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Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion

09-14-2018 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
The one good thing about Feinstein waiting so long is that if this does end up derailing Kavanaugh (I know, I know), there is a lot less time for a replacement appointee.
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Since there's zero chance of blocking Kavanaugh, isn't it better to play this card as close to the midterms as possible?
Originally Posted by Namath12
Deplorables won't care, if anything it will motivate them after they got screwed out of Roy Moore (and many of them feel exactly this way believe it or not).

One good thing I can think of is that it might give Manchin, Heitkamp and Tester an excuse to vote no. Not that it will matter because Susan Collins is trash
Originally Posted by bobman0330
But what about all the voters who aren't deplorables? Maybe it will favorably affect turnout in that group?

Not really sure why you care about red-state Dems? Hard to imagine any of them being the 50th vote for Kavanaugh in any conceivable universe.
Obviously this is armchair political strategy but isn't closer to the miderms but after he's confirmed too late? Like in the kayfabe political world where Feinstein is bringing this to public attention because the Senate is still honestly debating whether or not to confirm? Don't you also want to hang this around vulnerable GOPers necks like Heller and Cruz, maybe Fischer, Collins in 2020? That is, isn't the more powerful political ad/talking point that Heller and Cruz and Collins voted FOR Kavanaugh despite knowing he was accused of trying to sexually assault some woman in high school?

Seems like the appropriate time is like, right before the confirmation vote to maintain the pretense this influences the debate, then you use it as an excuse to at least delay the confirmation vote and re-open hearings, or at least you beat up Kavanaugh for a few more days with it.

To me, the Democrats timed this well enough to achieve maximum political distraction and potential damage to vulnerable GOPers ahead of the midterms, but no so late (e.g., after he's confirmed) that vulnerable GOPers can claim they didn't know and they simply want to look forward from here.
09-14-2018 , 03:02 PM
When certain news breaks I like to open both HuffPo and Drudge just to get a sense of where stuff is landing. Usually I can get a sense of what is what. Not this time.

HuffPo headline is full-on hysterical. But do a ctrl-f for Kavanaugh on Drudge right this very second and you get 0 results! Bizarre!
09-14-2018 , 03:15 PM
Drudge still deciding how to outdo Fox apparently. In the meantime, here are the 3 current Fox "News" headlines (after you scroll down past 27 other headlines):

Kavanaugh denies cryptic charge after DiFi makes federal case of high school-era allegation

Kavanaugh confirmation craziness: Just when you think the left can't sink any lower, THIS happens

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh 'categorically' denies claim about alleged behavior in high school
09-14-2018 , 03:32 PM
People are saying that finding 65 people that knew Kavanaugh in high school so quickly is impractical if they just found out about this allegation, and it is. Come on they had to know about this beforehand to hunt these people down, but he also was in an affluent DC suburb. All his high school friends probably work all around him right now, being fellow elitists who grew up in DC. It's not the boondocks where everyone moves away to find work.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 09-14-2018 at 03:52 PM.
09-14-2018 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
She's crushing de Leon in the polls, I hate that she's impossible to get rid of.
Tangent, but why is Feinstein still a Senator in liberal California? Is it just the easy answer - incumbency and being plugged into the party machine really is that powerful, no matter how terrible you are?

As a followup, why do all the prominent D's, even the progressive ones, endorse Feinstein? Purely because they know her/loyalty/you scratch my back I'll scratch your back?
09-14-2018 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
People are saying that finding 65 people that knew Kavanaugh in high school so quickly is impractical if they just found out about this allegation, and it is. Come on they had to know about this beforehand to hunt these people down, but he also was in an affluent DC suburb. All his high school friends probably work all around him right now, being fellow elitists who grew up in DC. It's not the boondocks where everyone moves away to find work.
They're also reporting he went to an all boys school. Obviously they either made this **** up on the fly or they had this in advance. They also have to remember the guy which I'm skeptical.

It's a shame 65 women put their names on that letter (if those are even legit, though most likely they are) blatantly dgaf about that other woman.

