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2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread 2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread

11-09-2020 , 06:56 PM
It's one thing to not have paid out the electoral college winner, but Bovada hasn't even paid out wagers on the popular vote which seems pretty crazy to me.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-09-2020 , 06:57 PM
Do we have any idea how many ballots arrived late in PA? Maybe I'm misreading the situation but it kind of seems likely those eventually get thrown out, right? The SC voted 4-4 on the issue and ACB is going to be joining the court if they decide to make a decision in this case again...I mean it probably won't matter since Biden's going to be up a decent amount w/o the late arriving ballots but if they notch a few other court wins elsewhere in the state it could make the margin thinner, yes?

"Although the Supreme Court declined to rule on the matter before the election, Alito wrote that there was a "strong likelihood that the State Supreme Court decision violates the Federal Constitution." Lol I mean that seems like they tossing these ones out.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-09-2020 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Aicirt
It's one thing to not have paid out the electoral college winner, but Bovada hasn't even paid out wagers on the popular vote which seems pretty crazy to me.
Nor Michigan and Biden's lead there is 150,000 votes and over 2.6%.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-09-2020 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by trampled
Poogs already back to posting trash after making these very embarrassing posts on Nov 3 and getting BTFO beyond belief when he woke up.
Poogs how much money did you lose little baby?
Poogs is a right wing hack
He got his **** pushed in by Obama back in 2012
He was in here Romney this and Romney that...and we know how that worked out
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-09-2020 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by verneer
Nor Michigan and Biden's lead there is 150,000 votes and over 2.6%.
Trump won Michigan by 10k last time, but it was resolved pretty quickly since Clinton never sued anyone.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-09-2020 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by jablo1312
Do we have any idea how many ballots arrived late in PA? Maybe I'm misreading the situation but it kind of seems likely those eventually get thrown out, right? The SC voted 4-4 on the issue and ACB is going to be joining the court if they decide to make a decision in this case again...I mean it probably won't matter since Biden's going to be up a decent amount w/o the late arriving ballots but if they notch a few other court wins elsewhere in the state it could make the margin thinner, yes?

"Although the Supreme Court declined to rule on the matter before the election, Alito wrote that there was a "strong likelihood that the State Supreme Court decision violates the Federal Constitution." Lol I mean that seems like they tossing these ones out.
Not very many (probably on the order of less than 10k), and they aren't included in the current count anyway. So this is a total non-starter. Trump needed it to a lot closer and also to not totally advertise his strategy in advance.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-09-2020 , 10:05 PM
Biden 1.11 (-909) on Betfair now and the odds are drifting. Pretty funny. I misread this so bad, it was 1.05 (-2000) earlier today and I considered cashing out with the idea of buying back later at around these odds. But then I was like nahhhhh surely, SURELY there can't be that much dolty Trump money left.

At this rate we'll be back to pre-election prices within a few days
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-09-2020 , 10:24 PM
I don't understand these odds. Trump now rated at ~12% chance to become president.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-09-2020 , 10:37 PM
What the **** is going on, not that im worried but wow, popular vote 1.04 4% interest free in one month tops?
Is there any way they pay trump win or void even when Biden gets inaugurated?
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-09-2020 , 10:40 PM
According to current Betfair odds Trump is:

4% to win popular vote
21% to win Georgia
15% to win Wisconsin

2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-09-2020 , 10:46 PM
To the ones here who know how the gambling world works is there any way to put pressure on timex so pokershares pays out or will he just ignore me, dont want to waste my time but also think he is doing a really shitty thing.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 01:32 AM
I just booked a private bet on Biden to be inaugurated on January 20th at -200.

