Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I think the lefts biggest problem is that they are forced to cater to a bunch of groups who are not really progressive at all, and are bigoted against eachother.
-Hispanics are very bigoted against other Hispanics. They also tend to run conservative on many social issues, with the big one being anti-abortion.
-Blacks generally are very anti-gay. A few years ago in California there was an anti-gay marriage proposition that passed and although the liberal media did its best to suppress knowledge of this fact, blacks were the strongest proponents of the measure.
-Socially Muslims are more right than Republicans. They dont really have a choice. They either believe or have to pretend to believe that a book written thousands of years ago is the literal word of God.
-So to sum it up the lefts biggest problem is that many of the people it needs to win elections are not liberal at all. Basically, for good or bad (I think bad) the populace itself isnt very liberal. And this includes all races, creeds and sexes.
This is because we are all humans, and humans are by nature racist, bigoted, xenophobic, etc. so it is always going to be an uphill battle to force people to act against their natural inclinations. And being liberal is pretty much a luxury that only relatively wealthy and educated people have.
The problem with using identity politics is it becomes a purity test and the Democratic coalition is a coalition of diverse groups united in gaining power as are all political parties. In any case, all political parties have to deal with a diverse set of interests. There are Republicans right now who are much more socially liberal than a ton of Democrats. They're out there doing drugs, having orgies, have gay, Muslim, etc friends. But their primary interest is lowing the top marginal rate and based on that they pick the Republican Party. Those Republicans have the same loathing as many Republicans imagine liberals have towards social conservatives, but they either don't express that loathing or are indifferent.
Coalitions also work by interweaving people's ideologies. For instance, let's take your Muslim comment. Muslims have to religiously conservative. That's true to a point, but because Muslims have had to ally with the LGBT community in order to have enough political power to withstand Republican anti Muslim bigotry it turns out
But a recent poll in 2015, also by Pew, shows that American Muslims are much less likely to share this attitude. By comparison, 45 percent of American Muslims approve of homosexuality, and 42 percent of Muslims support same-sex marriage recognition. In both cases, a greater number disapprove of acceptance than approve. But then, so do Evangelical Christians in numbers greater than American Muslims. Only 36 percent of Evangelical Christians approve of homosexuality and only 28 percent of Evangelical Christians support same-sex marriage recognition.
Greater exposure to gays and working with the LGBT communities has made American Muslims more tolerant of homosexuality than American Evangelicals.