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02-22-2023 , 11:16 AM
#4 Cloud Storage looks really tough at GP in r4 today.

The only issue, is that I'm certain the ML is way off and this horse goes off at odds on, not 3/1. Maybe even in the 3/5 range.

I will be wagering if betting public is asleep, but its the middle of the week and everyone is watching GP... so no, i do not think the public will be sleeping.

Probably a pass, but I thought this was a 1 horse race. Interesting to see what happens.
02-22-2023 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by easyfnmoney
I feel ya and I respect your opinions. LOL if I am peddling a system, I am guilty of peddling the following horse racing system:

[x] Find races with predictable pace scenarios using my database
[x] Find races where my model has a high strike percentage
[x] Watch replays of said race that come up during my research
[x] Do not place a wager unless I am 70% certain on the outcome + potential payouts result in an overlay

LOL how much is a system like that worth?
I'm going to nick name this the "Peyton Manning Horse Racing System"

A system that requires you pass 90% more than you run. Ha!
02-22-2023 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by easyfnmoney
#4 Cloud Storage looks really tough at GP in r4 today.

The only issue, is that I'm certain the ML is way off and this horse goes off at odds on, not 3/1. Maybe even in the 3/5 range.

I will be wagering if betting public is asleep, but its the middle of the week and everyone is watching GP... so no, i do not think the public will be sleeping.

Probably a pass, but I thought this was a 1 horse race. Interesting to see what happens.
He breaks sideways and misses by a nose. At 4-5 odds that was pass pass pass but a clean break and he wins there. Just never betting that at 4-5 odds.
03-09-2023 , 02:17 PM
Santa Anita 3/9/23

1.) 3-5-2
2.) 5-4-2
3.) 5-3-1
4.) 4-5-2
5.) 7-2-6
6.) 6-1-5
7.) 2-3-6
8.) 6-7-9

Tough card today at SA but as always those are your 3 to fade. BOL to all itt playing today and the fellas out in Vegas for NHC
03-10-2023 , 12:41 PM
Aqueduct 3/10/23

1.) 3-4-1
2.) 5-4-7
3.) 7-4-6
4.) 8-1-7
5.) 2-6-8
6.) 3-5-6
7.) 7-2-3
8.) 9-2-6

Nice card today at the Big A and as always those are your 3 to fade
03-11-2023 , 01:30 AM
Going to post a couple articles and try and quarterback this thing because it is chapping my azz.
How almost all people in the sport feel about HISA. How a high on their own supply LL of HISA sees herself.

HISA ruled unconstitutional twice by the 5th and when asked for a emergency appeal was denied and kicked back to circuit. Thats that BUT wait there is more. Idiots who brought you this nonsense of HISA to begin with say we will just put a clause in that makes it constitutional to us again and attach it to another huge bill now we will have funding for drug testing run thru FTC because that is exactly what they do.

BUT if this is ALL still uncon no matter if they get funding or not WHAT court is going to enforce any of your rules? Lisa you going to red flag the horses because you will be damned they do not obey? Can not wait to see that. Fear is all HISA has right now to get trainers etc to cooperate it is a designed gamble by them and publicist for lack of better word. They keep steam rolling ahead and try and beat the industry to its submission when the trainers and horsemen have all the power right now need to call their and her bluff .
03-11-2023 , 02:05 AM
Oh Fng ya...Steve Byk lmao! NHC going on out in Vegas obviously know played donated to with several fellas so best i know where to catch it is on Byk's show. Get into the afternoon coverage and the dapper one Steve decides along with Christina Blacker and Rich Eng that it is crazy how ordinary people have the right to use free speech to criticize a poor ride by a jockey in their opinion or bad call by a steward or really anything else the 3 decided that only they were qualified to use such means of communication as FB Twitter etc to do those things US ordinary non educated people (Steve went to Cornell dont you know) is absurd we are allowed to use such communication avenues . Its the 1st one Steve as much as it obviously chaps your azz it humors me you think you decide who gets a voice and what is appropriate to say. MF please! Believe i saw a clip of one of "yours" on The View today who has almost a similar idea to people who think they have the right to think for themselves or differently then them. Steve Rich and Christina for now on shall decided so it shall be written so it...lmao dude...Your show Steve keep chipping away at that audience GL
03-11-2023 , 01:58 PM
Kingfish Stevens aka Catfish Stevens takes the 1st @ GP...LMAO That was awesome!
03-12-2023 , 12:09 PM
Aqueduct 3/12/23

1.) 3-5-1
2.) 5-4-2
3.) 2-1-5
4.) 4-3-1
5.) 3-7-8
6.) 6-7-2
7.) 5-1-4
8.) 8-5-4
9.) 6-1-11

Thought today's card at the Big A was a sob but as always those are your 3 to fade
03-12-2023 , 07:47 PM
Excellent coverage this weekend at NHC by Steve Byk and guest like hearing how different horse players think with strategy in tournament play
03-28-2023 , 09:01 AM

Always works out for snitches well certain another recipe for success here.

