Originally Posted by twitcherroo
Hero BB ~$100 w/ AAT4hssd
UTG covers limps, fold, V (~$100) pot to $4.50, fold, fold, H pot to $14, fold, V calls.
Pot ~$29
V x, H? H has NF blocker, AA, and a wheel gutter on a board that should connect with V much. H pots. V calls.
Pot ~$86
732hch 4h
V x, H? Really bad turn card. H blocks NF and should easily rep AA with nut hearts. H has ~$53 behind or something. V has ~$55.
Tbh turn is great card to bluff catch.
What 56 combos does he have? He's raising strong two pair on flop and not value betting/turning it into a bluff
I'd c/c and bluff hearts if chkd thru. You better slow play a***HH
Okay I misread flush hit
Just play street. Bluff sometime c/snap others.