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Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion

09-22-2018 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
I find this FBI stuff hilarious because what the hell are they gonna do, interview some people then shrug shoulders? It's basically who are you going to believe at this point and that's that unfortunately. You guys trying to argue against people who never posted in here before especially when they just repeat themselves annoy me almost as much as they are.

These people with "that was 30 years ago" as if that makes it okay piss me off, we get it you don't care.
The point of the FBI investigation is the same as any accusation that could come down to he said she said. It is to scrutinize the story of the accused and see if their story matches other facts. Especially in this case, she needs some kind of protection from random alibies, attacks on her and lies. They may not be able to "prove" he did what she said, but they can prove his story doesn't match Judge's, other people who were there, or at least can disprove the bull**** doppelganger defense etc. An investigation into surrounding facts goes a ways toward getting this guy to either tell the truth, lie under oath directly or by omission in either a provable way or a fairly easy to spot way if he did it and actually remembers he did it.

Good lord. I mean would there ever be any point in investigating or cross-examining a witness in cases lacking physical evidence if a denial was the end of the story? Make him explain himself, answer questions, and see if his explanations are consistent with or contradict the known facts (that will be uncovered in an investigation) or not.

This goes to his credibility to be on the SCOTUS, the burden is not proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
09-22-2018 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Just taking a moment to acknowledge that the dastardly political play that is being floated is the timing was designed to derail the fast-tracking of the appointment of an incredibly unpopular nominee before the midterms with the memory of the Garland obstruction not even fully ripe yet. There is not even an argument of a need to rush this that isn't driven by the politically motivated bastardization of the process by the right, yet that timeline is being held up as a hallowed institution under attack by the raging lefties and their politicking.

It's absurd to even entertain the idea.
What the republicans did to Garland was underhanded. He at least deserved to get a vote. This doesn't excuse what Feinstein did in this situation. Four year olds say, "well he did this" to excuse their misdeeds. Its like the lefties in this forum never matured beyond kindergarten.
09-22-2018 , 03:06 PM
09-22-2018 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
What the republicans did to Garland was underhanded. He at least deserved to get a vote. This doesn't excuse what Feinstein did in this situation. Four year olds say, "well he did this" to excuse their misdeeds. Its like the lefties in this forum never matured beyond kindergarten.
It is the bully who punches you in the head every day getting angry when you graze them throwing up your hands to block the blow.
09-22-2018 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Is there a way to filter out the people who quote a problem poster? The forum has needed that feature for a decade.
So much this (no offense to the poster above me).

Last edited by gregorio; 09-22-2018 at 03:26 PM.
09-22-2018 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
With nobody corroborating her story its difficult to get to "Kav probably tried to rape Ford".
OK cool, bitches be lying. Got it.
09-22-2018 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
What the republicans did to Garland was underhanded. He at least deserved to get a vote. This doesn't excuse what Feinstein did in this situation. Four year olds say, "well he did this" to excuse their misdeeds. Its like the lefties in this forum never matured beyond kindergarten.
No doubt all these Republican actions have also forestalled you in supporting them.
09-22-2018 , 03:19 PM
ban simulated for bad faith posting, please. thanks.
09-22-2018 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
What are you talking about? Kavanaugh and the Senate republicans want to hear Ford's testimony and then allow Kavanaugh an opportunity to rebut. All under oath. The only reason this hasn't happened yet is because Ford is stonewalling.

Its like Ford won't fill out a police report because she doesn't like the form. If Ford isn't willing to participate in the Senate investigation why should the Senate give credibility to her accusation?
Mark Judge was the other person in the room. Republicans have no intention of calling him to testify.
09-22-2018 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
OK cool, bitches be lying. Got it.
why do you call women "bitches"?

An uncoloborated accusation is not enough to derail a nominee != "Ok cool, bitches be lying".

What you did was straw man. I have observed you do that quite a lot.
09-22-2018 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Mark Judge was the other person in the room. Republicans have no intention of calling him to testify.
It is pretty obvious from his posting simulated is the only one itt who didnt know who Mark Judge was. It's very telling the posts he refuses to respond to as well, not an indication of bad faith posting at all!

I still like how he weirdly spells random words wrong, it keeps me on edge while reading that garbage.

It's also hilarious the two bad faith trolls are going with the "didnt happen" line. The PR firm hired by Kavanaugh didnt even try this! They spent a whole week trying to pin it on the "look alike!"
09-22-2018 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Mark Judge was the other person in the room. Republicans have no intention of calling him to testify.
The have no intention of having him testify before the committee because when they did question him, they deemed he had no useful information to provide. How do you provide testimony to an event that you believe never happened?

To believe Ford's accusation isn't being investigated is dumb. Its been investigated and being investigated by all kinds of people. Some are looking for ways to exonerate Kav and others are looking for ways to hang him.

So far, there has not been any evidence found to corroborate the story Ford is telling today.
09-22-2018 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
It is pretty obvious from his posting simulated is the only one itt who didnt know who Mark Judge was. It's very telling the posts he refuses to respond to as well, not an indication of bad faith posting at all!

I still like how he weirdly spells random words wrong, it keeps me on edge while reading that garbage.
What are you talking about? I have 44 posts in 24 hours. Most of them responses to other posts.
09-22-2018 , 03:39 PM
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but Ford has agreed to testify.
09-22-2018 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
The republicans have questioned him. He completely denies the event ever happened. How can he shed light on a non event?
In that case wouldn't it be helpful to the republican's cause for them to just have him formally testify to the fact that it didn't happen? Makes Kavanaugh's denial look even better, right? Why do you think they aren't doing this?
09-22-2018 , 03:39 PM
guys, guys! the repubs checked it out. nothingburger.
09-22-2018 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
What are you talking about? I have 44 posts in 24 hours. Most of them responses to other posts.
I know what he's talking about and so do you. You should be banned for pretending not to.
09-22-2018 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Nomadonfire79
Compare to what other facts though? Has the media even confirmed there was a party?
Let the FBI confirm it.
09-22-2018 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Nomadonfire79
I know, it seems rather caculated, if I wanted to stay anonymous.
Yeah, impossibly calculated or.....true.
09-22-2018 , 03:49 PM
WTF happened to this thread?
09-22-2018 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
What are you talking about? I have 44 posts in 24 hours. Most of them responses to other posts.
FYI 100% of new posters that beeline to politics and post like that get banned in pretty short order. But I imagine you already know that.
09-22-2018 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Nomadonfire79
Do you have any corroboration of this fact, other than the person claiming this?
Republican senators, including Lindsey Graham, have fallen in line behind Grassley, saying that there is “no reason” to call Judge to testify because they already know what he will say – exactly what he said in his letter.

But wait. If Mark Judge’s letter to the judiciary committee is sufficient to make its Republican members accept the contents of the letter at face value, why don’t they do the same for the letter Ford sent ...

Oh, you're asking about corroborating Ford's claim. I mean we can start with the Senate Judiciary Committee asking Mark Judge under oath, right? Or even better, have the FBI ask him.

Last edited by Max Cut; 09-22-2018 at 03:58 PM.
09-22-2018 , 03:51 PM
09-22-2018 , 03:54 PM
Lol @ two September join dates AIDSing up the thread. It's hilarious to watch these guys complain about how easy it would be for a random lib to make a public sexual assault accusation that will enrage the most powerful people in the country and their tens of millions of bloodthirsty supporters, while they are too scared to post their opinions on their real, already anonymous TwoPlusTwo accounts.
09-22-2018 , 04:02 PM

I would add "turning up the music" to drown out her message.
