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08-15-2017 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Why is there such a need to pretend that left wing extremists don't exist at all and don't occasionally cause violence in this country?

Right wing violence seems slightly more common place than left wing violence, but right wing violence generates a hell of a lot more outrage (and 'outrage') and coverage when it happens, whereas left wing violence is either ignored or excused.
I know right? Why are people ignoring all the rallies antifa starts to claim superiority and wish death on all white people? Why are people ignoring 3 prominent antifa in the White House? Why are they ignoring the antifa bomb plot in OKC that was just thwarted?
08-15-2017 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Me, on Sunday:

oh hai
ON AUGUST 10, the Charlottesville Daily Progress published an editorial in anticipation of a rally that attracted hundreds of white nationalists, neo-Nazis, neo-Confederates, and racists—many of them armed—to the recently renamed Emancipation Park.

More than once, the editorial asks, “How did we get here?”

By way of an answer, the Daily Progress editorial board assigned responsibility. The editorial’s headline urged a lone city councilor—Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy—to “speak up now to calm [a] raging fire.” Bellamy, who is the only black person on the City Council and who was elected in 2015 with a greater number of votes than any other candidate, organized a press conference in Emancipation Park last year and called for the removal of the Lee statue.
The editorial suggests that Bellamy’s call to remove the statue of Lee “attracted the attention of a now dedicated foe, Jason Kessler”—a Charlottesville resident and erstwhile Daily Caller writer who tried to have Bellamy removed from city council and, through that work, became known in the “alt-right” community. Kessler organized the “Unite the Right” rally and applied for the permits to hold it in Emancipation Park.

The Progress, however, argued that Bellamy “is largely responsible for a conflagration that continues to escalate.” It puts the blame on Bellamy for Kessler’s actions.
08-15-2017 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Referring to hero’s of the United States as equivalents to confederate traitors because they were slave holders is literally part of the American Nazi doctrine.

You are scoring quite well by the way.
they were traitors to the Crown, don't forget
08-15-2017 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
the only thing that will save society from careening towards fascism is if masses of people fight it one way or another.
I believe our values are stronger than that.
08-15-2017 , 07:12 PM
I highly doubt that most of the people who showed up to protest the white supremacists in Charlottesville were left wing extremists. God help us all if that's the case. I would like to think that an overwhelming majority of the middle 50% on the political spectrum would be disgusted by David Duke and Richard Spencer.

There will always be a big risk of violence at these sorts of events for at least two reasons. First, the alt-right absolutely wants some amount of violence at these events because it generates publicity. Second, it's pretty hard for decent people to listen to this ****, especially if they are there in person, without getting steaming ****ing mad.
08-15-2017 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Man, that ****ing editorial. The ****?
08-15-2017 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
they were traitors to the Crown, don't forget
Dont see how this is relevant. Should we be erecting Benedict Arnold statues?
08-15-2017 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I highly doubt that most of the people who showed up to protest the white supremacists in Charlottesville were left wing extremists. God help us all if that's the case. I would like to think that an overwhelming majority of the middle 50% on the political spectrum would be disgusted by David Duke and Richard Spencer.

There will always be a big risk of violence at these sorts of events for at least two reasons. First, the alt-right absolutely wants some amount of violence at these events because it generates publicity. Second, it's pretty hard for decent people to listen to this ****, especially if they are there in person, without getting steaming ****ing mad.
Watch the videos. There's a few read flags but also a ton of them that look like they could have been at the Women's March. I'd have been there if I lived nearby.
08-15-2017 , 07:24 PM
of course the "left wing violence" tack is just absurd

nazi'ism has violence hard-baked in

bad reactions on the left

bad proactions on the right

one shows poor judgment

the other shows garbage motivation
08-15-2017 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
Dont see how this is relevant. Should we be erecting Benedict Arnold statues?
I don't think we need to idolize people as statues at all tbf
08-15-2017 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
On phone atm.

Again misattributed. I didn't say don't be mean, and I didn't say don't shame. Go quote me. I said don't be violent and don't deny their constitutional rights. Then everybody went full spin and now I'm the second coming of Goebbels.

Here's an explanation of how:

What are they saying? In between whatever about jews and race. They are saying "we are repressed". Show them that they aren't being repressed, they are just unpopular. Make them say "no democracy then" and boom, now they're not American anymore.
Lol, why should we bother with telling those dummies they are not repressed. If they are dumb enough to think they are repressed telling them they are not accomplishes nothing but wasting time and nazis furthering their hatred.

This is a discussion we have had numerous times here in the past year and a large number of people agree that trying to convince dumb or ignorant people what they are doing is bad and we should all work together has been a proven failure.

