Originally Posted by mosdef
It's a decent article, certainly the American conservatives tend to "circle the wagons" intellectually, to their disadvantage. A greater insight is to acknowledge that people of all political leanings do this. Just accusing "the conservatives" of doing it is, frankly, ironic.
No, that's absolutely a false equivalence. There is nothing comparable to the pervasive echo chamber that is Fox News/right wing radio. The left has not been telling its base that articles in the Wall Street Journal are FICTION for the past 20 years.
Reality is defined by a multimedia array of interconnected and cross promoting conservative blogs, radio programs, magazines, and of course, Fox News. Whatever conflicts with that reality can be dismissed out of hand because it comes from the liberal media, and is therefore ipso facto not to be trusted. (How do you know they’re liberal? Well, they disagree with the conservative media!)
There is nothing like that outside of the conservative base.
But even just in wagon circling the left doesn't demand nearly the degree of ideological lockstep. I mean, think of the prominent non-party opinion makers on the left. OK, your first problem was that there really aren't any. The left doesn't have a Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck. Politicians will never mention Rachel Maddow or whatever. But of the significant elements of the netroots, there's a huge spread between Obama loyalists like Balloon Juice/Nate Silver, mainstream progressives at Kos, crazy people at FDL, and principled civil libertarians like Glenn Greenwald, etc. They all link to each other and discuss their disagreements.
Whether to oppose the health care bill from the left for being insufficiently progressive was a contentious issue. Nobody got fired, or blacklisted, or whatever over their views on it.
Kathleen Parker and Christopher Buckley
got fired from National Review for saying Sarah Palin was dumb. Frum got fired for suggesting that the Republicans may have done something wrong after suffering a major defeat.