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01-23-2012 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by ShellysAshes
+1. Gets to a point where you feel really bad for your ****ed up pattern so you try to stay up all day to fix it and then start falling asleep in the late afternoon and waking at like 2am and feeling really tired again at 4pm.
Eventually you fix it and make it so you're waking up at 8am and feeling fresh until normal sleeping hours, which is awesome, and you keep this up for about a week and then end up staying up too late after an exciting session and then end up sleeping in til midday, then do this another few times until you're waking up at 5pm again.
And so the cycle goes.
BTW, by you, I mean I.
Lol this happens to me so often, and almost happened to me today but decided to red-bull it through the day. Got a few more hours to kill and then gonna drink beer and try sleep and get back to normal schedule.

I had like 2.5 months of disciplined wake-up early everyday (even after getting smashed the nigh before) and it really feels great when you can keep it up. First of all it feels like you accomplish something but it really helps with your overall mental health I think. + I went on a massive heater so maybe it helps to activate the boomswitch too
01-23-2012 , 06:29 PM
Man **** that. I cant imagine having the messed up schedules you guys have.

Wake up at 8
Poker 10-1230
Poker 3-530
12pm Sleep

Weekends whatever, might get a session or 2 in if can be bothered, otherwise no.

Isnt it crap having a different schedule to all of your friends/your GF?
01-23-2012 , 07:27 PM
dno what timezone you're in but the games suck at 10-12:30 gmt...

I just play in the afternoons and evenings.. i mean they don't even get really good until 6-7pm when the punters come home from work so if you're in GMT you're fkn murdering ur winrate with those hours.
01-23-2012 , 07:32 PM
love di canio, my favourite player of all time. when i started being interested in football and west ham he was at the top of his game. so good.
01-23-2012 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by MagicMurderBean
dno what timezone you're in but the games suck at 10-12:30 gmt...

I just play in the afternoons and evenings.. i mean they don't even get really good until 6-7pm when the punters come home from work so if you're in GMT you're fkn murdering ur winrate with those hours.
Not in GMT but even if I was that's when I would play. I would rather have 75% the hourly and a normal life then 100% the hourly and not.

Also, there are good games SOMEWHERE at all times. Perhaps I would have to play on stars, but I would still choose lifestyle first and then let poker fit in around that, rather than the other way around
01-23-2012 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by The-fryke
Not in GMT but even if I was that's when I would play. I would rather have 75% the hourly and a normal life then 100% the hourly and not.

Also, there are good games SOMEWHERE at all times. Perhaps I would have to play on stars, but I would still choose lifestyle first and then let poker fit in around that, rather than the other way around
I really don't see the point of playing at 10 to 12 30... those are like some of the worst possible hours. I don't know how that contributes to a normal life anyways. You can have a normal life and still grind in the evenings or at least afternoon + evening combo.

On iPoker small stakes it's not a difference of 75% hourly.. it's a lot bigger than that, more like 50%. At least if you're 9 tabling 6max you're going to be up against mostly regs, struggle to find 9 non reg tables.
I don't know if you've ever actually tried playing 10 30 AM GMT..
Tbh any site playing the morning midday shift is **** hours. I dno, I could never do that to myself as a poker player. Sit there and play vs a buncha regs knowing full well how much softer the games are later.. or rather, just sitting there and making minimum trying to exploit reg leaks. while facing a max of 4-5 fish over 9 tables.

Seriously, why do you really need to wake up at 8 am? I get up at 10 am sleep at 2 am and I'm fine and live a normal life. I grind in the afternoon & evenings. Hang out with my gf plenty enough. What is this lifestyle you're choosing? some average joe blogg 9-5 ****? lol

I think 10 am to 2 am is much more preferrable. Get max value outta poker and everything... What am I missing at 8-10 am? I don't know what you find so hard to imagine about this or what your criticism is. Sure going to bed at 8 am etc is kinda messed up but there are still better setups than having a rhythm like you work at a factory. That's the whole point of playing poker isn't it.. to have some more freedom. Seems you rob yourself of it.

Last edited by MagicMurderBean; 01-23-2012 at 09:40 PM.
01-23-2012 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by MagicMurderBean
I really don't see the point of playing at 10 to 12 30... those are like some of the worst possible hours. I don't know how that contributes to a normal life anyways. You can have a normal life and still grind in the evenings or at least afternoon + evening combo.

On iPoker small stakes it's not a difference of 75% hourly.. it's a lot bigger than that, more like 50%. At least if you're 9 tabling 6max you're going to be up against mostly regs, struggle to find 9 non reg tables.
I don't know if you've ever actually tried playing 10 30 AM GMT..
Tbh any site playing the morning midday shift is **** hours. I dno, I could never do that to myself as a poker player. Sit there and play vs a buncha regs knowing full well how much softer the games are later.. or rather, just sitting there and making minimum trying to exploit reg leaks. while facing a max of 4-5 fish over 9 tables.

