Ok.. lots of feedback, so first of all thanks to everyone who at least read it. I wrote the article mostly for myself to try to add some weight to my thoughts on a game I love but also to share them thoughts with other people who play the game so i'm happy either way.
However, I do take three things from the criticism expressed in this thread:
My sentence structure was terrible throughout the piece and since reading it back over I can really see it. I think many of my points may have made a lot more sense had they been properly structured at least.
My point on c-betting is wrong in the context of the article. I do feel it is a powerful weapon in PLO to c-bet alot but i don't properly explain in which situations I think a player should be c-betting and more importantly which situations they shouldn't, something that I think is more open to debate than the frequency of c-betting as a high frequency is clearly wrong. (Even though i did technically advocate it in my article..
The article covers too many topics to provoke a proper debate, which is what I hoped to achieve therefore in my next post I will aim to concentrate on a single issue and write all i can on that in order for you guys to tear it to shreds and let me know where i'm going wrong.
Thanks to everyone who appreciated my effort and to everyone who offered some constructive criticism.
Let's hope my next post is slightly better recieved...