We've seen this **** before, they did that with roy moore too.
09-14-2018 , 04:41 PM
Maybe I just wasn't cool enough or something but 65 women being able to know Kavanaugh super well at that age and speak to his character definitely seems like BS. My entire graduating class probably had under 65 girls (extrapolating from ~500 students across 4 grades, which is small but probably not east-coast-SCOTUS-breeding-school small, not to mention Kavanaugh not actually attending school with girls).
09-14-2018 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Your Honor, I would like to direct your attention to all the people I didn't rape.
In fairness, if he knew 66 women well enough to attempt to forcibly gang rape them, and just attempted forcibly gang rape one, that is only a 1.5 forcible gang rape attempt percentage. Gonna be hard to find a guy who hits every POS standard required to be a right-wing judge with less.
09-14-2018 , 05:44 PM
Kavanaugh is now the white Clarence Thomas I guess.
09-14-2018 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
They also have to remember the guy which I'm skeptical.
The deplorable argument is something like this:

65 people can provide expert character witness for Kavanuagh dating back 35 years.

And also that Democratic Senators who ask Kavanaugh about anything that happened after 2002 like "did you talk to Trump's lawyers" or "did you use stolen emails from Patrick Leahy" have deeply unfair expectations and we should recognize how frail and limited human memory is.
09-14-2018 , 06:54 PM
09-14-2018 , 07:18 PM
Am I too cynical to think that the right has basically done the math that they can completely fabricate these 65 character witness signatures to get the headline that 65 women are behind Kavenaugh becaus ethat is all the right will care about and by the time it’s debunked, it will be too late?
09-14-2018 , 07:33 PM
No, that's the game plan. You are spot on.
09-14-2018 , 07:34 PM
At this point, I think they are confident enough that the "too late" aspect is not even relevant. If it gets debunked, who ya gonna believe?
09-14-2018 , 08:09 PM
I'm entirely sure there are 65 real people who went to high school around that time who signed that letter.

I am sure they are also all conservative religious types from wealthy families who have no ****ing idea what Bret Kavanaugh was like in high school but really want him on the Supreme Court. How else would they get their contact info?
09-14-2018 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I'm entirely sure there are 65 real people who went to high school around that time who signed that letter.

I am sure they are also all conservative religious types from wealthy families who have no ****ing idea what Bret Kavanaugh was like in high school but really want him on the Supreme Court. How else would they get their contact info?
Didn't we already hear all about how he's cool carpool dad? Finding 65 people you haven't raped doesn't seem all that difficult.
09-15-2018 , 03:56 AM
How do you track down that many people that fast and get them all to sign the letter? I'm just imagining a Facebook post on Kavanaugh's account:

Are you a woman who knew me in high school? Did I rape you?

If you can answer yes to the first question and no to the second, I need your signature on an important letter! Please message me!
09-15-2018 , 07:18 AM
Rich white Republicans in DC all know each other.
09-15-2018 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by Our House

Unless 538 isn't reliable (is predictit or another source better? I feel dumb for even asking such a simpleton question on a poker forum), or the page linked above isn't correct, Dems are at 32.1% to win control of the Senate as of two hours ago.

And 82.9% to take the House:
It's 0% for both houses. It's time to realize the game is rigged.
09-15-2018 , 08:44 AM
I did not know 65 girls in high school. Maybe 6 and half of them would have gave me creep status. For what it's worth I an currently a married father and have never sexually assualted anyone in my life.
09-15-2018 , 09:03 AM
That's the thing they should've done a more plausible number, like a real character witness type ****. Instead this was obviously some Federalist society interns hitting up their donor lists and cross-referencing Linkedin profiles to find people who graduated from HS at around the right time.
09-15-2018 , 09:07 AM
If people really think this list is bull****, then they should seek each individual out and interview them. Ask them how they knew him, any details they can remember, stories, etc

Expose it for what it is.
09-15-2018 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
If people really think this list is bull****, then they should seek each individual out and interview them. Ask them how they knew him, any details they can remember, stories, etc

Expose it for what it is.
Media too busy in diners interviewing window starers. Can't be everywhere.
09-15-2018 , 09:33 AM
Getting the contact info of 65 people from high school you aren't still friends with WITHOUT EVEN USING YOU AS A SOURCE(the claim is that his former law clerks assembled the letter and sent it to Grassley, the judge had nothing to do with it) is a week long project!
09-15-2018 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
If people really think this list is bull****, then they should seek each individual out and interview them. Ask them how they knew him, any details they can remember, stories, etc

Expose it for what it is.
WAPO has to have someone on this. At least I really hope so.
