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2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN 2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN
View Poll Results: The 45th President of the United States of America will be
332 46.63%
190 26.69%
In to watch it burn
161 22.61%
73 10.25%
im tryin to tell you about ****in my wife in the *** and youre asking me these personal questions
57 8.01%

08-01-2016 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
I can no longer imagine Donald Trump managing the white house. like at all. The people there and in those independent organizations not to mention congress and other world leaders, they are highly educated multilingual people with average iqs of 150 with diverging goals , its the difference between managing sheep and managing genius cats; they arent just going to do what donald says period. he would at best just be a figurehead. and what a bizzarre figurehead to have.

he would have to outsource everything to mike pence who in turn would mostly outsource everything to influential gop people.
Short of this message, I am a democrat and I like to watch Bill Maher on t.v.. If Clinton, Obama, Gore had to start a company for 5 years from scratch, 95% chance chap 11.
08-01-2016 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Volatility drives pageviews? That was a hudge shift.
Clearly Nate made his model over-sensitive to convention bumps to troll conservatives into thinking they had a chance and get them to give him free advertising for a week, before bringing the hammer down.

Holy crap that might actually be true.
08-01-2016 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Trump 2016, brought to you by KFC.
the funny part is how blatantly he's pandering. If you read his books, he actually gives really decent dieting advice. There's 0% chance he's eaten any of the food he's taken pics with.
08-01-2016 , 10:57 PM
My aunt has a thought from noted intellectual Tucker Carlson that she'd like to share.

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” network regular and Daily Caller editor Tucker Carlson warned Republicans that oppose party nominee Donald Trump that a President Hillary Clinton will change America.

“This is a pivot point in American history,” Carlson said. “If Hillary is elected – everyone is focused on her deficits as a person. The truth is it’s her policies. She’s going to open the borders, pack the Supreme Court and you are not going to have the same country. Maybe you like that, maybe you don’t. But we’re not going back to the status quo, period. And so Republicans need to understand if Trump loses, it is a new America, OK? A lot is on the line, whether you like him or not. That is real.”
I really wonder if he even believes his own BS.

Hillary is literally campaigning on the status quo and Trump is campaigning to tear it all down. In my lifetime I can't think of a president less likely to bring about a massive sea change in anything than HRC.
08-01-2016 , 10:58 PM
The reason I can't get laid is because I like fried chicken?
08-01-2016 , 11:02 PM
Just realized I misread LK's post as "dating advice".

I'm 5 beers deep. Probably time to stop posting.
08-01-2016 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
the funny part is how blatantly he's pandering. If you read his books, he actually gives really decent dieting advice. There's 0% chance he's eaten any of the food he's taken pics with.
Lol at pandering to the masses but still eating fried chicken with a knife and fork.
08-01-2016 , 11:06 PM
538 models are . . . bad?

goofball, they're just bad, right?
08-01-2016 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
*sees picture*

oh god, don't let this be Trump pandering to minorities again, ohgod, don'tletthisbeTrumppanderingtominoritiesagain, don'tletthisbeTrumppanderingtominoritiesagain, ohgod...

*reads caption*


PS: the strategically-placed WSJ. You can tell that he was right in the middle of studying the business section upside-down when lunch arrived.
08-01-2016 , 11:07 PM
i'm more surprised he didn't write "DONALD'S PHOTO-OP CHICKEN - DO NOT TOUCH" in gold sharpie somewhere on the bucket
08-01-2016 , 11:09 PM
I have some mongolian blood; me and this khan guy probably have the same greatgreat*28 grandfather...
08-01-2016 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
the funny part is how blatantly he's pandering. If you read his books, he actually gives really decent dieting advice. There's 0% chance he's eaten any of the food he's taken pics with.
I'm sure he mows down on Trump taco salads all the time.
08-01-2016 , 11:11 PM
08-01-2016 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by sweep single
No, he's pretty much done...He's getting crushed in the general
I hope you're right. I'm mostly here to lolTrump and vent, but behind that is real anxiety.

This lady is pretty brave. Pence at least was respectfull but the crowd got on her.

08-01-2016 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I LOL'd that is hilarious!
08-01-2016 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
Short of this message, I am a democrat and I like to watch Bill Maher on t.v.. If Clinton, Obama, Gore had to start a company for 5 years from scratch, 95% chance chap 11.
if they devoted themselves to dong a law form like Clinton, Gore, & Obama they would make a lot.
08-01-2016 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
Definition of insanity is voting for the same democrats over and over and expecting a different result.
I vote for Democrats in order to prevent Armageddon. This may be a bit results-oriented, but so far, so good. Why would I expect different results?
08-01-2016 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by z32fanatic
Question I've been thinking about recently: Does anyone actually think Trump will concede normally if/when he loses? This is someone who complains/whines/sues whenever he doesn't get his way, and by calling Hillary "crooked" he's laying the groundwork for claiming it was stolen. It seems like a realistic scenario that he tells his supporters to act out if he loses, which is pretty terrifying to think about. I can't imagine the entire thing going smoothly.

The only peaceful way I can see him going out is by saying that it was a successful campaign because it increased his brand's value by a couple billion.
Bump, saw this posted today. Probably even more worried now than before as I had forgotten about this:

08-02-2016 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Double Eagle
Lol, does Trump hold a single view that isn't utterly repugnant? They should ask him if Emmett Till had it coming.
08-02-2016 , 12:03 AM
Yeah I wonder what characteristic might make Trump cool with the Clintons but hate Obama? Puzzler.
08-02-2016 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Lol, does Trump hold a single view that isn't utterly repugnant? They should ask him if Emmett Till had it coming.
Trump would have taken out a full page ad blasting Till for whistling at a white woman.
08-02-2016 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by iron81
In the primaries, we all assumed Trump was deliberately being obnoxious as a strategy to dominate news cycles and deny oxygen to his competitors. During the GE no one mentions that any more.
I didn't. I mean, well, it's true that we was being obnoxious in order to dominate the news cycle, but it was obviously not a strategy to me even at the time. It's just who Trump is, as a person. His persona isn't an act, he really is this character he's been in public for decades in real ****ing life.
08-02-2016 , 12:14 AM
I know with 95% chance he will bow out gracefully. He knows there is a good chance he will be assassinated. It may have already been tried at Treasure Island, NV. Chelsea and Ivanka are BFF. The Clintons and Donald have been friends for a long time. What most don't know is Donald is at core not much different than a democrat. He is a decent guy. He has been around my whole life, I have seen all the fueds and The Ivana/Maples/Trump national enquirer sex scandal. I still don't know what made him famous to begin with. Sort of like the Kardasians.

In summary he used a lot of debt to build an empire. On the edge of collapse, he got a lot of banks to refinance his loans and he made it through the recession of 1990-1992. From then on he was more conservative with debt. The casino business is a tough racket as it is very competitive and margins are thin.
08-02-2016 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Yeah I wonder what characteristic might make Trump cool with the Clintons but hate Obama? Puzzler.
I would not call Trump a racist, he is more of a profiler. Barack has always has been just as hostile to Trump as vice versa. He loves celebrity and blue collar that is why he and Tyson get along.
08-02-2016 , 12:22 AM
Yo steelhouse just 'cause ikes is gone doesn't mean you need to post more. There isn't an "awful post" quota we need to meet.
