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Omaha Solver Recommendations/Advice Discussions Omaha Solver Recommendations/Advice Discussions

11-08-2023 , 05:16 PM
I bought Monker Solver and some of the packs, but I am having a helluva time setting the thing up. I am wondering what other solvers people are using and if people can speak to the drawbacks and positives between some of the different solvers out there at the moment?
Differences in terms of:
1. Customization/adaptability
2. Usability
3. Cost

Also, for those that use multiple solvers or have used different solvers, do you find that the solvers consistently give the same GTO recommendations across the board?
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11-09-2023 , 01:48 PM
I've been too cheap to purchase MonkerSolver as I was also concerned about hardware limitations and where to get a good preflop sim / ranges from. I assume these are the "packs" you are talking about?

I think Monker is the only commercially available solver for Omaha. Simple Omaha also exists, but seems somewhat limited.

I think most people use an online solution. Vision (Run it Once) or Trainer (PLO mastermind) or FlopHero (this is what I have been using as it has been free for a trial period). I have not been able to compare, but I have compared certain flop situations for FlopHero vs known results from MonkerSolver and they are often different. The Monker solves were obviously a bit different than FlopHero though.

Personally, I am strongly considering MonkerSolver as I have a lot of questions that can't be answered by the online pre-solved solutions and I feel like I'd trust the results more if I ran them myself. I am waiting for another company to release their post-flop engine and will try that before committing to MonkerSolver though as I am already a member for the preflop stuff.

I'd be curious to hear more from you abotu Monker and what you are having issues with and what kind of hardware you are running it on and if you purchased preflop ranges. I'm also curioius about licensing and this has been the biggest reason I haven't committed because I can't find a clear answer on moving the license to a new computer if needed.
Omaha Solver Recommendations/Advice Discussions Quote
11-09-2023 , 02:56 PM
So the biggest issue for me with Monker Solver is the User Interface. The guide to set it up has step by step, but there are a lot of little steps. Then setting up to run Sims, it's a bit like being a programmer. Then there is talk about renting a virtual machine to have enough computing power to run Sims on (having enough RAM) and it gets a lot more complicated. I am still figuring it out. I wish it were a bit more user friendly or intuitive. I think once I get the hang of it, I will be appreciate it more. But overall with the cost of the solver, then the guide, then the packs, It's close to $2K (depending on how many packs you get). Which as a one time fee is great if I am using it for years.

On the other hand, I am looking at Flop Hero and it's $80 a month for the recommended bundle, but I assume there will be updates down the road. I don't think I will be using a solver for a significant amount after I get the hang of the game a bit more. I also saw GTO Wizard is planning to release their solver for Omaha in a few months.

The license is for up to 2 computers. I was thinking about putting the other license on my laptop.
Omaha Solver Recommendations/Advice Discussions Quote
11-09-2023 , 03:38 PM
Can you move a license?
What are the "packs"?
Who did you purchase the "packs" from?
What kind of hardware are you running it on and have you been able to get a sim started at all?
I played with the free version and was able to get it to work for turn / river but my input ranges are **** so it's sort of useless.

I had read the guide wasn't great and not worth the money. I have also heard the setup is not very intuitive and building trees was somewhat complex, although I saw some youtube videos on that.

Ultimately, I will probably get it because I've gone through a course that uses it and having control of variables allows you to make a lot of simplifications. Ie. Maybe Flophero is recommending using 5 bet sizes on the flop, but if you run that spot in Monkersolver with five bet sizes you can figure out the game value, and if you rerun it with one bet size, or maybe two, you might find the game value doesn't change and thus you can simplify a lot of your strategy down because you are using a single bet size. This is what I've seen recommended for the flop and it makes a lot of sense because the tree explodes if your strategy has many different bet sizes on the flop. On the turn and river there is some additional flexibility though.

Anyways I digress, but these are questiosn I want to be able to answer and the online solvers do not give me that ability.
Omaha Solver Recommendations/Advice Discussions Quote
11-12-2023 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by MarkD
Can you move a license?
What are the "packs"?
Who did you purchase the "packs" from?
What kind of hardware are you running it on and have you been able to get a sim started at all?
I played with the free version and was able to get it to work for turn / river but my input ranges are **** so it's sort of useless.

I had read the guide wasn't great and not worth the money. I have also heard the setup is not very intuitive and building trees was somewhat complex, although I saw some youtube videos on that.
I am not sure about the ability to move the license. The packs are solutions that you can purchase from the Monker Guy. They have NLH MTT, and PLO 6 max cash, etc. If you start purchasing all of the packs the numbers can really add up. I think I paid around $350 USD for the PLO 6 max cash.

I haven't been running Sims yet. I would agree that the guide is not worth the money. I honestly think there need to be youtube tutorial videos made that do a much clearer step-by-step.

I am really not looking for that much customization. I just want to check and see what the Solver says I should have done in certain spots. I am trying to find someone who can help me with the solver and walk me through it. I would honestly say it's pretty complicated to setup.
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