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Charlottesville Cosplay Party Charlottesville Cosplay Party

08-19-2017 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
Why do we need statues of Jefferson and Washington?
serious question, btw
08-19-2017 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
the ACLU represented the nazi's in court when their permit was denied, which would be before the nazi's actually showed up to protest

their statement seems like empty lip-service to mollify knee-jerk bolsheviks threatening to antifa their donors
It's extremely transparent.
08-19-2017 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
I don't know the permitting process.

But if we are talking about gov't action, which I do believe the issuance of a permit to be, there are of course 1A & 2A considerations in play.
Yes, of course. That's why I qualified with "on that side of things". What the government can't do is use the permitting process to do an end-run around the 1st-A (or the 2nd-A, for that matter).

For example: they can't issue permits for effectively all public spaces, because then would leave no place for those who wished to assemble & speak without a permit to do so. Also, they can't play favorites regarding who they issue permits to. The latter is what actually happened in Charlottesville... a judge ruled that the city was playing favorites when they initially denied a permit for the "Unite the Right" rally in Emancipation Park, and instead offered a permit for a different park ~mile away.
08-19-2017 , 12:21 PM
08-19-2017 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
If BLM showed up at Duke armed to the teeth like Nazis they would all be shot dead by riot police.

Well BLM doesn't usually show up armed and guns aren't allowed on campus either (which is also why the nazis avoided going on campus at UVA). However, BLM members have held protests on Duke's campus and Duke has hosted one of the co-founders for an open forum/discussion at least once and no violence has come from either side.

Duke also handled the Black Panthers and other black activists groups coming to campus for protests without any violence in 2006 and 2007.
08-19-2017 , 12:28 PM
08-19-2017 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
Well BLM doesn't usually show up armed and guns aren't allowed on campus either (which is also why the nazis avoided going on campus at UVA). However, BLM members have held protests on Duke's campus and Duke has hosted one of the co-founders for an open forum/discussion at least once and no violence has come from either side.

Duke also handled the Black Panthers and other black activists groups coming to campus for protests without any violence in 2006 and 2007.
My point had nothing to do with whether BLM shows up armed or if they're violent and also really had nothing to do with Duke, other than the other guy used Duke as an example.

Please note the post to which I was responding.
08-19-2017 , 12:47 PM
08-19-2017 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Reports out of Boston so far is massive crowds for the good guys (saw some tweets saying largest Boston rally ever) and a tiny Trump sized handful of deplorables.
Yeah but definitely let them rally and grow their ranks in peace. That's the answer.
08-19-2017 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bleh
Yeah but definitely let them rally and grow their ranks in peace. That's the answer.
This is exactly what we should be doing. Let the 100 deplorables gather behind police barricades while 20,000 people point, chant, and laugh at them. It's not a winning look for them.
08-19-2017 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Paid protesters imo
08-19-2017 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
This is exactly what we should be doing. Let the 100 deplorables gather behind police barricades while 20,000 people point, chant, and laugh at them. It's not a winning look for them.
Sure if they want to stay in one place with police barricades. But they don't seem too content with that. The Friday night torch walk had no permit. And they kept refusing to stay/go where the cops wanted them on Saturday. But all everyone's racist uncle knows is THEY HAD A PERMIT.
08-19-2017 , 01:32 PM
The derpers turned tail and left the Common. There were only about 50 of them, compared with 10k+ counter-protesters. aorn Boston Common is a huge party.
08-19-2017 , 01:33 PM

08-19-2017 , 01:40 PM
Nicely done Boston
08-19-2017 , 02:31 PM
I'm a little surprised Boston couldn't come up with more angry racists for this
08-19-2017 , 02:32 PM
With all the slave raping Jefferson's genocide has been overlooked.
08-19-2017 , 02:35 PM
Well the cops are all in uniform. Heyo!
08-19-2017 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
Paid protesters imo
08-19-2017 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Bleh

Maybe, but they executed so poorly that it just looks bad on them in my opinion. I can't imagine there are more people out there who are lining up to join forces with the crying Nazi, than are saying, "Man, eff these wusses."
08-19-2017 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
Maybe, but they executed so poorly that it just looks bad on them in my opinion. I can't imagine there are more people out there who are lining up to join forces with the crying Nazi, than are saying, "Man, eff these wusses."
Yeah, I think that whole take is founded on a reification of 'the discourse'. Like, if and when the WNs decide to overtly eschew the rule of law, they'll just do it. It won't matter if some ostensible rationale actually exists or not; they'll just say it does. No clue what being trained to interrogate people has to do with anything, either. Share away, laugh away, imo.
08-19-2017 , 05:54 PM
Agree w Cuse

These wannabes seem to communicate a lot of weakness whenever they've had to go outside among people recently. If you aren't projecting strength, what appeal is there for the chinless losers you're trying to appeal to? They don't up to fight for some noble cause, they just want an identity other than "beta weirdo that can't do a pull-up." Hard to sell the badass rebel thing when you're blubbering on camera, or getting smiled at by an young Indian chick looking down at you.
08-19-2017 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Minirra
If you aren't projecting strength, what appeal is there for the chinless losers you're trying to appeal to?
the message they want out there is: white christians like YOU are under attack

affirmative action, 'happy holidays', statues being taken down, staged assaults, message is the same **** throughout

the more that mr white bloke thinks he's under attack the more likely he'll purchase some nootropics from in order to keep his brain safe from the soros-backed shadow government gamma rays
08-19-2017 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Minirra
Agree w Cuse

These wannabes seem to communicate a lot of weakness whenever they've had to go outside among people recently. If you aren't projecting strength, what appeal is there for the chinless losers you're trying to appeal to? They don't up to fight for some noble cause, they just want an identity other than "beta weirdo that can't do a pull-up." Hard to sell the badass rebel thing when you're blubbering on camera, or getting smiled at by an young Indian chick looking down at you.
The guy would presumably say that it's something like Marc Antony holding up Caesar's robe. But it's BS, they don't need someone to actually get stabbed when a toga and some red paint will do.
08-19-2017 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bleh

lol at trying to make a point and using alex jones
