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08-06-2024 , 12:00 AM
Hi guys

First of all i try to challenge and discipline myself, i try to make a journal here Discipline and Consistent

I try to improve my PLO games day after day.
I got no budget to get gto solver apps for preflop or postflop. and check if my action is good or a bad play.
and i got no budget for the regular coaching itselfs
so i decided to do an old-school learning, posting hand in the forum and discuss it with other members.
but it’s sucks in this PLO forum, not much hand discussion anymore. I know some of us like to discuss hand, but there is not much active member to discuss with. so i will try my best to post some hands to be discuss.

I will post a routine hands, for Preflop and Postflop.
i will comment my thought first, and maybe someone will help me discuss what should i do better from that hand.
you can also help me with post some hands here, i will comment what i think about that hand.
i hope we bring back the hands discussion like before.

For Postflop, I think it’s so much deep and complex to discuss. I try to post some common spot first, so we can discuss it more, because it’s more common happened to us. maybe i will sometimes post some random or interesting hands too.
if you want the preflop discussion, feel free to check the PREFLOP thread

*A like on this post or in my comment is much appreciated.
*A comment and advice also more appreciated.
Best regards
08-06-2024 , 12:08 AM

flop, CO vs BTN, i think i will check all my range here.
Turn. I POT the turn, because i think i get range advantage here. I can have AA KK, my oponent might not have 4, 99, 88. maybe i should bet a lot smaller?
08-06-2024 , 05:43 AM

[postflop 2]
Pre - I got AKQ8ds, good hand to raise, high connected, double suited hands.
Flop - I can bet, but i think my hand doesn't have additional equity. only top pair and backdoor straightdraw. so i decide to check, because i don't want to get check raise.
Turn - 3s make the board straight. opponent bet pot. (it's either nuts or bluff)
nut advantage - i can't have many 52 or 57. maybe he can have 75 more often than me. he can also flat some 44 66 33 here. I blocking his 2 pair A, and it likely to check turn rather than bet pot.
I don't have additional equity here, only can make trips or 2pair.
what is his bluff that i beat? maybe some flushdraw, i don't block it. but i block the 8 for straight draw.
because of he can have more good hand than bluff, i decide to fold here.
what do you think guys?
08-06-2024 , 11:15 AM
Looks good to me
08-07-2024 , 02:22 AM

[Postflop 3]
PF-i decide to 3bet with AA, and opponent call
Flop- Q33r, dry paired board. i think it is is good for my range. I check, to protect my range. Opponent stab 6bb, i decided to call, easy call. i block QQ, and opp might not have some 3 in his range.
Turn - I check, opponent bet full pot here. Now it's kinda suck, playing OOP. I got two pair, and a nut straight draw. what opponent might bet? KK, some random 3, maybe some KQ and draw. but I blocking KQ and draws, so it only left with KK and random 3 which dominate my hands. so I decided to fold.
and i afraid to get big bet on the river too. is it good play, or just afraid to play big pot?
08-09-2024 , 03:46 AM

[postflop 4]
Here I think kinda akward, because opponent eff stack is only around 35bb.
PF- I raise, hope to get the blind to fold. i think I don't see shortstack, maybe should open to 2.4bb instead of pot. opponent flat from SB

F-i think opponent range more with pair here, I C-bet big, to get a fold, because i don't have showdown value, if i get raise, i just easy fold, and the board is really dry, i block some of his continue range.
T- check check
R- K spades, all the draw got here. straight, flush. he check again, i tought maybe he got Q to call flop, and scare A K on the turn and river. now i really don't have showdown value, so i can't win this pot w/o bluffing. I block some high straight and some spades, so it might be he not having strong hand. also if he have strong hand he might be value bet OTR, so i think he is weak, so I bluff. because of the stack is not so much anymore, i decide to bluff 66%. and he call. he call w/ 3 pair, low s8 blocker and flush blocker. i think it's kinda good hero call,

should I bluff Pot size, or should i give up and check back?
08-10-2024 , 12:53 AM

[Postflop 5]
Pre- Pretty standar open and defend from me and bb
Flop- i got top pair, no backup, so i check back, don't want to get Xraised.
Turn- the board is paired and flushed, opp bet pretty big, i only have top pair w/o back up, so i just fold here.
Should i cbet in the flop? Do i too nitty? Or should i call 1 time on the turn?
08-12-2024 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by KOTLOR

[Postflop 5]
Pre- Pretty standar open and defend from me and bb
Flop- i got top pair, no backup, so i check back, don't want to get Xraised.
Turn- the board is paired and flushed, opp bet pretty big, i only have top pair w/o back up, so i just fold here.
Should i cbet in the flop? Do i too nitty? Or should i call 1 time on the turn?
Looks good to me.