Hey i do decent at this game LOVE the horses BUT the humans in the sport have and are going to eliminate this game all together, I wrote here hell 6 7 years ago about the direction the sport was heading with shrinkage and i believe once SA goes up for sale (and i believe it will) in under 5 years i think a chain reaction from that will happen. HISA front and center and just a cancer to the industry period and it will eat its host and kill it like cancer as well.

I do well enough just a horseplayer not involved any other way BUT sad to see the direction sport is going
04-01-2023 , 11:52 PM
Not sure what to think of the Forte ride today. Ya out wide bad draw i get that but dropped in easy enough i thought but not taking anything away from the Win he gutted it out BUT just a weird azz performance imo. I thought he was done 2 times at least and he rallied enough when he needed to. Like to see his number coming out of this compared to Cox's winner out of the Arkansas. Just not sold on Forte myself. JK et all nice to hear from ya all if you have an opinion going into Derby as well.

Fort Washington start hurt today thought i was on the best horse here but start did me in getting through the traffic after that like LA traffic just a sob but hope to get a decent price next out.
04-02-2023 , 01:36 PM
Ok how in the F do i cap the Mand p/o PK6 down in Miami with Claudia Spadaro talking. Holy S not sure i have ever heard the english language sound more sexy in my life. Give the woman the telephone book start with the A's sweetheart...TA PEEE TAA That a girl!
04-05-2023 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Honcho
Not sure what to think of the Forte ride today. Ya out wide bad draw i get that but dropped in easy enough i thought but not taking anything away from the Win he gutted it out BUT just a weird azz performance imo. I thought he was done 2 times at least and he rallied enough when he needed to. Like to see his number coming out of this compared to Cox's winner out of the Arkansas. Just not sold on Forte myself. JK et all nice to hear from ya all if you have an opinion going into Derby as well.

Fort Washington start hurt today thought i was on the best horse here but start did me in getting through the traffic after that like LA traffic just a sob but hope to get a decent price next out.
Haha. I’m still degenning horses but don’t post here bc nobody really ever is active.

Hmm for derby- I like forte however at the price he’s going off at (prolly 5/2 to 7/2) I think he’s a fade. I think the crop in florida is weaker than weak. Mage seems like a good horse but I don’t take him too seriously bc he isn’t supposed to get the extra panel + he’s lightly raced against a weak field minus forte. Only thing about mage- his trip was really really bad in the FL derby- I think he started slow and jock took him back which isn’t his best running style. I had a chunky bet on mage in the win and was shocked he got tagged by forte.

Forte- i like the horse but he tends to start slow. If he gets like a 1-4 post or 15-20- I think he’s doomed. Idk I could see him stacking up behind horses and beaten by a bad trip at a way too short price. I like kingsbarn, hit show, maybe instant coffee if he makes it and pace looks fast (he prolly doesn’t get in), maybe the Jpn horses at a price bc they’ve been killing in big races. Right now I like hit show and kingsbarn but will wait to hear how they are training at CD + gotta look at pace scenario + pps.

I also kinda like the west coast. Practical move is not a horse I like bc I don’t feel practical jokes will get the 10 panels but the speed figs have been solid. Geux rocket ride is another kinda like. Idk I feel west coast horses tend to be better than east coast on the dirt especially around KD time but hard to say. The SA derby should help figure out the puzzle a bit. Still way out and I’m having trouble.

As a side note- I’m bummed the baffert top dog horse is out. I hammered one of the all other future pools for derby to get that horse. I thought that horse was going to be fire and potentially the next American pharaoh, cali chrome, etc. I’m surprised the horse was taken out of contention so early so he just be pretty roughed up in training. I have a future wager on forte, kingsbarn, and the all others (will include 5-6 horses) so I have my bases covered but still a lot of spots I could get knocked out on.

