Originally Posted by crashwhips
If you use cannabis regularly I would advise investing in volcano or other vaporizer. It tastes better, is easier to inhale, is healthier for your lungs, and is more efficient and gets you a lot higher.
I really enjoy it but haven't smoked that much in the last 5-6 months. I haven't used a volcano before but it sounds pretty cool. I used a very small bong for the 1st time a few months ago and really enjoyed it.
Originally Posted by crashwhips
Haven't had any alcohol or drugs since February now (and was completely sober from september-december too), finally accepted I can't handle gambling while using intoxicants.
That's sick. I don't think I could do that even tho I only drink when I go out or I'm on vacation or something. All my friends are lame and married (everyone gets married so young in the south wtf) so we only go out once or twice a month. But yeah I don't think I could go out to a bar / club and not drink, especially when I'm single.