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2017 "Tax Reform": They'll Screw This Up Too, Right? 2017 "Tax Reform": They'll Screw This Up Too, Right?

12-05-2017 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
I am. Tax, even.
If this abomination makes it into law, take out a loan, hire 3 staff, and go to town.
12-05-2017 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
That explains confusing reality with law. Although that's taking things further than usual. Usually lawyers confuse right and wrong with legal and illegal rather than real vs imaginary. Did you minor in philosophy?

(I hate emoticons, but want to indicate I'm semi-teasing and don't want you to hate me. hmm.... )
I'm not naive about these things. I've seen 9-figure deals blow up over questionable payroll withholding practices. Obviously it is true that you can claim that you an IK and report your wage income as qualifying for the passthrough activities deduction. If you get your employer to go along with the scheme and issue a 1099 instead of a W-2, that would certainly help. I'm just saying two things:

1. Just because your employer gives you a 1099 and you have an LLC doesn't make you an IK, and the IRS can audit you and say you're an employee instead.

2. The IRS sometimes is lax (as a priority for audit resources) about worker classification issues, because worker classification doesn't usually affect how much tax they are owed, it's just an issue of collection. If, however, they see $100k of W-2 wages getting paid to Joe Smith disappear and get replaced by $100k of 1099 income paid by the same employer to Joe Smith, then Joe Smith starts claiming a 23% deduction on those wages, that will probably interest them quite a bit. In practice they probably go after the employer, because they can collect the tax for all misclassified employees at once, but they might come after you personally.
12-05-2017 , 11:41 AM
12-05-2017 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
If it's anti-taxpayers who are worth less than $20M it wasn't due to lack of understanding or care.
12-05-2017 , 02:06 PM
When is the House doing something with this? I thought they were called in early from vacation to vote on Monday but that didn't happen.
12-05-2017 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
If it's anti-taxpayers who are worth less than $20M it wasn't due to lack of understanding or care.
my dad got a huge tax cut from Brownback.
12-05-2017 , 03:29 PM
I suspect Collins still votes yes

12-05-2017 , 04:03 PM
Collins can choke on her own vomit along with Flake, Collins and the rest of them. **** em.
12-05-2017 , 05:13 PM
Ray Dalio is saying the SALT deductions being eliminated could really cause an exodus of high net worth individuals from blue states to red states.

I'm not sure people making 1M+ will really move over like 20k but it was an interesting read. State budgets very dependent on those people for their taxes. Do you guys think this bill will hurt blue states significantly more than red states?
12-05-2017 , 05:21 PM
Has this been posted? I assume it's relatively close to being correct.
12-05-2017 , 05:22 PM
That's the point
12-05-2017 , 05:22 PM
It's intentionally setup to hurt blue states so yeah.
12-05-2017 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Onlydo2days
Ray Dalio is saying the SALT deductions being eliminated could really cause an exodus of high net worth individuals from blue states to red states.

I'm not sure people making 1M+ will really move over like 20k but it was an interesting read. State budgets very dependent on those people for their taxes. Do you guys think this bill will hurt blue states significantly more than red states?
What jobs are people making that kind of money going to move to in red states? This is so overblown.
12-05-2017 , 05:43 PM
I imagine a small number of people will move, but we've been hearing for years that HIGH TAX CALIFORNIA was gonna drive all the productive people to LOW TAX TEXAS, yet California is still the GOAT
12-05-2017 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
What jobs are people making that kind of money going to move to in red states? This is so overblown.
I think the issue is mainly restricted to financial firms, like hedge funds, where it's pretty trivial to move your operations from one state to another. So I'd imagine that New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut are way more likely to experience flight than California.
12-05-2017 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
Has this been posted? I assume it's relatively close to being correct.
I don’t own a house so if accurate this tax plan seems better for me than I thought it would be. That being said, I’m not shortsighted enough to be pleased about getting a few thousand dollar tax cut given the overall implications of this bill.

Would be curious to see what the numbers look like for someone who owns a house, but I don’t know enough about how that works to plug them in there.
12-05-2017 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I imagine a small number of people will move, but we've been hearing for years that HIGH TAX NEW YORK was gonna drive all the productive people to LOW TAX TEXAS, yet New York is still the GOAT
12-05-2017 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by spidercrab
I think the issue is mainly restricted to financial firms, like hedge funds, where it's pretty trivial to move your operations from one state to another. So I'd imagine that New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut are way more likely to experience flight than California.
So why would they not have done this already? The savings in operating out of Texas vs. New York is already substantially more than any difference as a result of this bill.

It's because living in those red states sucks. People still have families and want to live in places that are not awful.
12-05-2017 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
It's because living in those red states sucks. People still have families and want to live in places that are not awful.
Plus GOAT weather in CA
12-05-2017 , 06:09 PM
Your state is currently on fire. Again.
12-05-2017 , 06:10 PM
Anyone in California affected enough by this to move probably owns a house or two - and enjoys the massive valuation increase they get every year w/o commensurate property tax increase (thanks to prop 13). Gonna be tough to give that up.

Like I mentioned - the company my cousin works for all picked up and moved from Novato to Jackson Hole a few year's ago when CA implemented the millionaire state tax bracket. But they're a pretty special case - small company, work can be done from anywhere, most of them are millionaires, boss is a massive right-winger.
12-05-2017 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Your state is currently on fire. Again.
Price of freedom
12-05-2017 , 06:12 PM
Speaking of...

Top House Republicans said Tuesday that they were exploring how to provide more relief to Californians and others who pay high state income taxes in their tax overhaul — including by making a limited amount of state income taxes deductible.

House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Tex.) told reporters Tuesday that tax writers are looking at a number of ways to give relief to residents of high tax states. One would involve opening up the property tax deduction, capped at $10,000, to state and local income and perhaps sales taxes. Others would involve expanding eligibility for the child tax credit to more affluent households or simply rearranging the individual tax brackets so taxpayers pay lower rates.
This means to me they don't have the votes right now.
12-05-2017 , 06:26 PM
****ing over rich Republicans in CA will definitely get noticed. They're not as easy to get to vote against their own self-interests as the average Trumpfan. I kinda hope it happens.
12-05-2017 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Your state is currently on fire. Again.
Also, it has no water and a good chunk of it, including all major metropolitan areas will at some point and without warning break off into the ocean.