Kentucky oaks- I really wanna fade wet paint. Hate the running style coming from way back. Somehow if the speed is lacking in the oaks or there is a classy E or E/P horse that can rival that one, def wanna fade wet paint as the favorite.

Jockey watch- still a fan of florent geroux- I remember folks touting him here way back. I think flavien prat is the jock to watch. I may be wrong and just biased but think he’s better than Irad ortiz. If flavien prat got all the top dog Chad brown and Todd pletcher runners irad got- think he would compete for the Saratoga jockey title.
04-08-2023 , 09:50 PM
The Japanese horse ran really well in the SA derby today. I think that really makes the top Japanese horse that won the UAE derby look good bc I think the one in the sa derby was a cut below supposedly.

Idk derby looks tough this year. Would have no problem with anyone going against forte if he goes off as prohibitive favorite. Still can’t wait till we see what the pace scenario looks like. Idk but think I favor the E and E/P horses this year as it seems like there isn’t a ton of speed. Maybe a closer that can sit mid pack could work.

Idk why but don’t like the top horses right now. Think this year could yield a solid price but obv not like last year. Think a price somewhere between 10-25 -1 is possible this year. Just haven’t seen enough from the top horses that make me go wow that horse is a clear favorite or top choice.
04-09-2023 , 11:06 AM
Out of all the races i have watched thousands the coolest thing i ever saw was in the walking ring.
04-17-2023 , 02:15 PM
Is there a "known" horse bet, that keys the 13th in all spots for a trifecta, if so is there a name for it? (or something along these lines)
04-18-2023 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by makers
Is there a "known" horse bet, that keys the 13th in all spots for a trifecta, if so is there a name for it? (or something along these lines)
A wheel? Or something like wheel the 13 in all 3 spots.

At least that's the term I've heard the most at my local racebook.
04-22-2023 , 09:26 AM
My wise guy thought is mage could win at a big price. Horrible trip in FL derby where he breaks last- if he breaks clean in the derby think he has a solid shot at a bigger price. He made an early move in FL derby and flattened due to poor start and early move. He was extremely close to besting forte who will be the derby fav.

Would like to hear your thoughts honcho? Its still early gotta see how horses are training and the media buzz closer to the derby.
04-22-2023 , 10:58 AM
JK nice to hear from you man. I really only have 1 opinion right now and that is Forte is a fade for me. Nothing against his last out i mean post was tough but he got off easy enough just did not make it look easy enough. Tapit Trice last out has me more interested just because the horse is a goof hell he was looking to the grandstand and the camera man i think for his picture to be taken winning last race. After draw have an idea i am hoping of how i think it may go.

Real disappointed in Flavian Prat the other day watching Keeneland that move was such BS and he knows better and a horse lost its life because of that just stupid move. Did not look like the horse went that way on his own to me and only 3 days off is less than a slap on the hand imo.
04-25-2023 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Honcho
JK nice to hear from you man. I really only have 1 opinion right now and that is Forte is a fade for me. Nothing against his last out i mean post was tough but he got off easy enough just did not make it look easy enough. Tapit Trice last out has me more interested just because the horse is a goof hell he was looking to the grandstand and the camera man i think for his picture to be taken winning last race. After draw have an idea i am hoping of how i think it may go.

Real disappointed in Flavian Prat the other day watching Keeneland that move was such BS and he knows better and a horse lost its life because of that just stupid move. Did not look like the horse went that way on his own to me and only 3 days off is less than a slap on the hand imo.

I agree 100% with the fade forte idea. Idk the way his betting is in vegas- he might go off around 5/2 to 7/2- to me that is way too short on a hose that doesn’t “seem” to have early speed. Maybe he somehow shows a little more speed but idk?

I heard about the prat story. Didn’t get to see bc they took the replay down but I’m really not a fan of it that move. Irad does it a lot too. Not a fan of jocks trying to intimidate other horses and not focus on just going straight and forward. Just seems dangerous.

Other derby news- so I guess there might be a 5.5 turf race day of derby. If pace looks livey- I love big invasion if he runs. He will be a short price but I’ll have a lot of horizontal wagers running through him. He seems like a great turf sprinter off the pace. Not sure he runs but saw he might be pointed to this race.
04-27-2023 , 05:12 PM
I'm alive to Kingsbarns 28/1 for the Derby. This was the only horse I took in the futures. The day before, he was 40/1 and I kicked myself for waiting too long.

