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09-08-2012 , 02:56 PM
snipe, is the answer 23o and AA?

edit actually stark's answer seems much more correct lol..

09-08-2012 , 02:57 PM

That's what I went with - AA v A6o - and was surprised to find that AA actually has better equity against A9o than A6o for some odd reason.

HOWEVER - that's still not the right answer...
09-08-2012 , 02:58 PM
Changed it to A9 lol that's not right either? Wtf
09-08-2012 , 03:01 PM
32o and AA? Not correct ducy
09-08-2012 , 03:06 PM
snipe, tell him to shove his ******ed stupid facts up his ass and challenge him to HU4ROLLZ and see how much that stupid stat helps him!
09-08-2012 , 03:06 PM
WTF many posts, apparantly didn't refresh much in the meantime.

Snipe; I think this approach may work for you, I would do the same. It requires a lot of (over?) confidence and balls and if you don't get the position it is probably your own misplay somewhere along the way. Good play on finding the guy yourself. Recruiters suck (I hate HR people).

For the question I would guess AA vs A8o, but haven't really thought it true.
09-08-2012 , 03:06 PM
nvm after thinking about it and confirming via stove it has to be KK vs k2 bc you don't chop on a low straight

A9 has less equity than a6 bc you can't make a better straight on kqjt with a9 vs t987 for a6
09-08-2012 , 03:10 PM
FU all even more posts. Why is A9o a better pick then A8o? I would say it is the same hand, right? What am I missing?

Perhaps the right cards to pick for yourself are not aces, because they don't "block" the opponents straight possibilities, and the chance for the board double pairing over queens or even tens should be really low, right?
09-08-2012 , 03:11 PM
And again, thanks for answering in advance stark, wp. Apparently you think faster than me, or you have pokerstove.
09-08-2012 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Randiek
I do think that it is very different commenting on curve's possible hookup (which he also mentions in this way, not as a potential wife) then for example on orange's new gf. Fairly certain curve himself also feels this way else he wouldn't post the way he does.
I agree on this

Commenting on a girl he met through a dating site, whom he's never even met, is fairly open to comments in my book. It's not like he's posting about her awesome personality, we basically know a little less than he does, and he's obviously making most of his judgments on her looks at this point anyway
09-08-2012 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
nvm after thinking about it and confirming via stove it has to be KK vs k2 bc you don't chop on a low straight

A9 has less equity than a6 bc you can't make a better straight on kqjt with a9 vs t987 for a6
Vn sir.
09-08-2012 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
I want to clarify something. People posting one-liner criticisms of a picture of a girl is pretty normal and standard. Stuff like "meh, I prefer brunettes" is obviously not a symptom of some underlying woman-hating and I'm sure girls do the same stuff wherever they're hiding on the Internet.

I caught this exchange earlier. No comment on why I'm reading the balding thread in OOT.

sample size?

that's one douchebag in a particularly douchebag-ridden part of this forum

And yes I agree this guy probably did get burned sometime in his life by a girl exactly as he described
09-08-2012 , 03:46 PM
it's just an example of the type of response i was talking about (ignoring whether or not he's right). you'll see similar responses all over 2p2 if you pay attention. way more than can explained as isolated incidents. i mean, have you not noticed rampant misogyny on 2p2? it's not exactly a secret
09-08-2012 , 06:22 PM
AA vs AA? Go for the chop.

edit: hmm same idea, but i think AK vs AK is better, or 23 vs 23 etc, with contrasting suits (you have spade/diamond, he has diamond/spade)

Last edited by OnMyBike; 09-08-2012 at 06:29 PM.
09-08-2012 , 06:36 PM
Ha! I almost read it like you're playing with your own money, and playing not to lose, in which case it's probably AKs vs AKo with an overlapping suit, right?
09-08-2012 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
nvm after thinking about it and confirming via stove it has to be KK vs k2 bc you don't chop on a low straight

A9 has less equity than a6 bc you can't make a better straight on kqjt with a9 vs t987 for a6
Also you lose on 2345x with A6
09-08-2012 , 06:57 PM
Lol just got home from a festival and see that I stirred some discussion. First let me get this straight. I don't feel "attacked" or mad or whatever for comments on girls I post. I do however think that if people make such easy comments like chaos with the "mehh moonface" that they could counterpost with their own hookups to show what they prefer themselfs. To be honest I think there are way uglier girls around and while she might not be the prettiest girl in your eyes she's not inherently ugly.

