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Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion

09-21-2018 , 11:03 PM
There was a scene in the first Mission Impossible movie where Tom Cruise found the international terrorist Max by searching Usenet for "MAX.COM", I **** you not. No one under the age of 20 had any ****ing clue how this internet thing worked.

09-21-2018 , 11:03 PM
Got to love Ben Carson--when literally everyone forgot about him he's all HEY I'M STILL HERE GUYS AND YES I STILL SUCK.
09-21-2018 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
Fly, ask yourself this question: Which typical leftwinger is more likely to make a false accusation? Today's leftwingers or a leftwinger of ten years ago?

An honest answer from me is that I believe a leftwinger today is much more likely to level a false accusation for ideology because of the vibe left wing people I know give off today that was barely there 10 years ago and non existent 20 years ago.

Further, it doesn't matter who said it originally and what they meant, what is relevant is today meaning and context. The left is slowly destroying its own credibility and unintentionally hurting the credibility of Professor Ford.
Get ****ed
09-21-2018 , 11:10 PM
So I'm a little confused about this, either WaPo contacted the WH and gave out Ford's name (in which case this shows coordination with QZillow which is scummy but not that surprising) or they didn't and that shows they already knew who the accuser was which is pretty much game over considering that Kavanaugh claimed not to now who was making the accusation. Is there another reading of this?

09-21-2018 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Get ****ed
Says the left winger who's location is "obstruct everything". 20 years ago you'd be a freak in the left wing. Nobody except maybe your mom would have anything to do with you. Now you're accepted from what I can tell by virtually all of the left wing.

If you can have the "obstruct everything" attitude why can't Ford?
09-21-2018 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
Its passed but Grassley is still willing to let her testify up until Wednesday if the parties can agree on conditions.
After the Judiciary Committee has voted? That's big of him.
09-21-2018 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Double Eagle
So I'm a little confused about this, either WaPo contacted the WH and gave out Ford's name
Did you read the quoted image in the tweet? "Ford sent the email [about Whelan viewing her LinkedIn page] about 90 minutes after The Post shared her name with a White House spokesman"
09-21-2018 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
Says the left winger who's location is "obstruct everything". 20 years ago you'd be a freak in the left wing. Nobody except maybe your mom would have anything to do with you. Now you're accepted from what I can tell by virtually all of the left wing.

If you can have the "obstruct everything" attitude why can't Ford?
Where do you suppose left wingers got the "obstruct everything" attitude from, exactly?

Love the "we would totally believe Ford if only the left hadn't become so toxic" ****posting though, it's great and totally supported by things like how seriously Republicans took Anita Hill's testimony before all this left-wing terribleness emerged in the last 10-20 years.
09-21-2018 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
After the Judiciary Committee has voted? That's big of him.
Well she's had 36 years to make these allegations public. Its not like she was pressed for time or anything.
09-21-2018 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
Says the left winger who's location is "obstruct everything". 20 years ago you'd be a freak in the left wing. Nobody except maybe your mom would have anything to do with you. Now you're accepted from what I can tell by virtually all of the left wing.

If you can have the "obstruct everything" attitude why can't Ford?
You have zero indication that she does. Therefore, the only thing you are doing is calling an attempted rape victim a liar. Maybe you're a monster who is perfectly ok with that.

Go look up the hashtag whyididntreport on Twitter. Then go get ****ed
09-21-2018 , 11:23 PM
How many times has the moron currently known as Simulated been banned? He clearly didn't wonder in here off the street.
09-21-2018 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Did you read the quoted image in the tweet? "Ford sent the email [about Whelan viewing her LinkedIn page] about 90 minutes after The Post shared her name with a White House spokesman"
LOL, obviously should not be posting after a couple of beers. Seems this is just standard oppo but it ties the WH tightly to Whelan and (presumably) to QZillow.
09-21-2018 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Where do you suppose left wingers got the "obstruct everything" attitude from, exactly?
Why does it matter where the left got it from. My point is the attitude harms the credibility of the left all the way down to Professor Ford.
09-21-2018 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
How many times has the moron currently known as Simulated been banned? He clearly didn't wonder in here off the street.
Torn between the dunking of noobs and thinking there should be a min # of posts before you can post here so it's just 2p2ers.

It does appear that whelan dude was a republican strategy they decided to test out on twitter first and boy did that not fly and boy would I be upset if I was that other guy they tried to frame. Like lawsuit level upset.

