Originally Posted by Julebag
You mean at these limits?? Or does the situation not come up enough against the same opponents for it to matter?
A bit of both imo, although I've mostly played on stars/ftp so the player pools are/were fairly huge and while it's obv gonna be profitable to pounce on this tendency, I don't think there are that many who are actually doing it w/o at least decent equity.
I guess it might be an issue on merge if it's really reg heavy, I have never played there & it could be that it plays quite different.... if you check you db and it's the same dude like
every time then something may be up
It's not so much a matter of limits as opponents and their tendencies, but I think it would be fair to say that the % of villains capable of actually taking an observation ie. you seem to bet fold a ton having raised or 3b pre for example...actively doing something to exploit it (and giving you credit for bet/folding 'something' rather than just air @ a stake where many are stacking off realllly light) is prob small enough that you don't have to worry. Obv gonna fold the best hand some % but imo, better than getting it in as a really small fave vs something like pair or gutter + nfd or being completely crushed with negligible redraws.
Preferable to be the one putting others in these spots, rather than being the one with something of a Hobson's choice.
Fwiw, what would it take to reasonably check back AAxx here? I'd tend to chk it with something like a back door flush draw or a naked overpair + gutter, but almost always c-bet a hand like yours, figuring that it's super difficult to improve and/or get value past the flop. Might be thinking about this wrongly though. :S