heyer signs and the overall sense of outrage was palpable.

Worst sign award:

White guy with hand-drawn "SILENCE IS CONSENT"

Last edited by DrModern; 08-20-2017 at 08:46 AM.
08-20-2017 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by DrModern
Worst sign award:

White guy with hand-drawn "SILENCE IS CONSENT"
Are we certain that wasn't Bill Cosby in whiteface?
08-20-2017 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by xnbomb
I'm too liberal to be elected as a Republican
Originally Posted by xnbomb
still better than if Hillary had won

08-20-2017 , 06:59 PM
08-20-2017 , 07:01 PM
08-20-2017 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Bleh
tweet best read in best Garrison Keillor voice after pressing play here

08-20-2017 , 09:00 PM

this makes me wonder if the press conference even was him revealing his hatred, or if he just has mashed potato brains and is obsessed with the only channel that gives him positive media coverage
08-20-2017 , 09:05 PM
08-20-2017 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Holy ****, this is ****ing perfect.
08-20-2017 , 09:25 PM
Accent is atrocious

edit: but obviously quite good otherwise
08-20-2017 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Accent is atrocious
I'm OK with it. Paul Roebling has been dead for like 25 years. Gotta make due sometimes. Everything else is spot on including the panning out on the still image.
08-20-2017 , 09:36 PM
What's he say at the end? "My favorite wife or pillow?" or some kind of pillow I've never heard of?
08-20-2017 , 09:43 PM
08-20-2017 , 09:46 PM
Yeah, I was imagining something like that, but was trying to hear "wife-like" or something.

How do you know so much? You're old too.
