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2017 "Tax Reform": They'll Screw This Up Too, Right? 2017 "Tax Reform": They'll Screw This Up Too, Right?

12-21-2017 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Turns out companies will take care of that themselves if you tone down the crippling levels of taxation.

Who knew?
Who knew the tax cut had already been implemented? lolu
12-21-2017 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Turns out companies will take care of that themselves if you tone down the crippling levels of taxation.

Who knew?

12-21-2017 , 01:16 PM
12-21-2017 , 01:21 PM
Who's the burn victim in that photo and what does he have to do with taxes?
12-21-2017 , 01:39 PM
Wells Fargo actually announced the raises back in September(our excellent media falling for the exact same **** they fell for immediately after Trump's election for Christ's sake) and AT&T's bonuses were negotiated by their union lol Inso
12-21-2017 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Lying seems like the only option.
1) LOL Max

2) The thing about the tax cuts in the stimulus will actually help us here. You ask Inso or Inso's boss if Obama gave them a tax cut, they'd absolutely say no, because they absolutely believe that. Here, people already hate the tax bill, and the (small) tax cuts most people are getting won't be enough to convince them otherwise. The people getting noticable tax cuts(corporations, heirs of large estates) already support the bill.
12-21-2017 , 01:50 PM
AT&T is making this announcement because they want to buy Time Warner. This isn't hard to figure out.
12-21-2017 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Who's the burn victim in that photo and what does he have to do with taxes?
I think it's Kevin Brady, Chairman House Ways and Means. He's mentioned in the story.
12-21-2017 , 01:59 PM
It's a bit sad that you guys are ****ting so hard on what is clearly a positive outcome for all involved.

What makes you most angry about this bill?

Is it because it goes mostly to people who are actually paying taxes? I know that's not normally how government spending works, but it's a nice change of pace.

Is it because it only raises the national debt by 1.5T, when GOAT Obama could've easily bumped that up to 5T without breaking a sweat?

Is Charlie Sheen still alive? Time to get him a red hat and go on a #WINNING tour.

I am definitely glad to see the CWA earning some of its dues over at AT&T, if Fly is correct. However, that's a new hot take. Everyone else ITT is saying this is purely a PR stunt to get the merger through. Not sure who to believe now! Or maybe it's both. Good guy employee union lays the negotiation smackdown on an employer, who then turns around and couches it in a show of good faith to hide their shame, while simultaneously manipulating the media to provide good press and help their insidious merger along.

Honestly, I don't know how you guys even get out of bed in the morning with the world being as scary as it is. Capitalists around every corner just waiting to steal your lunch money.
12-21-2017 , 02:08 PM
Inso0 maybe you can help me out as I've been confused by this for awhile now.

How do you justify giving the biggest tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans and corporations?

Unemployment has almost bottomed out at this point (thanks Obama) and we're past the recession now (thanks Obama). Market is booming.

What precisely is the goal here by taxing rich people less? And if you say improve wages of their workers then I'm gonna pre-LOL.
12-21-2017 , 02:15 PM
Clinton leaves a good economy, Bush tanks it, Obama recovers, Trump gonna tank it.

But even before any Trump policies go into effect Inso0 is giving him credit for the recovery.

Obama cut taxes on most people an only raised it on the wealthy. Trump is bigly cutting taxes on the wealthy. Inso0 bends over so far for the wealthy that he can lick their boots when they come up behind him.
12-21-2017 , 02:21 PM
Call me old fashioned, but I think tax cuts should go to people paying the taxes. That generally means the people who pay more taxes are going to see a bigger benefit.

I understand why you guys find it offensive, but I just don't agree with you. If socialism was a better way of running an economy, someone would've had success with it by now.
12-21-2017 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
It's a bit sad that you guys are ****ting so hard on what is clearly a positive outcome for all involved.

What makes you most angry about this bill?
A lot to be angry about, but this is the biggest thing to me.

The article doesn't really go into the fact that US tax policy has a worldwide impact, and once the dust settles this could easily start a "race to the bottom." It also fails to address the fact that the US is the world's largest tax haven, and this bill will make that problem a lot worse. That's a problem because the more the US shelters money for foreign investors, the less funds are available for governments in those countries, which can lead to foreign policy problems that inevitably get dropped into the lap of the US military to solve, especially under the current administration.

