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02-01-2012 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by 777isthenumber
I dont care if he sits out when a fish busts, everyone does it.
You sound hypocritical here, this for me is actually the worst of his sins in terms of how it affects the games, just because 'everyone' does it (you included?) doesn't make it anything other than a disgrace and a huge deterrent to recreational players. It's also totally unfair that the few players with scruples have to play hu against killers just to keep a semblance of a fair game going.

I can remember a day when Stu would actually play shorthanded to keep tables going, not insta-sitout etc and he wasn't the first to start the current mess. It was a group of German pricks. But then 'everyone' started doing it and it became an arms race to the bottom. He's just better at it than everyone else. Blame the software and Ipoker's attitude perhaps? I trust you've written a reasonable email to your skin manager? It's a monthly habit for me, maybe futile but there's not much point in calling people out on a forum for taking advantage of every edge a network gives them, particularly if you're a black pot yourself (?)

I have to agree with Jez that I'd be absolutely shocked if I heard of Stu doing anything remotely dishonest or shady as opposed to venal self serving greasiness. He's not running a bot or colluding with the Chinese and I doubt a seat script would be against ipoker's t&cs. Having said all that I truly hate what he does and he probably is the worst for it on ipoker, today was a new low, he started sitting at the tables I was trying to start and sitting out, meaning I had to leave not to allow him the facility. Presuming he's reading this

Stu, given how much you play you are ipoker's ambassador to the fish at midstakes, please try to be a little more considerate and don't get so much in the way of the few guys who are actually keeping the games running.
It would also be interesting to hear your take on these things?

And 777, please don't take any offense at this, if you see me sitting please come and start some tables with me or p.m. me, I'm named after the greatest american writer of the century just past and suck at HU
02-02-2012 , 01:14 AM
Jez is the most placid guy ever, hes not being aggressive in any way at all

nutterrutter is just trying to be at the top of the bumhunting game, what he is doing is definitely **** for everyone else

there are no morals in poker though, its all about money, not ethics, everyone just kids themselves that theyre moral in someway, but you all take money off gambling addicts, and in some cases you will destroy lives, dont ever ever have a go at anyone for lack of ethics, cos we all have no class.

we're not in it together, we're not helping each other out, we dont owe each other anything, we want each others money, and if we play vs each other and dont want each others money, we're cheating

so many ppl in poker kid themselves at the lack of morals they actually have

ignorance isnt an excuse either, someone said to me the other day "if i knew they couldnt afford to lose the money theyre playing with, i wouldnt play against them"

never heard such rubbish in my life, and i didnt go into detail in how wrong he was because people are stubborn and they never change there opinion
02-02-2012 , 01:24 AM
if being "at the top of the bumhunting game" means doing stuff that ****s up the games for everyone (including himslef) then he can rot.
02-02-2012 , 01:47 AM
yeah thats true, i dont definitely agree with everything i say pretty much most the time

hes definitely no good for any1 in poker, and is ruining it etc..

all i guess i was saying is from a moral standpoint it doesnt matter, if hes an idiot, hes an idiot

i actually dont know what i was saying, goodnight anyway x
02-02-2012 , 01:49 AM
also the guy who said that to me about not playing someone who couldnt afford to lose is a nice guy in general, just misguided in his head

also completely disregard my post, i read it back and it has no relevance to anything being discussed

Ive not even played poker for 6 weeks so i dont know exactly whats even going on, especially on ipoker.. im defo defo not sticking up for nutter

ignore my post if you havent already, literally disregard!!!

