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08-18-2017 , 04:04 PM

08-18-2017 , 04:11 PM
Firebending itt
08-18-2017 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by nomaddd
aren't we all horrible in eyes of hindsight?
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I'm rapidly becoming Sklansky's hypeman here but Jesus Christ this. If you think you're doing something that is going to get judged harshly by historians cut that **** out right now.
Not to claim we're horrible, but I'm sure at any given point in history you can look back ten or twenty years and say people were pretty awful about something.

Like, with the rapid evolution on opinions of the LGBTQ community, it's probably in a lot of our own pasts making comments that we would find pretty distasteful today. Just go back and watch TV shows from the 90s, ffs. Friends was massively homophobic in about half their episodes. Rewatching it now is pretty uncomfortable in a lot of cases. But at the time even just making jokes related to gayness being a thing was probably pretty forward thinking.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that, years before slavery was all the rage, white people wouldnt even consider letting black people on their land. Slavery may have been the forward thinking, progressive thing at some point before progressives realized how terrible it was and left only conservatives supporting slavery.

It's kind of an endless cycle.
08-18-2017 , 04:31 PM
TS used this pattern to advance his support for sexing animals.

Just saying...
08-18-2017 , 04:32 PM
But you're talking about an endless cycle of progress like it's a bad thing. Yes, I can think back on dumb homophobic jokes that I made in middle or high school and am mortified that I used to think that way. But I've matured as a person, we've matured as a society, and now, in some small way of making up for my own bad past behavior, try to be a good ally to those who still face discrimination.
08-18-2017 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
... I wouldn't be surprised to learn that, years before slavery was all the rage, white people wouldnt even consider letting black people on their land...
That's not at all how things went historically.

If fact, it doesn't make a lick-o-sense. The problem here is you've bought into the myth of Secret Heart R-word-ism. Black folk weren't enslaved because of the evil that lies within the heart of man. Black folks were enslaved because they were working folk, and the capitalists profit off of working folk. Just that simple.

... It's kind of an endless cycle.
No. No it is not. None of this stuff is state-of-nature. All of this stuff needs to constantly be brought into existence by the institutionalized application of violence. All of this stuff can be stopped by us working folk organizing, and taking direct action.
08-18-2017 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by stinkubus
Why? Let David Duke, Richard Spencer, et al spend their own money on lawyers.
I don't want bad case law.
08-18-2017 , 05:14 PM
I 100% support the ACLU on this. It is what is necessary to combat those who will misuse freedom of speech to hide behind in order to enact an agenda of intimidation, fear and violence.
08-18-2017 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Not to claim we're horrible, but I'm sure at any given point in history you can look back ten or twenty years and say people were pretty awful about something.

Like, with the rapid evolution on opinions of the LGBTQ community, it's probably in a lot of our own pasts making comments that we would find pretty distasteful today. Just go back and watch TV shows from the 90s, ffs. Friends was massively homophobic in about half their episodes. Rewatching it now is pretty uncomfortable in a lot of cases. But at the time even just making jokes related to gayness being a thing was probably pretty forward thinking.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that, years before slavery was all the rage, white people wouldnt even consider letting black people on their land. Slavery may have been the forward thinking, progressive thing at some point before progressives realized how terrible it was and left only conservatives supporting slavery.

It's kind of an endless cycle.
So you admit... "You can never be woke enough."
08-18-2017 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem
The discussion of which statues should stay up and which shouldn't is pretty interesting to me. Should get a thread going on it. like how about this one at NASA?

nazi schmatzi
08-18-2017 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by nomaddd
I was not defending Lee. I do not care about him, or his statues, or the people who worship him.

My point is along the lines of what you state. Until you reach the state of utopia, there will always be unenlightened, horrible people from the past. People talk about Lee, but is he any more horrible in the context of slavery than the housewife who did nothing to stop it? Maybe there are degrees of horribleness, and Lee would rate above the housewife.....
Ok, and yeah to degrees of horribleness for sure.
08-18-2017 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
the con is collapsing any figure into a singular ideal for the sake of dragging that figure around to make whatever point one wishes to bounce off of said ideal

we all you have is a plane, spin can only go in one of two directions (good and evil), but it can go in either
That would be a line. Planes have x and y axes.
08-18-2017 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
ACLU changes policy

Pretty good with that.

Weapons escalate things, give up your 2nd for a couple of hours while marching using your 1st.
08-18-2017 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
Marching with firearms should be fine, unless the city bans it.
Why the need? Isn't the 2nd to allow you to march if your free speech rights are violated? All it does is add the hint of yelling fire in a theatre.
08-19-2017 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

ACLU's decision is in line with their take on the 2nd amendment, which is that they're skeptical of an individual right to bear arms:

It seems exceptionally reasonable for them to say that they'll defend the speech of people who don't intend on showing up with guns to intimidate and potentially engage in violence with others.

umm ... the groups that went down there armed were collective groups of militia. I disagree with the ACLU's interpretation of the 2A, I think it's an individual right. But they're going against what they say their stance on 2A is, no?
08-19-2017 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I'm rapidly becoming Sklansky's hypeman here but Jesus Christ this. If you think you're doing something that is going to get judged harshly by historians cut that **** out right now.
Historians ~100 years from now will harshly judge all meat/egg/milk consumers.

Careful what ya eating brah
08-19-2017 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by lacticacid
Weapons escalate things, give up your 2nd for a couple of hours while marching using your 1st.

I completely disagree on principle. You should never have to give up one of your Constitutional rights in order to exercise another one.

I'm not a lawyer and never studied law so I have no comment on ACLU's decision in this case.
08-19-2017 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by Heroball
Cool story, Bro.
You just cool-story-bro'd the dead woman's mother.
08-19-2017 , 05:35 AM
Glad dummies can’t distinguish between enemies and traitors of the United States bent on ruining the country and various actual contributors to the United States who might have done some unsavory things.
08-19-2017 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Glad dummies can’t distinguish between enemies and traitors of the United States bent on ruining the country and various actual contributors to the United States who might have done some unsavory things.

Dummy Cornell Law Proffesor unable to persuade himself that Washington/Jefferson monuments should stand. Predicts in more enlightened future they will be torn down.

08-19-2017 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by Heroball

Dummy Cornell Law Proffesor unable to persuade himself that Washington/Jefferson monuments should stand. Predicts in more enlightened future they will be torn down.

Which of his arguments do you disagree with?
08-19-2017 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by Heroball
Hypothetically, how do you think the ACLU would view a BLM armed march into a university campus, say, Duke?

I suspect they'd take a different approach and protect the speech they agree with.
If BLM showed up at Duke armed to the teeth like Nazis they would all be shot dead by riot police.
08-19-2017 , 07:59 AM
Heroball? More like Deploraball.
08-19-2017 , 08:28 AM
Is Heroball a reference to Hitler's lone testicle?
08-19-2017 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Heroball
... Nice strawman tho.
You are accusing me of intentionally and dishonestly misrepresenting someone else's views. I don't care for your insinuation that I'm posting in bad faith. You are going to need to explain your comment to me... or I will report your post for breaking Alta rule #2 (no trolling).

You can start with this: (a) whose views, exactly, am I misrepresenting, and (b) IYO what are their actual views?