There is also a big difference (imo) between a preference (eg. blonds / brunettes which I completely agree that brunette >>> blond, but for some reason I've dated like 90% blonds) and an one-liner on ugly / pretty.

I agree with your theory keyser. That's something every guy unconciously does when he sees someone with a girl. He downplays her "beauty" to justify being single over dating a girl like that. Although I'm very happy as a single person I do sometimes need that girlfriend thing so I take a girl out for a fun day and have some GFE.

@Kililian yes we are talking to eachother.

Also this isn't my girlfriend or whatever in any way. Like said before. I sent some random messages on a datingsite and this girl replied after 2 weeks lol and totally forgot about it. Had to look back to her profile to see if it was worth it and thought what the heck let's see.

Also bald is awesome imo and looks great on certain people. Girls that will make an issue out of it are superficial imo. I already have grey hairs lol and most girls don't notice it from the start, but see it later and actually say that they think grey men are superhot. I don't really care imo I'd rather be grey than bald, because I have a ****face for baldness.

Also one last thing. I'm not in any way a casanova or anything and just posts these pictures, because I like pictures of girls from others like Kil and I can give back to the community that I love yo.

Oh yeah one more thing is that I found her first flaw btw. She's super tard to talk to like you can't have a decent conversation with people who just never ask the right things back and just answer on your questions etc.

that's about it for now I'm going to bed got hangover
09-08-2012 , 07:01 PM
oh yeah the spoiler thing was because I've seen a site that finds pictures for you online and thought to be smart so I uploaded them through imgur and put them in spoilers so they are hidden. Always scared one way or another she finds them and I'll be known as a f creep in her area.
09-08-2012 , 09:24 PM
<3 curve
09-08-2012 , 11:19 PM
Michigan State is again the class of the Big 10.
09-08-2012 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by spivey
Michigan State is again the class of the Big 10.
Maybe u were right. The big is just atrocious
09-09-2012 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by curve
Lol just got home from a festival and see that I stirred some discussion. First let me get this straight. I don't feel "attacked" or mad or whatever for comments on girls I post. I do however think that if people make such easy comments like chaos with the "mehh moonface" that they could counterpost with their own hookups to show what they prefer themselfs. To be honest I think there are way uglier girls around and while she might not be the prettiest girl in your eyes she's not inherently ugly.

There is also a big difference (imo) between a preference (eg. blonds / brunettes which I completely agree that brunette >>> blond, but for some reason I've dated like 90% blonds) and an one-liner on ugly / pretty.

I agree with your theory keyser. That's something every guy unconciously does when he sees someone with a girl. He downplays her "beauty" to justify being single over dating a girl like that. Although I'm very happy as a single person I do sometimes need that girlfriend thing so I take a girl out for a fun day and have some GFE.

@Kililian yes we are talking to eachother.

Also this isn't my girlfriend or whatever in any way. Like said before. I sent some random messages on a datingsite and this girl replied after 2 weeks lol and totally forgot about it. Had to look back to her profile to see if it was worth it and thought what the heck let's see.

Also bald is awesome imo and looks great on certain people. Girls that will make an issue out of it are superficial imo. I already have grey hairs lol and most girls don't notice it from the start, but see it later and actually say that they think grey men are superhot. I don't really care imo I'd rather be grey than bald, because I have a ****face for baldness.

Also one last thing. I'm not in any way a casanova or anything and just posts these pictures, because I like pictures of girls from others like Kil and I can give back to the community that I love yo.

Oh yeah one more thing is that I found her first flaw btw. She's super tard to talk to like you can't have a decent conversation with people who just never ask the right things back and just answer on your questions etc.

that's about it for now I'm going to bed got hangover
so, in short, post more pictures?

Alright, what do you guys think of this girl ?

No she's not my girlfriend and yes she's 18
09-09-2012 , 05:03 AM
that's a weird looking kid she's got there
09-09-2012 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by curve
that's a weird looking kid she's got there
its a black ewok
09-09-2012 , 05:12 AM
I've never had an asian girl. Only had one encounter, but I was 18 and so f drunk that I can't remember and got a phone number of a whalasian. The next day I was bored and see said number in my phone and can't remember anything so I text her and we talk and she invites me over for dinner. I accept, because I had no food and was bored and she was this huge sumo wrestling asian girl. The food was awesome though and afterwards we went to her room and it was just getting bad and she asked me if I was a bad boy and I replied "yes I'll never call you again!" and we laughed it off. Little did she know I was speaking the truth at that moment.

so yeah I'm jealous of you Kilillan, because she's hot and wouldn't doubt a sec.