apart from jez being placid and nice which he is
02-02-2012 , 02:01 AM
lol you know its bad when luckhunter7 (!!!!) is even calling you out
02-02-2012 , 04:25 AM
Betmost payments...why do they have to be so slow in paying them, other skins are never late.
The quicker they pay the quicker busto donks like me can start playing again.
02-02-2012 , 05:07 AM
I should calm down language when it comes to accusations and who is right or wrong, ok. But it really tilts me when someone just give a **** in others. We play every day, so why make it so hard for each other to have an ok experience with it. Blocking seats is very bad, leave or play, thats all to be asked for imo. Don't understand why ipoker doesnt kick out people after a few orbits, most pathetic behavior on internet is here, and partypoker...
02-02-2012 , 06:08 AM
+1 to nutterrutter being a huge scumbag - none of us are perfect we all do stuff to increase our edge but I have also witnessed him doing some downright detrimental stuff for example I happened to see some of those 3/6 games being blocked by him and saw AP switching from table to table just to get a seat - Rutter and BEANSANDCHEESE were both blocking sitting with 0$.
02-02-2012 , 06:41 AM
02-02-2012 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by villagio
Maybe he does lot of charity work to counter the table blocking.

Also all u got to do now is ring up skypoker on one of them shows they do and ask him about his strategy of table blocking.
02-02-2012 , 07:32 AM
lol, 'How can I make sure I table block as effectively as Stuart?'
02-02-2012 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by THEGOATIAN

there are no morals in poker though, its all about money, not ethics, everyone just kids themselves that theyre moral in someway, but you all take money off gambling addicts, and in some cases you will destroy lives, dont ever ever have a go at anyone for lack of ethics, cos we all have no class.

so many ppl in poker kid themselves at the lack of morals they actually have
You don't have to see the indignation people feel about sitting out whilst the fish takes a break as a normative claim. It is bad for the games, it is bad even for the people that do it. The ignorant ones are the people that can't see past the 5 minutes they will have to play with regs, which even if they are significant dogs, they aren't giving up much at all, but the effect this practice is there for all to see.

The problem with poker isn't training sites or that the regs are getting better, it is that the game has become more vulturous and the tools available today have facilitated that to a disasterous degree. Just like in a vacuum using PTR seems like a good thing to do, like sitting out when the fish does, the long term effect is that the games have dried up. I think for poker to come back around, rather than crossing our fingers that a new boom will happen somewhere, there should be practical steps to eliminate what is causing problems.

You see how when waitlists stop functioning properly how outraged everyone is that they can't jsut refresh table scanner every 12 seconds hoping to see their favorite donk, when I actually think that the waitlist problem was made the games a lot more fun. These crutches that people think they rely on are actually the things that are bleeding this game dry.
02-02-2012 , 08:02 AM
I second DappaDan777. The point is, that yes I-poker is a HUGE bumhunting site, everyone is out for themselves with no morals etc. And yes, games end when the fish busts, this is all well and good. But when AP, ART and all other whales are in the lobby, to fill every 4/6/9game, sometimes with 0$, so NO-ONE can join, in turn has affect on mine and every1 elses EV. Therefore we have a right to be disgruntled and vent our fury. These fish play daily, much of the time it is pot luck, I can sit at 15 nl600 4 max's and ARTPAUL will still join GreenHulllks table. It is pot luck, sometimes you get them sometimes you don't, but laws of probability dictate this will even out and every1 will get their shot. If this is such a HUGE bum-hunting then why not show more mutual respect and let variance takes it course. Furthermore players who see fish watching a hu table and then block that HU waiters games, shd be shot.

Flexaccou aka MunchMuch
02-02-2012 , 08:03 AM
ps sorry for typos
02-02-2012 , 08:30 AM
pretty out of line to post his picture imo. It's easy to pick on one person but the whole site is shady as ****, the 4 max games are full of colluding table blocking ****s, and it literally is a case of if you can't beat them, join them. I used to have a high moral ground in poker, but the more ****ty people I have met and the more times i've been screwed over in the poker world make me think that grabbing what you can from the game and getting as far away from it as possible is the way to go
02-02-2012 , 08:34 AM
he has put himself in the public eye voluntarily and is gonna be on TV.

it's just a piss take. don't see how it is out of line in any way.
02-02-2012 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by drsmooth
You don't have to see the indignation people feel about sitting out whilst the fish takes a break as a normative claim. It is bad for the games, it is bad even for the people that do it. The ignorant ones are the people that can't see past the 5 minutes they will have to play with regs, which even if they are significant dogs, they aren't giving up much at all, but the effect this practice is there for all to see.