I saw Derma show up at 20/1 for a split second a few weeks ago, and he started taking money in the offshore derby futures pools... so I thought that was interesting.

I like Derma at 20/1 but I don't know what it is about the UAE horses.

Not in love with Kingsbarns, but this has been one of my Derby betting strategies over the years and I've done well with it.

Step 1) Find a horse that you think will wire a Derby prep
Step 2) Bet him in the Derby futures pool, with the assumption that the horse will win the prep
Step 3) Pray you win. lol

So all of that happened with the Louisiana Derby. I took him at 28/1 then 25/1 thinking that if he wired the LA Derby, he'd be in the 6/1 to 8/1 range to win the derby, which what my fair odds line on him is...

I may think about doing some hedging specifically with the Oaks/Derby double. I have an opinion and I can lay some $ in the horizontals and hopefully be alive to a few horses in the Derby, either Kingsbarns.... which is a guaranteed $3k or a combination of horizatontals where it will be Kingsbarns + maybe 3-4 others.

Forte wont be on any tickets in the win spot.

Good luck to us. Forte is a good horse and no disrespect, but he will need a perfect trip and 5/2 to 3/1 isn't a number I want anything to do with and that's probably where he goes off at.

Last edited by easyfnmoney; 04-27-2023 at 05:24 PM.
04-30-2023 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by easyfnmoney
I'm alive to Kingsbarns 28/1 for the Derby. This was the only horse I took in the futures. The day before, he was 40/1 and I kicked myself for waiting too long.

I saw Derma show up at 20/1 for a split second a few weeks ago, and he started taking money in the offshore derby futures pools... so I thought that was interesting.

I like Derma at 20/1 but I don't know what it is about the UAE horses.

Not in love with Kingsbarns, but this has been one of my Derby betting strategies over the years and I've done well with it.

Step 1) Find a horse that you think will wire a Derby prep
Step 2) Bet him in the Derby futures pool, with the assumption that the horse will win the prep
Step 3) Pray you win. lol

So all of that happened with the Louisiana Derby. I took him at 28/1 then 25/1 thinking that if he wired the LA Derby, he'd be in the 6/1 to 8/1 range to win the derby, which what my fair odds line on him is...

I may think about doing some hedging specifically with the Oaks/Derby double. I have an opinion and I can lay some $ in the horizontals and hopefully be alive to a few horses in the Derby, either Kingsbarns.... which is a guaranteed $3k or a combination of horizatontals where it will be Kingsbarns + maybe 3-4 others.

Forte wont be on any tickets in the win spot.

Good luck to us. Forte is a good horse and no disrespect, but he will need a perfect trip and 5/2 to 3/1 isn't a number I want anything to do with and that's probably where he goes off at.

I have kings barn in a future also but will only pay $700-800 along with forte. Idk I’m scared bc I lose if practical move, tapit thrice, or one of the cox horses win. I have like 6-8 horses in futures that will pay $700+ so I’m hoping one of them wins. I also don’t have mage even tho I think I will bet him fairly hard if he gets a solid post and is training well at CD. Think he could trip out if he breaks well. Practical move + the cox horses scare me the most bc they seem to have tactical speed in a race that seems to have no pace.

I honestly feel the jocks might go crazy seeing as there isn’t much pace which might make the race lively for a deep closer. Kingsbarn- I wish he had prat. I think prat is a top jock and almost always gives a smart ride to his horses. Not saying much here but I feel a pletcher horse most likely wins. He has some speed with kings, and semi closers with tapit thrice and forte. If forte can sit up semi close- think he’s winner but idk if he does it.
05-02-2023 , 10:12 AM
JK i like your idea and i think there's some value in hedging/dutching/spreading wagers like that. Best of luck to us.

I watched replays for all of the KY oaks fillies last night.

I have no clue who to pick in the oaks.

I see 6 horses with legitimate shots at winning.

I think the race is a pass for me, which feels weird, because I've been really good at this race over the years.

I am going to review all of the wagering options for Derby and see if some of the other pick 3/4/5 options make more sense for what I am trying to accomplish.
05-02-2023 , 11:07 PM
Win & Show bets on #2 Verifying will be forthcoming. Awful field this year - really don't like anyone - so gonna take a shot on a price horse.

if a foreign horse can't win the Derby this year, they never will.
