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10-27-2012 , 07:42 AM
Curve I am actually not even sure of the last time I was wasted. I'm definitely on the side that enjoys a couple beers, but getting drunk is too much for me. I literally don't have the time for a hangover nor do I enjoy doing that to my body.

Overall I'm just saying I like alcohol. I don't think it's necessary, but I enjoy it. 26 yo fwiw
10-27-2012 , 09:19 AM
well yeah but there is nothing wrong with that I love red wine and when I go to better restaurants I always prefer a good bottle with it, but I try to minimize my alcohol consumption. I was only 23/24 when I tried to stop drinking a lot, but it's after a month or 2 when I suddenly felt a big change mentally and physically towards alcohol. I changed from the "ohh a beer would taste so great now" to "hmpf alcohol". I probably was addicted in some way or another. I think most students are lol.
10-27-2012 , 10:34 AM
I'm from the midwest where drinking is a way of life. So this whole convo is way over my head.
10-27-2012 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by curve
It amazes me how much you guys believe that being social equals alcohol. I know we are internetpeople but seriously do you all need alcohol to start talking to guys & girls and to enjoy yourselfs?
I don't think anyone has said or implied that he needs alcohol to enjoy himself. No one said that he drinks every single time he's being social, either, though I imagine both are the case for the some people. If you did need alcohol to enjoy being social (I used to) then it's not a good sign but drinking occasionally doesn't equal needing alcohol to enjoy yourself. My gf (OMG) doesn't drink so I'm considering never drinking when I'm with her but having a few drinks when I'm out with other people.
10-27-2012 , 11:25 AM
so much nittiness in this thread
10-27-2012 , 11:40 AM
good poast
10-27-2012 , 11:56 AM
had a page typed out about drinking a beer, but changed my mind..
10-27-2012 , 12:15 PM
i'd like to read it

don't forget that my posts are coming from someone with addiction issues, which seem to be prevalent in the online pokers world. i get that normal people can drink a lot, get hammered all the time, etc. and it not be a problem but it's not the case for a lot of us. i can see why someone would think we're all just being old nits if you don't take that into account

Last edited by Keyser.; 10-27-2012 at 12:24 PM.
10-27-2012 , 12:35 PM
I love to have wine with dinner or when I have friends over, or cocktails on holiday.

Before there were two reasons to have a beer; the first being that beer is cheap, the second is that bars never have good wine.

I don't really go to bars anymore and don't really miss it. The best thing is, on sundaymorning I feel fresh and can get a couple of hours of work in while my gf sleeps in.
10-27-2012 , 04:27 PM
Binge drinking is a real problem, probably worldwide, but the US has a long and complicated history with alcohol. The current solution is to make it illegal for anyone under 21 to drink alcohol, which probably just adds to the whole problem, making illegal drinking an illicit and secretive activity that is far from external controls, and making the 21st birthday a huge binge drinking event, a license to get wasted.

Compare that to European countries with more lax laws, and alcohol seems to be accepted more as simply a part of the social experience, not the central focus. Sure, college age young adults tend to go off the deep end, but this is usually a more shortlived event.

Is this too much of an over generalization?
10-27-2012 , 04:46 PM
nah it's true. Hell America tried to make alcohol illegal, but they just couldn't get it off the streets. Better get income out of it then. Weed is legal in Holland and I only did it once. To be honest I think there is less wrong with weed than alcohol. It's just society that tries to make weed seem worse than alcohol.
10-27-2012 , 04:52 PM
Jesus just had to share this one. I read reddit a lot and at IAMA there is this american that was captured for 2.5 years in Iraq and then released.

Then this came up:

Q: If it's not too difficult do you mind elaborating on what your living conditions were and what kinds of....physical and mental stresses you were subject to?

A: I was moved around every couple of months. One time they took me outside, knelt me down, put a gun to my head and pulls the trigger. At the same time they fired another gun off behind my back. I thought I was dead.
10-28-2012 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by curve
Q: If it's not too difficult do you mind elaborating on what your living conditions were and what kinds of....physical and mental stresses you were subject to?

A: I was moved around every couple of months. One time they took me outside, knelt me down, put a gun to my head and pulls the trigger. At the same time they fired another gun off behind my back. I thought I was dead.
lol, good joke

reminds me of the beginning of the batman rises
10-29-2012 , 12:20 PM
Unfortunately Bourdain's shows are ending, but it looks like we have something potentially just as awesome about to begin:

10-29-2012 , 12:55 PM
dexter is just getting stupid now
10-29-2012 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
Unfortunately Bourdain's shows are ending, but it looks like we have something potentially just as awesome about to begin:

This does look pretty good.
10-29-2012 , 01:34 PM

gl NYC!
10-29-2012 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by curve

gl NYC!
ty we need it!
10-29-2012 , 01:41 PM
Is that real?
10-29-2012 , 01:48 PM
i was wondering the same thing... prob photoshopped though
10-29-2012 , 01:49 PM
Oh yeah, got another new dog this weekend. Brother in law's wife's parents recently moved to Kuwait for some teaching positions so they left her (Dolly) with BiL and his wife. Apparently their apartment complex doesn't allow dogs > 40lbs or something, so they were looking for a place for her to live. She's a 10 year old English Bulldog and super gentle/sweet.

10-29-2012 , 01:55 PM
I'm a big weather geek, this storm is historic and up there boys.
10-29-2012 , 02:06 PM
am i the only one that thinks of this:

when seeing that NYC photo?

10-29-2012 , 02:10 PM
nice dog wrath, is it 100% english bulldog? looks a little mixed

i got sandy all up in my vag today.. not sure what to expect.
10-29-2012 , 02:12 PM
lol thats pretty good

the latest fly through has the storm moving WNW at 28 mph which means it's sped up quite dramatically and will pound NJ coast a couple hours before high tide, which is huge...for NY it won't matter as much cuz winds on the back side of the storm will still coincide with high tide there, so the storm surge remains to be potentially catastrophic. Where you at up there champ, NYC?
