BTN theoretically has more 56 than SB squeezer
SB / hero just three bet, they didn't squeeze (which is when you three bet after someone has called a raise cold), but I agree BTN should have substantially more 56 than hero. Actually, in vision on 932, after half pot call, SB actually has more 56. But half pot is a minor line, vision is predominantly betting pot 87% of the time, half potting only 8%. On the flop itself vision had 56 1.6% of the time as oop, whereas in position has it 6.6% of the time. After pot call vision has 56 0.7% of the time as SB, whereas button has it 3.4% of the time. So there will be a substantial polarity advantage for villain on the turn, which probably disincentives SB from betting large. Although vision still wants to pot 56% of the time on the turn, I guess because SPR is less than 1, and op's equity advantage from pre and on the flop probably carries over to the turn despite the polarity disadvantage.