Last edited by FRGCardinal; 11-10-2020 at 01:32 AM. Reason: fixed error
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by FRGCardinal
I just booked a private bet on Biden to be inaugurated on January 20th at -200.
Holy ****.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 02:32 AM
lol here comes the Qanon dolt money

The popular vote one is hilarious

I get people cashing out at 1.05 because it's apparent Trump won't concede and this won't grade until January but 1.10+ is getting pretty funny

Two of my four books I bet Biden on have already paid out lol and Trump is zero percent to win unless America isn't a democracy anymore
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 02:59 AM
when was the US ever a democracy lol
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 03:27 AM
Its funny how people who bet on politics only professionally, got it in HORRIBLY bad on biden -200, while projecting it at biden -500, while people like Rsig who actually know how to gamble professionally spent a few weeks on it modeling it with sports markets line and actually got huge value bets in

biden bettors know they lost on election night too, they are just hoping the refs are cheating for them. its going to the review booth though! trump making strong gains in arizona too, feels liek they r slow walking the count because they know trump has the state won with the remaining 70g ballots

trump up 10-15 points in all of the swing state, after crushing in florida, texas and ohio and magical ballots at 4 am saved biden backers bankrolls, now they need to pray that cheating works and judges allow cheating, interesintg spot to be in, cheering for democracy to not exist to make a few bucks lol

what are the current odds on trump to win arizona?
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
when was the US ever a democracy lol
Where did you pick that up? From Mike Lee? You anti-democracy nitwits had better be careful what you wish for.

Bunch of idiots
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by Jsmith27
Its funny how people who bet on politics only professionally, got it in HORRIBLY bad on biden -200, while projecting it at biden -500, while people like Rsig who actually know how to gamble professionally spent a few weeks on it modeling it with sports markets line and actually got huge value bets in

biden bettors know they lost on election night too, they are just hoping the refs are cheating for them. its going to the review booth though! trump making strong gains in arizona too, feels liek they r slow walking the count because they know trump has the state won with the remaining 70g ballots

trump up 10-15 points in all of the swing state, after crushing in florida, texas and ohio and magical ballots at 4 am saved biden backers bankrolls, now they need to pray that cheating works and judges allow cheating, interesintg spot to be in, cheering for democracy to not exist to make a few bucks lol

what are the current odds on trump to win arizona?
Let's see your evidence of voter fraud

Do you not realize that Trump has been setting this up for months? This is the backup plan in case he lost.

Fraud LOL

Prove it
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by barney big nuts
Where did you pick that up? From Mike Lee? You anti-democracy nitwits had better be careful what you wish for.

Bunch of idiots
you didn't understand my post lol
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 06:40 AM
what happened in arizona

cnn just removed it from biden
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
what happened in arizona

cnn just removed it from biden
I don't think that CNN ever assigned Arizona to Biden, that was Foxnews only ?
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by barney big nuts
Let's see your evidence of voter fraud

Do you not realize that Trump has been setting this up for months? This is the backup plan in case he lost.

Fraud LOL

Prove it
im sure they gonna present that to us before the case is over.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Chuck Bass
Biden 1.11 (-909) on Betfair now and the odds are drifting. Pretty funny. I misread this so bad, it was 1.05 (-2000) earlier today and I considered cashing out with the idea of buying back later at around these odds. But then I was like nahhhhh surely, SURELY there can't be that much dolty Trump money left.

At this rate we'll be back to pre-election prices within a few days
A significant amount of people misunderstand betfair's rules (even it seems betfair's PR people).

Who will be elected to be the next President of the United States of America as a result of the 2020 presidential election?

This market will be settled according to the candidate that has the most projected Electoral College votes won at the 2020 presidential election. Any subsequent events such as a ‘faithless elector’ will have no effect on the settlement of this market. In the event that no Presidential candidate receives a majority of the projected Electoral College votes, this market will be settled on the person chosen as President in accordance with the procedures set out by the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
The intro is "who will be elected to be" ie not the inaugurated president, so that wipes out any Biden dying, Harris AN other becoming pres. Or trump coup.

Then we have

This market will be settled according to the candidate that has the most projected Electoral College votes won at the 2020 presidential election. Any subsequent events such as a ‘faithless elector’ will have no effect on the settlement of this market

This is the key rule - it is again not the inaugurated president, simply the candidate that has the most "projected electoral votes". There is a bit of debate about what "projected" means but given that it isn't a phrase used by any government organisation afaik, and given that betfair have settled every other pres. election on media projections, it is difficult to understand why they aren't paying. Note also that EC shenanigans/trump coup will have no affect on paying.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-10-2020 , 10:33 AM
If Biden ends up winning Arizona, will you conspiracy theory trolls finally admit Biden won the election and stop trying to derail the thread?

And it doesn't matter how small the margin is.

2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
