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Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion

09-26-2018 , 03:51 AM
They broke it. It's broken. Find another argument rather than saying we should have some concern about breaking the process.
09-26-2018 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by Simulated
... Given the scant evidence to back the accusations against Kavanaugh it is a real possibility these accusers are outright lying, or are simply being used as tools of left winged whack jobs.


Originally Posted by 6ix

Sent from The Abyss using Stare-O-Vision
Originally Posted by 6ix
Imagine how much of a deplorable rapist chijim must be to dip his toes in here like this. He can handle a little big, wet, orange prez-bashing but besmirching a fellow rapist is a bridge too far.

Sent from The Killing Fields using The Righteous Hand Of God's Will
09-26-2018 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Simulated
I haven't educated myself on the perjury accusations against Kavanaugh. Since it isn't being talked about anywhere except in left winged cabals I just assume its a nothingburger.
Have you educated yourself on anything besides the correct spelling of "corroboration" recently?
09-26-2018 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
They broke it. It's broken. Find another argument rather than saying we should have some concern about breaking the process.
They abused it, they did not break it. Left winged whackos are attempting to break it because from their perspective it better to burn the whole thing down than let the court shift dramatically to the right.
09-26-2018 , 03:56 AM
Simulated, there are dozens of names on the approved federalist society list of judges. 90% would get at least one democratic vote. They picked a dud. He's going down and they only have themselves to blame.
09-26-2018 , 03:58 AM
They ****ing broke it, dude. They are breaking everything. Get ready.
09-26-2018 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by Simulated
They abused it, they did not break it. Left winged whackos are attempting to break it because from their perspective it better to burn the whole thing down than let the court shift dramatically to the right.
Do you mean that I'd literally burn your whole house down with you still inside?
09-26-2018 , 04:03 AM
Cuz touche, I probably would. I'm a left winged whacko.
09-26-2018 , 04:11 AM
But srsly I love how these dudes' definittion of a 'whacko' is 'not being a big fan of rape'.

Fly said it better:

Originally Posted by FlyWf
Simulated- My dude I know you're real ****ing dumb but like, do you know who said "by any means necessary" and what "means" were the implied subject of that?

Because if it's by any means necessary time, and we are getting closer to that time, it won't be extremely credible rape allegations that the whackjobs come for you with.
09-26-2018 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by Simulated
I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office
I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office
I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office
I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office
I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office
I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office
I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office
I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office
I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office
I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office
I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office
I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office
09-26-2018 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by Simulated
I haven't educated myself
I haven't educated myself
I haven't educated myself
I haven't educated myself
I haven't educated myself
I haven't educated myself
I haven't educated myself
I haven't educated myself
I haven't educated myself
I haven't educated myself
I haven't educated myself
I haven't educated myself
09-26-2018 , 04:24 AM
Simulated started posting at 10:25 AM Moscow time.
09-26-2018 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by Simulated
I haven't educated myself on the perjury accusations against Kavanaugh. Since it isn't being talked about anywhere except in left winged cabals I just assume its a nothingburger.
Fox News doesn’t cover any of this stuff. That is why you are so ignorant.

(Queue denial of watching Fox News only admittjng to consuming even worse news sources for his education).
09-26-2018 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Simulated, there are dozens of names on the approved federalist society list of judges. 90% would get at least one democratic vote. They picked a dud. He's going down and they only have themselves to blame.
The question is how high is the rape impulse surging inside simulated that he continues to defend a sexual predator with so much nonsense. His ardent defense goes beyond partisan politics. Like most of the rest of the republicans defending this he is seeing his lifestyle and desires finally being brushed out the door.

How hard is it to say, “rape is bad, we should not put a rapist on the Supreme Court, there are many non rapists to put on the court. The accuser attaches a high enough level of credibility, its time to move on.”?

You know the Supreme Court justice nominations who get sexual assault and harassment charges levied against them are actual sexual assaulters and harassers.
09-26-2018 , 04:56 AM
09-26-2018 , 05:26 AM
09-26-2018 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by uDevil
Comments re GOP special assistant from local lawyer.
I don’t know this lady but the GOP May have ****ed up here. As a former prosecutor I’ll be the first to admit that prosecutors, generally, are not quite as good at cross-examination as defense attorneys are. That’s just because we do it less, the defense doesn’t often put on a defense so we are generally just examining our own witnesses. If they really wanted someone to tear ford apart then they should have hired a “former” prosecutor who is now a defense attorney. Take this with a heap of salt though that this woman could be the exception and be a phenomenal cross examiner.
09-26-2018 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
As has been posted, Kavanaugh was never of legal drinking age in Maryland
Kav's lawyer is on CNN right now and just repeated this lie
09-26-2018 , 07:23 AM
It's going to be an absolute **** show on Thursday.
09-26-2018 , 07:32 AM
Kav's attorney bellyaching about Avenatti
09-26-2018 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by Simulated
Clinton WAS LIKELY A RAPIST.....yet he was a competent president. That shows us that putting a likely sexual predator into high office isn't a necessarily catastrophic error. Still, nobody wants a sexual predator in high office. So the argument goes that it is better to reject the Kavanaugh just in case he is a sexual predator.

This a bad argument because in rejecting Kavanaugh for the purpose of avoiding one error, you could be making an even worse error. Now I came into this thread arguing there is a "by any means necessary", "do what ever it takes", "no Trump", "At all cost" movement in the left which could be purposely smearing Kavanaugh. Given the scant evidence to back the accusations against Kavanaugh it is a real possibility these accusers are outright lying, or are simply being used as tools of left winged whack jobs. The accusations are so nebulous, and uncorroborated that to reject Kavanaugh based on them means that any nominee should be rejected whenever a dubious uncorroborated accusation is levied against them. Just in case it might be true.

I'd rather take the risk that a sexual predator might get into high office than destroy the whole nomination process. One error is worse than the other and we cannot minimize both. Its like food production. You know your not going to produce the exactly right amount of food so it it better to error on the side of producing too much and have some waste rather than too little and have people die of starvation.

I firmly believe that most of you reading this understand it and want Kavanaugh rejected because of his ideology. You're just using these unfounded accusation as an excuse.

It’s not just one error

We want him rejected because his name isn’t MG
09-26-2018 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by Simulated
That was a dick move by the republicans, but not unprecedented. Nominations have been held up much longer than Garlands. Garland was never going to get confirmed but he at least deserved a vote.

Back to this garbage i see

Just straight up fantasy.
09-26-2018 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Simulated, there are dozens of names on the approved federalist society list of judges. 90% would get at least one democratic vote. They picked a dud. He's going down and they only have themselves to blame.

And they picked this specific judge because the other rapist in office wanted a guy who would exonerate a sitting president of all crimes.
09-26-2018 , 08:12 AM

Do you have any evidence that there is "the rape impulse surging inside simulated" or that "he is seeing his lifestyle and desires finally being brushed out the door"?