Seriously, why do you really need to wake up at 8 am? I get up at 10 am sleep at 2 am and I'm fine and live a normal life. I grind in the afternoon & evenings. Hang out with my gf plenty enough. What is this lifestyle you're choosing? some average joe blogg 9-5 ****? lol

I think 10 am to 2 am is much more preferrable. Get max value outta poker and everything... What am I missing at 8-10 am? I don't know what you find so hard to imagine about this or what your criticism is. Sure going to bed at 8 am etc is kinda messed up but there are still better setups than having a rhythm like you work at a factory. That's the whole point of playing poker isn't it.. to have some more freedom. Seems you rob yourself of it.
Firstly if playing on ipoker alone is forcing you to live life a certain way, play on stars or something, or multi site.

Meh im a morning person, hence 8am. I guess if I lived in England I would adjust it so my sessions were like 1-330 and 430-7 or something. That was my schedule in Argentina. In New Zealand it was 7am-930am, 11am-130pm.

If you get up at 10, then my comments arent aimed at you. Its the people who grind like 6pm-midnight. Seems so massively -lifeEV. I guess it could be done. If you only hung out with people who worked nights etc. I just hate the idea of having evenings taken up by work, thats the worst possible time imo.

Though actually giving it more thought, I might actually end up being nocturnal when I move to Europe lol. Do one session like 2-5 and one like midnight-3. Would be a pain though.

I still think adjusting lifestyle solely to get juicier games is a bad idea, but whatever.
01-23-2012 , 11:20 PM
briring on the AM regs imo, uwillh8me - yes your right i do hate you (table watching scumbag), born2loosze... are you joking you ****ing nit-bag. fu you both. interesting thing is you never seem to play each other... some would reach more extreme conclusions than me!!

agree with fryke.
01-23-2012 , 11:25 PM
time zones are pretty relevant here imo
01-23-2012 , 11:39 PM
my schedule,

wake up 1-3pm
poker 3-7
dinner/gym 7-9
poker 9-5

If freinds are doing something i always knock poker on the head, cant remember ever telling anyone I cant do something because of poker.

Sometimes I try and get on your schedule fryke, up early and that however i'm terrible when i'm losing and never book when i'm winning so just end up at 4am tired as **** anyway! Best games from 3am-6am imo, if your willing to play from 2/4-10/20 and 8 table, day games have always seemed crap to me and the bumhunters are massively out in force limiting your chance of playing with anyone non robotic or half decent!
01-24-2012 , 01:54 AM
My wife works nights, so I do most of my play when she's asleep or at work.

9 a.m. - Poker
10 a.m. - Gym
12 p.m. - Lunch/hang out with wife
2 p.m. - Poker
6 p.m. - Dinner
7 p.m. - some mix of poker and studying hand histories
9 p.m. - gym again (especially if I overslept), I live literally next door to it
10 p.m - relax with some video games or w/e
11 p.m. - wife gets home
12 p.m. - sleep

All in all I like it. Generally when I deviate from the schedule too much, the resulting graph reminds me why it's important to have a schedule.
01-24-2012 , 06:35 AM
Fryke :

Most people are at work or university during the day anyway, so If you wake up late it doesn't make a difference. If friends wanna hang out or do something I just go see them and play Poker some other time, like we do something in the evening and I'll play during the night.

It doesn't really matter when you actually wake up, but the fact that you have a schedule.

Personally I hate mornings, it pisses me off when I have to watch people go to work, and there's just nothing to do.

I'm at uni though at the moment so I do have to wake up in the mornings like every other day.
01-24-2012 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by ghetto_snook
You from the UK chomp?

I'm in Ireland, so GMT.
01-24-2012 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by LesDennis
my schedule,

wake up 1-3pm
poker 3-7
dinner/gym 7-9
poker 9-5

If freinds are doing something i always knock poker on the head, cant remember ever telling anyone I cant do something because of poker.

Sometimes I try and get on your schedule fryke, up early and that however i'm terrible when i'm losing and never book when i'm winning so just end up at 4am tired as **** anyway! Best games from 3am-6am imo, if your willing to play from 2/4-10/20 and 8 table, day games have always seemed crap to me and the bumhunters are massively out in force limiting your chance of playing with anyone non robotic or half decent!
Well this sounds unhealthy. There is a reason why ppl sleep when it's dark. I think your inner clock feels constantly ****ed up if you go to sleep at 5am always thus you'll be low on energy and sleepy even you've slept enough, at least that's my experience from the past. I also read that you have a way better sleep if you go to bed before midnight. Even half an hour counts, for example, you'll feel a lot better if you go to sleep at 11:30 and sleep 8 hours than when you go to sleep at 1 am and wake up at 10.

