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Brexit Referendum Brexit Referendum

12-10-2018 , 12:34 PM is brexit cancelled yet?
12-10-2018 , 12:46 PM

Is this true or is there some get out clause she can use to kick it down the road?
12-10-2018 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I think you're missing the possibility of the "Oh **** we've run out of time" scenario where the Maybot's prime directive compels it to blunder and bluster its way through to March without any decisions being made, and the cliff edge beckons.

ps No more crap music please, k thx
I'm not missing it. I just dont think the house will allow it. They may accept May's deal to avoid it if they have to - that's her main plan but even that is looking ropey now because the house will amend the meaningful vote when it finally happens.

ps i promise. No crap music.
12-10-2018 , 01:06 PM
No deal isn't an act, its a default. To avoid it ultimately there will either have to be a deal that is passed by the HoC or Brexit will have to be cancelled by Article 50 being withdrawn (which at least we know we can do unilaterally now). General Elections and Referendums are merely stepping stones to one of those things happening to prevent a no deal.

Don't bet against this lot doing nothing until it's too late, especially as a number of them actually favour no deal.
12-10-2018 , 01:15 PM
Yeah we both know that we know that. Although there's also the extension possibility.

It's possible but pretty unlikely that this lot will do nothing until it's too late. Not now they have started asserting themselves.
12-10-2018 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by SootedPowa

Is this true or is there some get out clause she can use to kick it down the road?
The speaker went into this exact point
Having taken procedural advice, he said the government was within its rights to "unilaterally" decline to move a motion ordering the vote, but he said it would be preferable to give MPs their say before doing so.

"Halting the debate after no fewer than 164 colleagues have taken the trouble to contribute will be thought by many members of this House to be deeply discourteous," he said.

"I politely suggest that in any courteous, respectful and mature environment, allowing the house to have a say would be the right and, dare I say it, the obvious, course to take."
12-10-2018 , 01:23 PM
the UK reminds me of a petulant child with his lips pursed, turning away when his mother pushes the spoon full of medicine towards his mouth.
12-10-2018 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by ligastar
the UK reminds me of a petulant child with his lips pursed, turning away when his mother pushes the spoon full of medicine towards his mouth.
The medicine that we asked for, too.

You have to admire May's front, pursuing Brexit because democracy but then not letting parliament vote because she doesn't like the result she will get.
12-10-2018 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Yeah we both know that we know that. Although there's also the extension possibility.

It's possible but pretty unlikely that this lot will do nothing until it's too late. Not now they have started asserting themselves.
An extension doesn't really help to avert no deal if there's no majority in the HoC for any potential deal, and the latest polls show the Tories and Labour still neck and neck.

I suppose one scenario is extension, HoC fails to vote for deal, another extension, another vote against a deal etc until the public and HoC eventually tire of this nonsense and there's an election that one party (presumably Labour) wins convincingly and the newly formed HoC passes either a deal or cancellation of Article 50.

The far more sensible route is for a referendum sooner rather than later, and as May has gone back on several pledges she's made I'm hopeful she'll change her mind about this too.

There's also the strong possibility of a new Tory leader/PM before too long, which throws a new wild card onto the table that's hard to predict, but without an election they'd still be stuck with the same stalemate in the HoC unless something changes radically.
12-10-2018 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by ligastar
the UK reminds me of a petulant child with his lips pursed, turning away when his mother pushes the spoon full of medicine towards his mouth.
Is it medicine or is it poison?
12-10-2018 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by ligastar
Remainers remind me of a petulant child with his lips pursed, turning away when his mother pushes the spoon full of medicine towards his mouth.
12-10-2018 , 01:34 PM
I wonder if there's a court case to take HMG to court for not delivering the result of the 2016 referendum?

If only
12-10-2018 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
How do you think the EU will view the UK in the medium and long term if we 'remain'?

How do you think the large percentage who wanted to leave will react with each bad decision the EU makes?
12-10-2018 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
I wonder if there's a court case to take HMG to court for not delivering the result of the 2016 referendum?
Of course there isn't - referendum results are advisory only.
12-10-2018 , 01:37 PM

And Conservative former education secretary Justine Greening sought assurances that the final vote would not be left until 28 March 2019, the day before the UK is to due to leave the EU.
that would be quite funny.
12-10-2018 , 01:38 PM
Many scenarios are quite possible including multiple ones, Replacing May as tory leader will not alter the majority against a no-deal. The lame horse in this race is nothing happening.

Obviously a 2nd ref is the way to go and I just ignore May's pledges (along witt many others) Far too much Mandy Rice Davies going on to take any notice.
12-10-2018 , 01:45 PM
I can't see May lasting at all. She'a bust flush and has essentially lost authority in cabinet, gov and HoC.

And yeah I agree, those spineless jellyfish in the HoC are too scared to go against the Ref, and too scared to implement No Deal, and will now look like complete ***** if they go along with some minor fiddling from the EU's side. And May's not going to get anything except scraps, just like Cameron before her.

Bring it on, No Deal vs Remain, with result honoured in law and cast-iron guarantee it will happen voted on my MP's before a single referendum vote is cast. Anything else is stacking the deck and cheating.
12-10-2018 , 01:50 PM
You don't seem to mind the cheating that went on the 2016 referendum campaign for which people will probably face criminal charges. Funny that.
12-10-2018 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
I wonder if there's a court case to take HMG to court for not delivering the result of the 2016 referendum?
Pretty sure in a legal sense it was only "advisory"
12-10-2018 , 01:51 PM
If I was as deeply cynical as someone I drink with I would be suggesting that a solution to exiting the backstop is ready to go from both sides.

I think he is wrong but I wouldn't be surprised if he will be able to claim he was right.
12-10-2018 , 01:56 PM
I'm hoping for 48 letters and May going now tbh.

We really are getting to the point where indecision is clearly becoming the worst option out of all of them. I'd be fuming if I was a business that was relying on knowing what the trajectory of the country is.
12-10-2018 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
If I was as deeply cynical as someone I drink with I would be suggesting that a solution to exiting the backstop is ready to go from both sides.

I think he is wrong but I wouldn't be surprised if he will be able to claim he was right.
Maybe she's going to throw NI under the bus? The DUP haven't earned their billion after all.
12-10-2018 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Maybe she's going to throw NI under the bus? The DUP haven't earned their billion after all.
I was cynical enough to suggest that

Originally Posted by chezlaw
It may also be dawning on the dup that at some point May will betray them like she did Resse Mogg and co.
12-10-2018 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
I can't see May lasting at all. She'a bust flush and has essentially lost authority in cabinet, gov and HoC.

And yeah I agree, those spineless jellyfish in the HoC are too scared to go against the Ref, and too scared to implement No Deal, and will now look like complete ***** if they go along with some minor fiddling from the EU's side. And May's not going to get anything except scraps, just like Cameron before her.

Bring it on, No Deal vs Remain, with result honoured in law and cast-iron guarantee it will happen voted on my MP's before a single referendum vote is cast. Anything else is stacking the deck and cheating.
Referendums cannot be binding in the UK, because of the sovereignty of Parliament.
12-10-2018 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Maybe she's going to throw NI under the bus? The DUP haven't earned their billion after all.
If the confidence and supply agreement is no longer in place then she no longer has a majority, which I assume results in a general election?
