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Alabama Special Election (Roy Moore diddles, GOP thumbs up, Mr. Jones goes to Washington) Alabama Special Election (Roy Moore diddles, GOP thumbs up, Mr. Jones goes to Washington)

11-12-2017 , 03:17 PM
Cancelling the election doesn't work unless Moore agrees to drop out. It sure doesn't look like he's going to drop out. They can't just "put someone else on the ballot." He won a contested primary.
11-12-2017 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Yea they're definitely going to push back the election. Newest poll shows Jones ahead

Now would be a good time to start donating to the Doug Jones campaign.
11-12-2017 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
Cancelling the election doesn't work unless Moore agrees to drop out. It sure doesn't look like he's going to drop out. They can't just "put someone else on the ballot." He won a contested primary.
The GOP is actually allowed to replace him as long as the election is 77 or more days away. So, if the governor were to reschedule the election to early/mid February, they could just replace him with Luther Strange or someone similar.
11-12-2017 , 03:56 PM
there is no way that a democrat wins that election
11-12-2017 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
there is no way that a democrat wins that election
fwiw, I still have Moore +5. I just find it too hard to believe Alabama actually goes to the polls and elects a democrat for a senator. We also have to wait a week for the real polls on this, same thing happened to trump in the polls then it went straight back to where it was the next week as if nothing happened.
11-12-2017 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
The GOP is actually allowed to replace him as long as the election is 77 or more days away. So, if the governor were to reschedule the election to early/mid February, they could just replace him with Luther Strange or someone similar.
Yes, I understand the GOP is allowed to replace him under those circumstances, but the mechanism by which the GOP chooses a candidate is a primary. What rule or law allows the local GOP party, internally, to remove somebody who has won their primary if they don't step aside? That's the part I am quite fuzzy on.
11-12-2017 , 05:30 PM
Picked up a little Jones and Strange stock right after the news broke. Trying to decide if I should dump it not for a small profit or get greedy and wait a bit.
11-12-2017 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
Yes, I understand the GOP is allowed to replace him under those circumstances, but the mechanism by which the GOP chooses a candidate is a primary. What rule or law allows the local GOP party, internally, to remove somebody who has won their primary if they don't step aside? That's the part I am quite fuzzy on.
The rumor floating around is that the has the authority to withdraw a nomination up until election, regardless of the fact that the nomination was initially decided by a primary. Saying more than that would require detailed knowledge of AL election law.
11-12-2017 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
No it doesn't. If it did, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. It undermines his credibility when you're looking at contemporary US social standards, but by hardcore evangelical standards it is not a problem at all. His water carriers didn't pull stuff like the Mary and Joseph defense out of thin air. This stuff has been there, barely under the surface, for years.
Thats the point. You can't vote for Moore, think that Moore is a pedophile and that pedophilia is wrong. You either have to say "maybe he didn't do it", or "well you know, pedophilia isn't necessarily wrong" etc.
11-12-2017 , 05:45 PM
Lots of people in Alabama don't consider it pedophilia if god has made her bleed and you are a white man.
11-12-2017 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Thats the point. You can't vote for Moore, think that Moore is a pedophile and that pedophilia is wrong. You either have to say "maybe he didn't do it", or "well you know, pedophilia isn't necessarily wrong" etc.
and... that's exactly what's happening
11-12-2017 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
He means the precedent of subverting elections will lead to civil unrest.
Is that true, though? I'm not sure under the circumstances, with the party removing their own guy. Basically everyone has treated these allegations as true, and the national Republicans, hence FOX, will support any move to get rid of Moore. Most voters would be relieved to not "have to" vote for a diddler. I guess maybe there are some hardcore, local AM radio, gun-locker-in-my-underground-bunker Oath Keeper types who could start some ****, but I dunno. They made it through a black President. I think they'll just add it to the rage bank.
11-12-2017 , 06:09 PM
They can't have the election and hope people write in Luther Strange. That would be crazy. They can't have the election and hope people elect Moore and let them (Alabama GOP) deal with it later. That would be too risky. They can't easily cancel the election without taking too much crap.

So, my non-lawyer ass says they will postpone the election and tell Moore to stand down. Stange wins by 7 points in February.

I guess the sadder possibility (which is therefore the most likely) is that they wait a week, see that Moore is still gonna win, and then they just let that **** happen.
11-12-2017 , 06:15 PM
By the way, those polls don't look promising for Doug Jones. An event like this skews who responds and how honestly they respond. See Hillary leading by 7.5 in the aftermath of Access Hollywood, three weeks before the election. It matters that no poll puts Jones above 50%, and that the one where he leads has 12% of voters supposedly "undecided."
11-12-2017 , 06:20 PM
If they do end up holding the election and Moore wins, look for this episode to transform into a heroic narrative in which the Republican triumphed over long odds, institutional pressure, and an unforgiving media environment.
11-12-2017 , 06:20 PM
Dems should find a way to run a ton of ads that basically have Trump saying, "This is why I didn't support Roy Moore. What did I tell you? **** him!"

11-12-2017 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
By the way, those polls don't look promising for Doug Jones. An event like this skews who responds and how honestly they respond. See Hillary leading by 7.5 in the aftermath of Access Hollywood, three weeks before the election. It matters that no poll puts Jones above 50%, and that the one where he leads has 12% of voters supposedly "undecided."
Agree, I would think Moore is heavily favored right now. Every single one of those undecideds is voting Moore.
11-12-2017 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
By the way, those polls don't look promising for Doug Jones. An event like this skews who responds and how honestly they respond. See Hillary leading by 7.5 in the aftermath of Access Hollywood, three weeks before the election. It matters that no poll puts Jones above 50%, and that the one where he leads has 12% of voters supposedly "undecided."
Yep, agree. It can take a few days for scandals to play out and reach people, though. So Jones may see better polls over the next few days.

If he's not up by at least ~4 on average by midweek, though, he's in trouble IMO (barring further revelations).
11-12-2017 , 07:08 PM
Republicans still heavily favoured in the gambling markets. So was Hilary if course.
11-12-2017 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
The rumor floating around is that the has the authority to withdraw a nomination up until election, regardless of the fact that the nomination was initially decided by a primary. Saying more than that would require detailed knowledge of AL election law.
I've heard that rumor too, but just find it extraordinarily hard to believe that, absent a candidate dying, dropping out, or mabye being convicted of a felony, that any state's law allows for the local party to unilaterally withdraw them from the ballot and put someone else in when that person won a primary.
11-12-2017 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Agree, I would think Moore is heavily favored right now. Every single one of those undecideds is voting Moore.
You're discounting those who will stay home. And Yes, clinton was up 7.5 after access hollywood, but she ultimately wont he popular vote by 2. Moore is almost certainly still the favorite in deep red Alabama, but Jones has a shot here.
11-12-2017 , 07:41 PM
I don’t even know what to say about this

Conservatives mad at various sponsors, including Keurig, are posting videos of themselves breaking their coffee machines because Keurig doesn’t support pedo-lover Sean Hannity.

It’s not entirely clear if this trend is a level to get conservatives to waste money by following a stupid trend or if these blowhards actually think they’re accomplishing something.
11-12-2017 , 07:44 PM
Setting fire to $ to own the libs.
11-12-2017 , 07:45 PM
The thing is, if the party in charge gets to cancel elections because they are going to lose, that's not actually democracy. Regardless if the rules allow it, you need the appearance of fairness to get people to accept results.
11-12-2017 , 07:50 PM
Like, at least shoot your coffemaker or explode it or do something cool like a Real American if you're going to make a youtube.