Also the best time to get up differentiates person to person but I think it also matters where you live. When I was on a trip in Asia waking up early in the morning around 7 felt great and fresh, here in Europe I feel like ****, even if I go to bed early enough.
01-24-2012 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by JimmyVulmer
Well this sounds unhealthy. There is a reason why ppl sleep when it's dark. I think your inner clock feels constantly ****ed up if you go to sleep at 5am always thus you'll be low on energy and sleepy even you've slept enough, at least that's my experience from the past. I also read that you have a way better sleep if you go to bed before midnight. Even half an hour counts, for example, you'll feel a lot better if you go to sleep at 11:30 and sleep 8 hours than when you go to sleep at 1 am and wake up at 10.

Also the best time to get up differentiates person to person but I think it also matters where you live. When I was on a trip in Asia waking up early in the morning around 7 felt great and fresh, here in Europe I feel like ****, even if I go to bed early enough.
i dont think this applies to everyone...some people are night owls and some are morning people.
01-24-2012 , 10:17 AM
Yeah I came across too aggressive in my original post. Everyone is different. In saying that, SOME sort of schedule is very important imo when you are a poker player, and I still think 6pm-12pm should be avoided in most circumstances when it comes to grinding.
01-24-2012 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by The-fryke
Yeah I came across too aggressive in my original post. Everyone is different. In saying that, SOME sort of schedule is very important imo when you are a poker player, and I still think 6pm-12pm should be avoided in most circumstances when it comes to grinding.
Yeah I'm struggling with this too. If I turn down something in the evening because of poker they'll think I'm bull**** because it was never a problem in the past, I always put social life before poker. In parallel, my winrate suffers a lot.
01-24-2012 , 12:20 PM
I disagree with fryke, might as well get a desk/any job, routine is pretty essential and structure massive, but not to the point where you might as well not be playing poker

I tell you whats more minus life ev than sleeping late, playing in **** games and winning no money, whats more + life ev than going to bed at midnight- is playing in good games, winning lots of money and doing cool things in your life because of the freedom the money has brought you.

Also at the end of the day everyone is different

One thing though, i bet all the people advocating 8-9am wake ups have long term girlfriends.. most guys with girlfriends just try as hard as they can to justify why theyre missus wont let them sleep in and how theyre in trouble if they dont have the same patterns as them. Just admit your under the thumb.

Remember i said most, not all

Also youre prob not allowed sex unless you go to bed when they go to bed which is understandable, just say it how it is, nobody cares and you need to get your end away.

But one thing, my bedtime hasnt been midnight since i was about 11
01-24-2012 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by THEGOATIAN
I disagree with fryke, might as well get a desk/any job, routine is pretty essential and structure massive, but not to the point where you might as well not be playing poker

I tell you whats more minus life ev than sleeping late, playing in **** games and winning no money, whats more + life ev than going to bed at midnight- is playing in good games, winning lots of money and doing cool things in your life because of the freedom the money has brought you.

Also at the end of the day everyone is different

One thing though, i bet all the people advocating 8-9am wake ups have long term girlfriends.. most guys with girlfriends just try as hard as they can to justify why theyre missus wont let them sleep in and how theyre in trouble if they dont have the same patterns as them. Just admit your under the thumb.

Remember i said most, not all

Also youre prob not allowed sex unless you go to bed when they go to bed which is understandable, just say it how it is, nobody cares and you need to get your end away.

But one thing, my bedtime hasnt been midnight since i was about 11
agree 100%
01-24-2012 , 01:20 PM
I play poker when i feel like playing poker.

Currently averaging 40 hands/week.
01-24-2012 , 02:09 PM
11am wake up
11am to 8pm play poker
8pm to 2am get drunk
2am to 11am sleep

sometimes i have a shower or go to the toilet aswell.

all about a healthy balance
01-24-2012 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jamsym1
11am wake up
11am to 8pm play poker
8pm to 2am get drunk
2am to 11am sleep

sometimes i have a shower or go to the toilet aswell.

all about a healthy balance

God bless your stamina. I feel myself tailing off after about 4 hours of playing time. And if I take a break of more than about 30 minutes I can't bring myself to get back to it. So I end up playing those 4 hours over about 5 hours total and that's all my tired brain can take.
01-24-2012 , 03:11 PM
his brain is half alcohol half pizza
01-24-2012 , 09:20 PM
god bless tesco vodka
01-24-2012 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by THEGOATIAN

But one thing, my bedtime hasnt been midnight since i was about 11
