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Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion

09-06-2018 , 06:54 PM
As someone in the Twitter replies pointed out, the date of that email is none other than 9/10/2001.

I don't see a good reason for liberals not to run with "Brett Kavanaugh helped plan 9/11".
09-06-2018 , 06:57 PM
Helped co-fund the 9/11 attacks is far more likely than he wracked up all that debt on Nationals tickets.
09-06-2018 , 07:00 PM
Harris just brought up the Mueller conversation again, and Kavanaugh flatly said no this time, and Harris didn't press further. I'd be shocked if she has the goods at this point.
09-06-2018 , 07:07 PM
Is Dice code for little boys' nuts? Big if true.
09-06-2018 , 07:08 PM
One thing that both Kavanaugh and Podesta types prove is how dumb even elites are with email management.

Hey guys this is of utmost confidentiality so I'm just gonna write it all up and put it in our email for safekeeping.
09-06-2018 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
It looked like he was getting into the weeds for a bit but I loved his finish. He seemed to plant the seed in Kavanaugh's mind about the *appearance* of impropriety.
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Lol. Booker doing awesome job getting Trump pissed at Kavanaugh.
09-06-2018 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Booker reads into record Kavanaughs saying he highly respected GWB during his first hearing for the bench. Then asked him “do you highly respect trump”? Kavanaugh refuses to answer.
09-06-2018 , 07:35 PM
Can sometime explain to me the strategy of asking him over and over to comment on specific cases knowing he won’t answer?
09-06-2018 , 07:45 PM
"Is a degen justice good for online poker?" -D. Skalanskii
09-06-2018 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
He presented the case that Kavanaugh has made public statements on the (non)constitutionality of prosecuting a sitting president and how that might give the appearance of impropriety given that Trump appointed him in the current political climate.

I like to think I saw a physical tell, meaning the point landed, but not much hope that it would matter anyway.
09-06-2018 , 08:19 PM
Super late to the party but no chance that dumb lady was giving some sort of white power salute.

She was on tv and someone saw her and texted and said hey you are on tv omg wave to me and she did an awkward white lady hand gesture.

She might coincidentally be a racist scumbag though, no clue there.
09-06-2018 , 09:13 PM
thanks for sharing your opinion without watching the video
09-06-2018 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8

Booker reads into record Kavanaughs saying he highly respected GWB during his first hearing for the bench. Then asked him “do you highly respect trump”? Kavanaugh refuses to answer.
Dems need to hammer stuff like this. Even if it's not true. Especially if it's not true.

"Sir, you wrote in 1987 that incest is wrong and obviously a Freudian overcompensation where the individual has a tiny penis along with a non-existent bank account. Do you feel that still rings true today? If your answer is no, can you give a good example in which you have changed your mind?"
09-06-2018 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
I don’t believe Harris has dirt on a conversation or agreement between kavanaugh and someone working for trump’s ex-lawyer’s firm. When she said, “be careful how you answer this” or something, that’s a bluff. The point of that line of questioning was to throw him off and **** with him

That said, i’m very confident kavenaugh did in fact secretly agree to help trump obstruct justice and all that, sure. He’s a scumbag.
Originally Posted by m_reed05
Harris just brought up the Mueller conversation again, and Kavanaugh flatly said no this time, and Harris didn't press further. I'd be shocked if she has the goods at this point.
Harris was on Maddow earlier and said that she had something but wasn't ready to disclose it at this time.
09-06-2018 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Harris was on Maddow earlier and said that she had something but wasn't ready to disclose it at this time.
It's either now or impeachment hearings otherwise nobody will give a ****. Sounds like it's one of those that's very hard to get people outraged about so she doesn't know what to do about it other than hope he falls on the grenade by himself for no reason (if she isn't just straight bluffing it).

Last edited by wheatrich; 09-06-2018 at 11:06 PM.
09-06-2018 , 11:10 PM
She apologized about having to act like a journalist and protect her sources. If her info turns out to be a letdown I'll be letdown.
09-07-2018 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
thanks for sharing your opinion without watching the video
What makes you think I didn't watch the video? I obviously did. I feel like this exact scenario plays out at every baseball game where yokels get seats behind home plate and their friend texts them to let them know they are on TV and they start waving frantically. Except you can't wave frantically in a SCOTUS confirmation hearing. *shrug*
09-07-2018 , 12:15 AM
looks like a picked a hell of a day to schedule meetings!
09-07-2018 , 01:16 AM
When someone spends pages and pages defending Trump but then adds a little footnote about how they're really a liberal, should we call that grizzying or clovising
09-07-2018 , 01:21 AM
She flashed the sign again.

Can’t figure out how to embed sry

Last edited by watevs; 09-07-2018 at 01:27 AM.
09-07-2018 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by amead
What makes you think I didn't watch the video? I obviously did. I feel like this exact scenario plays out at every baseball game where yokels get seats behind home plate and their friend texts them to let them know they are on TV and they start waving frantically. Except you can't wave frantically in a SCOTUS confirmation hearing. *shrug*
i agree with you that she was definitely doing it on purpose for the benefit of her friends watching on tv because nobody naturally rests their hand that way, but her explanation is that she wasn't making any signal at all and everybody is crazy to think it wasn't just a random placement of fingers and hand and that she actually wasn't acting suspicious as she was doing it even though the tape shows her acting very suspiciously as she was holding her hand like that
09-07-2018 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by amead
What makes you think I didn't watch the video? I obviously did. I feel like this exact scenario plays out at every baseball game where yokels get seats behind home plate and their friend texts them to let them know they are on TV and they start waving frantically. Except you can't wave frantically in a SCOTUS confirmation hearing. *shrug*
Dude, totally.

Sing it with us now. A one, a two, a three...
09-07-2018 , 01:29 AM
Lol perfect time for the late hot take as Zina Bash removes all doubt today
09-07-2018 , 01:29 AM
she should have said, "oh, you saw that? now i get to punch you because i was playing that game from grade school. i am definitely not an alt-right troll, even though i'm a young conservative with close ties to brett ****ing kevanaugh"
09-07-2018 , 01:32 AM
i'm imagining a 30-year-old conservative lawyer who has no idea what the alt-right is and has no friends watching at home who would find trolling libs hilarious

nope, doesn't exist.