The problem with poker isn't training sites or that the regs are getting better, it is that the game has become more vulturous and the tools available today have facilitated that to a disasterous degree. Just like in a vacuum using PTR seems like a good thing to do, like sitting out when the fish does, the long term effect is that the games have dried up. I think for poker to come back around, rather than crossing our fingers that a new boom will happen somewhere, there should be practical steps to eliminate what is causing problems.

You see how when waitlists stop functioning properly how outraged everyone is that they can't jsut refresh table scanner every 12 seconds hoping to see their favorite donk, when I actually think that the waitlist problem was made the games a lot more fun. These crutches that people think they rely on are actually the things that are bleeding this game dry.
top post
02-02-2012 , 09:49 AM
whats news on fb adopting real money poker?

Has it just been dropped?
02-02-2012 , 09:57 AM
Only way to solve it is by software updates.

Rutter is just a product of the current enviroment of online poker.

If a fish sits out on a 6 max game he probably doesn't feel like playing the best player on the table HU when hes on other 12 tables of 6 max. Plus the other 4 people would sit out anyway so they all save -ev but he is forced to sacrifice ev. Why should he do everyone else a favour? It would be different if everyone sat in and he sat out on his own.

Thats why it happens, the fish sits out and then the worst of the regs sits out, so the next worse reg is now the fish and thinks why should i play -ev when the other reg wont so he sits out etc.

It's up to ipoker to solve any problems, you can't expect all the players to follow some unwritten rules because then the white knights constantly lose out while all the other bumhunters, table blockers etc gain ev.
02-02-2012 , 10:08 AM
One of the best suggestions I saw in the "Help me improve the games on Pokerstars" threads, was to not let you sit out at individual tables (you can still sit out at all your tables to take a break). If you want to quit one you can obv, but you can't sit there waiting for the fish to reload.

Anyone playing the Genting poker series tournament at Star City in Birmingham this weekend?

Last edited by villagio; 02-02-2012 at 10:14 AM.
02-02-2012 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Jamsym1
It's up to ipoker to solve any problems, you can't expect all the players to follow some unwritten rules because then the white knights constantly lose out while all the other bumhunters, table blockers etc gain ev.
Yup, we have all said this for ages. Bottom of the list for iPoker it seems like.

There is a thread worth a read in MSNL started by Galfond about similar issues on Stars. It seems like Stars are listening at least and might do something to improve the situation.

Last edited by deathorglory0; 02-02-2012 at 10:15 AM. Reason: villagio beat me to it
02-02-2012 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by villagio
One of the best suggestions I saw in the "Help me improve the games on Pokerstars" threads, was to not let you sit out at individual tables (you can still sit out at all your tables to take a break). If you want to quit one you can obv, but you can't sit there waiting for the fish to reload.
I like this idea a lot. There should be "Sit out before BB" and "Sit out now" buttons so people can't table block or sit out when the fish takes a break without messing up the rest of their action.
02-02-2012 , 11:19 AM
sry to rant this, but i sat on waiting lists of all games with ppl on them, 4max and 6max. i got on the 4max table and was willing to playt eh 4max bums that were there, obv blocking the empty seat. 1 bum played his btn (auto post wasnt on).