But, even on its most basic level, the fact that US companies are getting rewarded for what is essentially tax evasion should be enough to get anyone with half a brain really mad at this legislation, and demanding that the government address this problem. Which it could, if politicians weren't essentially stuck to the teat of corporate donations.
12-21-2017 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0

Is it because it only raises the national debt by 1.5T, when GOAT Obama could've easily bumped that up to 5T without breaking a sweat?
wtf are you babbling about?

First, it's the deficit that will increase from 1 to 1.5 trillion, which Obama reduced.
12-21-2017 , 02:33 PM
Who could have ever predicted the people bitching about debt and deficits now don't give a **** because of imaginary Obama events.
12-21-2017 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Call me old fashioned, but I think tax cuts should go to people paying the taxes. That generally means the people who pay more taxes are going to see a bigger benefit.

I understand why you guys find it offensive, but I just don't agree with you. If socialism was a better way of running an economy, someone would've had success with it by now.
We have. As conservatives like to point out The New Deal was socialism and it worked.

Where tax cuts should go or whether there should be tax cuts depends on conditions at present. It's pretty dumb to just have a theory about where tax cuts should go irrespective of anything. I think you just don't think taxes should be progressive at all and maybe you don't think there should be any taxes.
12-21-2017 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
It's a bit sad that you guys are ****ting so hard on what is clearly a positive outcome for all involved.
Excuse me? Are you still under the unhinged impression that liberals are upset about workers getting bonuses, or are you literally incapable of seeing any downsides to this tax bill?
12-21-2017 , 02:38 PM
Confused about the AT&T bonuses. One news site reports it as

As many as 200,000 employees will receive a bonus of $1,000 under the plan, according to AT&T.
another was

AT&T said in a press release Wednesday that it would give more than 200,000 of its U.S. workers who are union members a special bonus of $1,000.
These are two extremely different statements.
12-21-2017 , 02:38 PM
Like literally all of Europe has been doing fine and keeping pace with the US in terms of economic expansion over the past 50 or so years, while in Socialist Democracies with much more robust social safety nets than America has.

A lack of a social safety net is not what makes America's Economy #1.
12-21-2017 , 02:39 PM
The way I read it they were giving 20,000 as part of original bargaining agreement and came out and said 200,000 now after tax bill.


The four-year agreement was announced on Dec. 13. It covers about 20,000 employees in 36 states and the District of Columbia – AT&T’s Mobility Orange unit, which encompasses CWA Districts 1, 2-13, 4, 7 and 9.

The offer includes wage and pension increases, as well as comprehensive healthcare benefits. Virtually all employees covered by the offer would see a positive financial impact.

Among provisions of the offer:

Retroactive wage increases back to Feb. 12, 2017, and a $1,000 lump sum, if the agreement is ratified by Jan. 12, 2018.

12-21-2017 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
If socialism was a better way of running an economy, someone would've had success with it by now.
Man only a real dotard views the world this way. "The rich should have their top rate reduced by 2.6% because any other scheme is 'socialism'". Remember like two days ago Inso0 whined about others turning this forum into "middle school"? He's on an absolute tear since then.
12-21-2017 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Man only a real dotard views the world this way. "The rich should have their top rate reduced by 2.6% because any other scheme is 'socialism'". Remember like two days ago Inso0 whined about others turning this forum into "middle school"? He's on an absolute tear since then.
Inso also posted yesterday that he was confused how any newer members would be on the LOLInso train because of his limited posting recently when it literally takes reading 10 of his posts to be LOLInso
12-21-2017 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by OneEyedPoker
Inso also posted yesterday that he was confused how any newer members would be on the LOLInso train because of his limited posting recently when it literally takes reading 1 of his posts to be LOLInso
12-21-2017 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Loki
Confused about the AT&T bonuses. One news site reports it as

another was

These are two extremely different statements.
Nah, same statement, just one is (deliberately) vague and appeals to the drooler crowd.
12-21-2017 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
1) LOL Max

2) The thing about the tax cuts in the stimulus will actually help us here. You ask Inso or Inso's boss if Obama gave them a tax cut, they'd absolutely say no, because they absolutely believe that. Here, people already hate the tax bill, and the (small) tax cuts most people are getting won't be enough to convince them otherwise. The people getting noticable tax cuts(corporations, heirs of large estates) already support the bill.
None of this is relevant. If people are against the tax bill and don’t care about whatever tax break they start getting you don’t have to do anything to convince them, low info or not. If they actually care about the extra money and it makes a difference to them you arent going to convince them without lying about how this is going to directly slow growth, cause unemployment and a bunch of other stuff you don’t actually know. It will likely work better on low info types.
