Originally Posted by aseHigh
ok , thanks, how about if I had J T ?
Then you can kind of bet/call the flop and turn a straight, I guess? Stacksizes are really bad to shove/get it in on the flop, so yeah. I'd probably just bet/call and stuff.
I'd much rather prefer to have some sort of nutty draw to go with the hand if I'm going to make a play later in the hand. JT, QT, QJ or like some sort of pair + open ended draw with a suit and actually make a semibluff with some equity, so you don't have to rely as much on fold equity. AT only has the 7 to spike on the flop, and I wouldn't be really comfortable knowing that I can't really hit a disguised gin card or something. With like 8
or something, you actually have a good amount of equity when you get it in on the turn, unless he has JT exactly, and even then, you're not screwed.
is not the best hand to go ape with, I think. I wouldn't mind it if you had like T
or so, just because hitting trips or two pair could be good some % of the time.
I'm rambling, but I hope you see where I'm going with the ramble.