Originally Posted by plexiq
Yeah, lets not get into the random rambling and please stick to the disussion of the racism claim. You still didn't make any argument about that.
You and richdog(?) have used that silly talking point for months and no one wanted to engage because the argument is just plain ridiculous. Now, after repeating it for months, please make at least some effort in defending it.
Without going back through all the pages I believe my point was that if the EU truely believes in the 4 freedoms then it should not be excluding freedom of movement when it set up trade agreements (goods AND services) with African nations.
To do so is either:
1) Racially Discriminatory
2) An acknowledgement of the foolishness of allowing such between nations of vastly different economies when the outcome (i.e a mass flow of persons to the more developed nation) is inevitable.
So the EU is either run by racists or fools. Either way we are far better of out of it.
Not seen much discussion on these boards of the recent Italian banking crises, the potentially fatal fine to DB in Germany or the IMF head being convicted of criminal negligence in awarding her high society friend E400M of French taxpayers money. I presume Brexit is to blame for all that too.......