So then the response pivots to people are being made more dumb, mean and ignorant because they are being told they are dumb, mean and ignorant.

The burden is on them at this point to educate themselves and grow. As has been discussed in this thread many are at least partially educated.

Any white male in the US who things they are repressed are a total lost cause in terms of educating them directly. You have to actually clearly and constantly tell them who they are and it’s on them to actually change who they are and how they act.
08-15-2017 , 07:31 PM
Being white in America is like winning the lottery twice. If you still think you're oppressed you're a racist idiot.
08-15-2017 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
rofl mr. "quote me accurately and don't say I said stuff I didn't say" busts THIS gem out
He just can't help himself, it's truly amazing.

Cotton Hill would be a great account as a gimmick. Too bad it is not satirical at all.
08-15-2017 , 07:34 PM
I kinda sympathize with these alt-right guys, and I'm not racist. So they must not be that bad.

-- Cotton Logic
08-15-2017 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Right wing violence seems slightly more common place than left wing violence...
08-15-2017 , 07:35 PM
Apparently right-wing media is really playing up antifa. Even my low-info conservative acquaintances know who antifa is. Low to medium-info liberals have no idea.
08-15-2017 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
I believe our values are stronger than that.
Do you think the majority of this thread has the same values as you do?
08-15-2017 , 07:36 PM
Maybe this is heresy, but I sometimes wonder if 1st Amendment absolutism is trumping common sense in this country. Do we really have to put up with this **** in order to have a free society. Is minimal line drawing really so impossible? Is the slippery slope really as slippery as absolutists say. Germany made it a crime to promote National Socialism, and that ban hasnt led to a widespread erosion of civil liberties.

I'm sure I'm overreacting, and I certainly don't want Trump deciding what speech is ok, but these thoughts have crossed my mind.
08-15-2017 , 07:37 PM
wtf is it with poggers and their explosive diarrhea posting? My god, stfu. Nobody wants to read your high volume serial spazz.
08-15-2017 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
Because I think their ways will only make the Nazi problem worse. If I haven't made that clear, sorry.
What you haven't said is (a) why you think that, and (b) what verifiable facts of the world back up your thinking.

This is what I was getting at, when I said you are not an activist, but you somehow feel you can give tactical advice to peeps that are. It's exactly like me, a fool who knows nothing about playing soccer, second guessing a professional soccer coach.

Second, even if you had reason to believe the above, you are still hurting the "team" by being divisive and sowing disunity. Your actions, of whining basically, casts the entire "team", and it's goals themselves, into illegitimacy. So even if your thinking is factually correct (which, again, you have absolutely no reason to believe it is)... you are still hurting the "team" by acting the way you do.
08-15-2017 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Do the alt right have a right to march? Yes. Do people have a right to protest them? Yes. The problem is the police didn't do their job. They just threw everyone in a big area and said have at it. You do that with opposing football team fans and you'd have fights, much less people who want to ethnically cleanse minorities and minorities themselves.
I mostly accept McAuliffe's statement that the police were seriously outgunned, given the pictures I saw of militiamen with body armor and assault rifles. I'd rather they retreat than start breaking skulls like in Ferguson anyway. This means there needs to be serious adjustments in preparation for next time, though.
08-15-2017 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Maybe this is heresy, but I sometimes wonder if 1st Amendment absolutism is trumping common sense in this country. Do we really have to put up with this **** in order to have a free society. Is minimal line drawing really so impossible? Is the slippery slope really as slippery as absolutists say. Germany made it a crime to promote National Socialism, and that ban hasnt led to a widespread erosion of civil liberties.

I'm sure I'm overreacting, and I certainly don't want Trump deciding what speech is ok, but these thoughts have crossed my mind.
Most countries similar to the USA have some sort of laws against hate speech. The first amendment absolutism arguments are pretty similar to what we've seen in the healthcare threads. Even though other countries have successfully done something one way for decades, it's a gigantic slippery slope that ends in moral destruction if the USA were to change their system. The system is broken, but if we fix it to a known solution...uhhh...Hillarys emails!
08-15-2017 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
they were traitors to the Crown, don't forget
Wow boy what is it that keeps giving away the game here, wolf? ****ing baffling how easily we all saw through your bull****.
08-15-2017 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Why is there such a need to pretend that left wing extremists don't exist at all and don't occasionally cause violence in this country?

Right wing violence seems slightly more common place than left wing violence, but right wing violence generates a hell of a lot more outrage (and 'outrage') and coverage when it happens, whereas left wing violence is either ignored or excused.

Yeah whaddabout that one Starbucks window? Huh? Howbowdat?
08-15-2017 , 07:50 PM
