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April Fools America! Yes this is real life. LC - I suck at puns - thread April Fools America! Yes this is real life. LC - I suck at puns - thread

04-09-2017 , 12:48 PM
Acting like Tommy Tuberville has got the Dems slaughtered at the state level and put a racist reality show gimmick in the White House so if you've got a better idea I'm all ears.
04-09-2017 , 12:48 PM
Same argument from the same people about marriage equality, civil rights, women's vote, public education etc; things that don't pass until they do. Conservatives gonna conservative.
04-09-2017 , 12:58 PM
Like if the plan is to beat Trump by running a qualified, respected, centrist technocrat, I'm wondering where you're going to find someone better than a ex-Senator ex-Secretary of State whose two biggest scandals were workplace IT compliance and running a charity.
04-09-2017 , 01:00 PM

New things are not popular unless someone is advocating for them. If you don't advocate for things until after they become popular you're no better than a Clinton.
04-09-2017 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Like if the plan is to beat Trump by running a qualified, respected, centrist technocrat, I'm wondering where you're going to find someone better than a ex-Senator ex-Secretary of State whose two biggest scandals were workplace IT compliance and running a charity.
If this person is the second most despised figure in American politics, it might not be a great plan.
04-09-2017 , 01:03 PM
Clinton wasn't despised before the campaign started. There's nothing unique to her about that, the right wing media isn't going to forget to smear the next Dem candidate
04-09-2017 , 01:03 PM
DemE showed their leadership on that issue by coming out in favor of ME around 2012.
04-09-2017 , 01:04 PM
It is TREMENDOUSLY BAD for dead end Bernie or Bust people to keep flogging that anti-Clinton grudge, by the way, my argument is that we need more socialism, your argument is we just need fewer Clintons. Well, then, problem already solved, right? Booker 2020.
04-09-2017 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Clinton wasn't despised before the campaign started. There's nothing unique to her about that, the right wing media isn't going to forget to smear the next Dem candidate
What? Republicans started on her when she came to Arkansas and wasn't using her husband's last name.
04-09-2017 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Both sides are kinda right imho. Like, for sure some poor white kids are going to be collateral damage, but dicking over black people is the primary target.

But like, holy **** this is the most prosperous society that's ever existed and we're seriously debating whether poor children should have to mop floors for school lunches like characters from a Dickens novel. This is actually happening.
And a reminder that people like Falcon care more about proving the policy isn't technically racist than they do about it actually existing.
04-09-2017 , 01:09 PM
Her approval ratings from like 2010-2014 were very, very, strong.
04-09-2017 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Like if the plan is to beat Trump by running a qualified, respected, centrist technocrat, I'm wondering where you're going to find someone better than a ex-Senator ex-Secretary of State whose two biggest scandals were workplace IT compliance and running a charity.
I don't really see any reason for the dems to make radical changes because hillary lost. Hell, Biden could probably win in 2020 and he's to the right of Clinton.
04-09-2017 , 01:10 PM
If the Comey letter hadn't happened, Hillary would've won, and the GOP would still have a strangehold on the House and dominance in state legislatures, and we'd probably be starting impeachment over some bull**** nonsense.
04-09-2017 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
If the Comey letter hadn't happened, Hillary would've won, and the GOP would still have a strangehold on the House and dominance in state legislatures, and we'd probably be starting impeachment over some bull**** nonsense.
100% chance Hillary would have been impeached; probably at least once a year.
04-09-2017 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Her approval ratings from like 2010-2014 were very, very, strong.
She lost to Donald ****ing Trump. Nobody wants Hillary to be president. Nobody wants Chelsea to be president. Everyone just wants this family to go away and take up hiking instead of trying to be president --except George Clinton, he can stay.
04-09-2017 , 01:14 PM
Not sure about Assad as a Russian client but Russia is benefitting from Europe collapsing under right wing clown governments.
04-09-2017 , 01:20 PM
Dems need to run Musk, Damon or Cuban.

04-09-2017 , 01:21 PM
Trump can only beat the opposite of himself, like Rock Paper Scissors.
04-09-2017 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
Not sure about Assad as a Russian client but Russia is benefitting from Europe collapsing under right wing clown governments.
How so? Legit question. I agree that it seems to be what they want. The prospect of lifting sanctions is the only thing that comes to mind. Also maybe trying to hold back renewable energy and climate change laws/treaties.
04-09-2017 , 01:31 PM
If Europe is not cooperating with each other it weakens that region in general, also allows Putin more influence in Eastern Europe ex soviet states.

And it seems like some of these parties are almost puppet governments, I thought Putin is supposedly giving them $$?? If Eu is shattered Russia is more powerful relationally by default.
04-09-2017 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
She lost to Donald ****ing Trump. Nobody wants Hillary to be president. Nobody wants Chelsea to be president. Everyone just wants this family to go away and take up hiking instead of trying to be president --except George Clinton, he can stay.
OK so Booker 2020, right?
04-09-2017 , 01:44 PM
Keeping a grudge over Hillary playing normal ****ing politics against Bernie is, like I said, enormously counterproductive at both advancing leftism and at converting Hillary voters to our cause, but you know, something about John Lewis or whatever.

(millions of people voted for Hillary to be our President! We need those people to vote again!)
04-09-2017 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine

New things are not popular unless someone is advocating for them. If you don't advocate for things until after they become popular you're no better than a Clinton.
Gay marriage is pretty different from single payer healthcare. It just wasn't on anyone's radar, then it got widespread support very rapidly once it really hit the public consciousness as a real issue. Single payer healthcare has been in the public consciousness as a policy issue for many decades.
04-09-2017 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
No....pretending the county really wants UHC and dems would start crushing elections if they became advocates for it is just wrong. Supporting it becuse its the right thing to do is fine
Of course people want UHC. They just don't want what they have been sold to believe it would be.
04-09-2017 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
OK so Booker 2020, right?