Whelan also knew the fourth person which should've been impossible since they didn't talk to ford, I mean who else would know.... I mean I didn't know there was a fourth, and yet he seemed to know who it was in his giant wall of absolutely absurd defense.
09-21-2018 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
Why does it matter where the left got it from. My point is the attitude harms the credibility of the left all the way down to Professor Ford.
Seems clear you don't like the left regardless of what they do.
09-21-2018 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
Well she's had 36 years to make these allegations public. Its not like she was pressed for time or anything.
How long do you have to get away with it before rape becomes ok?
09-21-2018 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
You have zero indication that she does. Therefore, the only thing you are doing is calling an attempted rape victim a liar. Maybe you're a monster who is perfectly ok with that.

Go look up the hashtag whyididntreport on Twitter. Then go get ****ed
There is some chance that she is an obstructionist like you. That chance is higher today than it was 10 years ago because the leftwing is accepting this reprehensible movement in their ranks. Its growing. I see it growing and I have to consider it into my calculus when making a determination as to the credibility of her accusation against Kavanaugh.

Don't hate me because I don't walk lockstep with you.
09-21-2018 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
Why does it matter where the left got it from.
You're in here crying about the left, so odds are you support the original architects of "obstruct everything", and odds are that you don't find a lack of credibility in everything those architects say and do.
09-21-2018 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
There is some chance that she is an obstructionist like you. That chance is higher today than it was 10 years ago because the leftwing is accepting this reprehensible movement in their ranks. Its growing. I see it growing and I have to consider it into my calculus when making a determination as to the credibility of her accusation against Kavanaugh.

Don't hate me because I don't walk lockstep with you.
Go look at the hashtag. You want to know why she didn't report it 30 years ago? Go shut the **** up, stop posting here and read. YOU and people like you are why she and millions of others don't report it.
09-21-2018 , 11:38 PM

What the American right wants, what it’s after, isn’t some abstract pluralist success, like the smooth functioning of government and/or the material improvement of American life. It wants, only and entirely, to defeat its opponents. Those aren’t quite the same thing. The Republican party would not choose the former if it could be accomplished without the latter.
... it should be easy enough to withdraw his nomination and move along to the next crypto-Nazi cottage cheese sculpture in the pipeline. He’d breeze through confirmation, whoever he was: You could pretty much count on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s terminally third-brained centrist Democrats lining up to play themselves. And that would be a success, theoretically: A new, arch-conservative Supreme Court justice, possibly even one not tainted by a credible accusation that he once tried to rape a child.

But that would not be enough. It has to be this guy. It has to be this guy now more than ever. It has to be this guy, now, because he has been accused, credibly, of attempting to rape a 15-year-old girl in 1982—moreover because people believe this should be considered a disqualifying blight on his record. The thing that must happen is that those people must be defeated. That is the whole point. What must be shown to the whole world is that this, even this, cannot stop him. The bigger the outrage that can be brushed aside, the more thorough the defeat for the people who thought something, anything, might take precedence over this white man being the pick of another white man.
It’s a bit late for anyone not to have figured this out yet, but the skeleton key to understanding American conservatism is this: At bottom, it lacks absolutely any moral or ideological underpinning beyond the reactionary protection of moneyed white men—of their station, their wealth and power, and their egos. Its supposed ideas and abstractions are just a framework for spasmodic lashing-out against anything that can be interpreted as a threat to rich white dudes.

Last edited by Max Cut; 09-21-2018 at 11:47 PM.
09-21-2018 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
Well she's had 36 years to make these allegations public. Its not like she was pressed for time or anything.
**** you
09-21-2018 , 11:40 PM
Brian Williams just read Grassley statement. He's holding the door open a crack, still waiting to hear from Ford.
09-21-2018 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
You're in here crying about the left, so odds are you support the original architects of "obstruct everything", and odds are that you don't find a lack of credibility in everything those architects say and do.
I'm not crying about the left. I am making the point that a movement in the left exists that hurts the credibility of Professor Ford. I find Ford's accusation less believable today than I would if this event was happening in 1991.
09-21-2018 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
I'm not crying about the left. I am making the point that a movement in the left exists that hurts the credibility of Professor Ford. I find Ford's accusation less believable today than I would if this event was happening in 1991.
That's a YOU problem, Not a problem of the left.

Again, where is your evidence that Ford is even a leftist?
09-21-2018 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
How long do you have to get away with it before rape becomes ok?
Rape is never okay.
