Originally Posted by FlyWf
I don't really seem to care? What would you have me do about it? I voted for Obama over McCain.
I don't claim to love poor people more than you guys, I think most of you are dumb, not evil. You don't understand(because of a shocking ignorance of history) that without a welfare state's safety net poor people's lives are really bad.
How can we know if poor people's lives really are worse? We've never NOT had a welfare state, at least not in the past 70+ years. Even if we assume you're right...
What causes them to be poor in the first place?
Does constant inflation and devaluing of the dollar help or hurt the poor?
You're reading a version of history written and revised entirely by statists. Of course the state will have you believe that poor people "need the state" to save them from excessive profits and exploitation. If you don't believe us just look at how much an overdraft fee or payday loan costs!! Greed caused the crisis, and we politicians are out to stop it! Of course as they are proclaiming this, they are behind closed doors printing up more money and spending cash at strip clubs.
I guess if you count constant "reforms" and "crackdowns" as innovation then the state crushes private enterprise hands down. How many times will we have to "reform" the tax system, Social Security, healthcare, and banking before we get it right? They are talking about "reforming" the post office which is basically cutting Saturday delivery. Gee, real innovative there. Thanks for adding some value for us customers.
Also something interesting to look at, with regards to inflation is the actual coinage itself. It used to be 90% silver, now it is mostly copper. They inflated the dollar so bad that now regular circulated dimes and quarters from pre 1964 sell at 11x face value or more. Pennies pre 1982 are worth over 2 cents. Nickels now are creeping up near 6 cents each again in face value. Yet no one mentions this hidden tax that robs your beloved poor and hits them the hardest. The Congress has been talking already about changing the nickel to avoid problems with people hoarding them. So we will get robbed again. The poor will get hardest, again. And again no one seems to mind. Interesting.