OnlyRake4U: whats the point notice?
BurnN0tice: in what?
BurnN0tice: i want to play
OnlyRake4U: lol no u dont
BurnN0tice: ITS U that doesnt
OnlyRake4U: didnt say I wanted to either, but I was here first
BurnN0tice: u cant be serious
BurnN0tice: ur mad at me cos u wana bumhunt
OnlyRake4U: u know why u r here, so drop the tough guy act
BurnN0tice: i play as many games as poss
BurnN0tice: inc vs u on this table
OnlyRake4U: looool so why join 10 tables where evevrybody is sitting out?
BurnN0tice: if u dont want to play why should the ppl willing to play miss out?
BurnN0tice: i joined every table
OnlyRake4U: ok champ, cant be asked. U know very well why u r here, and the rest of us do aswell
BurnN0tice: didnt look who was on them
BurnN0tice: or who was sitting in
OnlyRake4U: ok
BurnN0tice: dont assume we all have same agenda
OnlyRake4U: hehe, lol just drop it m8
BurnN0tice: didnt start it, just laughable that u think ur morrally close 2 right
OnlyRake4U: ok champ
BurnN0tice: sick arguement
OnlyRake4U: ok,just give it a rest
BurnN0tice: na doubt it
BurnN0tice: see i got no probs with bumhunting
Luckhunter7: lol burn
Luckhunter7: haha
Luckhunter7: u and nutter are about as clever as a rock
BurnN0tice: what is LOL is how many tables are sat with 3 ppl on them
BurnN0tice: unwilling to play unless a fish sits
BurnN0tice: so basically u lot monopolise the 4max fish
Luckhunter7: just as u play only donks
BurnN0tice: i will play regs at 4max
Luckhunter7: yeah right
BurnN0tice: reload
BurnN0tice: lets go
Luckhunter7: ur missing the point.. but i guess ur winrate of an impressive 1bb/100 gave u a egoboost so high u cant see straight
BurnN0tice: winrate on this account is 4.5bb
BurnN0tice: winrate on this account is 4.5bb
BurnN0tice: 4.3, i am sry
Luckhunter7: hehe... mmm
BurnN0tice: mmm? i am lying
BurnN0tice: we can wager
Luckhunter7: not saying that.. im just saying u put in the wrong format in hem
BurnN0tice: u have faith in PTR
BurnN0tice: ptr had me up ***k last month
BurnN0tice: i won ***
BurnN0tice: cry cry at 1bb if its ***k
Luckhunter7: nice boost on 10/20 there... i bet it was just a random table u played
BurnN0tice: what?>
BurnN0tice: i have played 2k+ for about 5yrs
Luckhunter7: u have played atleast 5.2k hands on 10/20... and won atleast 35k there
Luckhunter7: and im just saying my guess... is that it was all regs right?
Luckhunter7: no fish! just u crushing the world
BurnN0tice: alot was HU vs regs
Luckhunter7: causer ur THAT good
BurnN0tice: didnt say that
Luckhunter7: yes u did
BurnN0tice: i said i play any games
BurnN0tice: @4max and 6max
BurnN0tice: that shouldnt be punished by guys that only play sick value ppl
Luckhunter7: read ur statements above, and maybe u understand why what ur doing is ******ed
BurnN0tice: what i am doing? in what way?
Luckhunter7: if u dont know.. i can explain it to you
BurnN0tice: if i came onto this table just 2 sitout, u have a point
BurnN0tice: like bankroll
BurnN0tice: his only ambition is to block seat
Luckhunter7: its like when u wanted to take the most beautiful girl in ur class to prom, but she didnt want to, so u ended up with no date... thats whats going on here
BurnN0tice: i keep games running, open tables, why shouldnt i try and get a 4max game going
BurnN0tice: i am playing poker
BurnN0tice: i cant open 14tables of 4max and wait like u lot
Luckhunter7: so u think its better to sit on the rail for a game u know u wont get?
Luckhunter7: u really are making my point for me
BurnN0tice: no
BurnN0tice: i expect the ppl that are blocking tables to move
BurnN0tice: like u3
Luckhunter7: how come? u want to play 4-max, none of us want to play a pro like u, so u wont get a game
BurnN0tice: so move
Luckhunter7: no... i wont be invaded by a bully like you
Luckhunter7: but hey
Luckhunter7: i could make it my life mission to block ur pressious hu tables everytime u sit down
Luckhunter7: dont worry about that.. because in life, and poker.. u usally get what u give
BurnN0tice: i dont sit on HU tables
Luckhunter7: not right now
Luckhunter7: but think about the next time there is a hu game u want, but u cant have it because im always there stamping on the availeble seat beside u
Luckhunter7: see
Luckhunter7: now there is only me and rake.. so u can move on solider...

just wondering who agrees with them and who with me?
