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(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? (DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop?

12-11-2024 , 06:53 AM
1/2 NLH game, DBBP on dealer change. $300 EFF.

$10 in , 8 players.

Hero (MP) AA65r



Hero bets $30. LP calls. EP checkraises $170 (100 behind hes pretty much all in).

Here its just an easy call, But it got me thinking, can you ever fold a set of aces on the flop if there's heavy action? Lets say the board is the same but theres a flush draw on both boards. And multiple all ins.

Also V that check-raised had QQ. Was this the correct play by him?
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-11-2024 , 10:46 AM
Don't bet the flop. I almost never bet the flop in this game unless I have a board locked up or very, very good hands on both.

For the money, just gii. For $170, check/raising with QQ was fine, especially if he had any piece/blockers of the other board.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-11-2024 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
Don't bet the flop. I almost never bet the flop in this game unless I have a board locked up.
So ur telling me AA on a dry AJ2r board is not good enough to be considered "locked up" ?
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-11-2024 , 11:14 AM
I think betting in MP-LP is definitely +EV because (atleast at my casino) people are gonna call behind with some rubbish like 1 pair on both boards. Or sometimes i even see people chasing a flush (not even nut flush) with nothing on the other board.

I'd equate this to betting for thin value against calling stations in Holdem.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-11-2024 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Mojo757
So ur telling me AA on a dry AJ2r board is not good enough to be considered "locked up" ?
, prob not :-)
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-11-2024 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Mojo757
So ur telling me AA on a dry AJ2r board is not good enough to be considered "locked up" ?
Not in a double-board bomb pot vs seven other players. We don't want to see a T, Q (I realize one is gone), K. However, for $300, I'm fine gii, but I'm not leading on the flop.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-11-2024 , 10:20 PM
I think potting flop intending to pot all turns is fine. Our aces are something on top it’s not like we have air.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-11-2024 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mojo757
So ur telling me AA on a dry AJ2r board is not good enough to be considered "locked up" ?
not even remotely

you have a huge edge, but there's a lot of turns, rivers, and backdoor things that kill your hand if we continue with 8 players
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-12-2024 , 04:14 AM
Wow people are clueless in this game.



Consider what hands are strong on these boards. Clearly there are no stronger 2-card combinations than the one that Hero has. Good 3-card combinations maybe JJT, QQK/QQT? 4-card combinations that have AA in bad shape are pretty much exactly 3455 or KQQT and it's not that bad even.

Very easy flop bet and just get it in unless much deeper than they actually are. I think dry QQ is not a great c/r, but QQK/QQT is fine.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-12-2024 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by amok
Wow people are clueless in this game.



Consider what hands are strong on these boards. Clearly there are no stronger 2-card combinations than the one that Hero has. Good 3-card combinations maybe JJT, QQK/QQT? 4-card combinations that have AA in bad shape are pretty much exactly 3455 or KQQT and it's not that bad even.

Very easy flop bet and just get it in unless much deeper than they actually are. I think dry QQ is not a great c/r, but QQK/QQT is fine.
you're misconstruing what was said entirely - he said it was "locked up" and the response was "no it's not, any broadway probably kills it and there's a lot more backdoor draws which could come in"

he's obviously in good shape but the idea that he needs to only worry about KQQT in a 8 way bomb pot is silly, you could easily have KT55 or QK99 or TQQ2 that all love the other board and get there accidentally on the other etc etc
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-12-2024 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
you're misconstruing what was said entirely - he said it was "locked up" and the response was "no it's not, any broadway probably kills it and there's a lot more backdoor draws which could come in"

he's obviously in good shape but the idea that he needs to only worry about KQQT in a 8 way bomb pot is silly, you could easily have KT55 or QK99 or TQQ2 that all love the other board and get there accidentally on the other etc etc
I wasn't construing what anyone said in particular, just in general the consensus seemed to be it's not good to bet.

Yes, there are 4-card hands like set+gutter that I didn't mention and yes Hero can get scooped. It doesn't mean it's not correct to bet-gii.

Last edited by amok; 12-12-2024 at 06:06 AM.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-12-2024 , 08:25 AM
Not betting here after half the table checked feels terrible here. I can't get behind that at all.

Maybe you guys are assuming everyone plays bomb pots well, but in my casino usually 3-4 players at the table play it like donkeys, calling down with rubbish.

Seems like an easy bet, just unsure should i go small or pot it.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-12-2024 , 03:13 PM
So, you bet $30 or $80 and the entire table calls, which is usually what happens. Or, this happens and they decide to chase to see a turn and river. You are usually chopping or getting scooped.

I much prefer to see a "safe" turn card and pot -- that's when you want them to chase, and they usually do, which is fine with me.

You guys are more than welcome pot the flop or lead/gii in this spot on the flop; I'm not doing it unless someone else prompts it.

As played, as stated, gii. I'm assuming it folded around to us anyway. I hope he didn't have QQKT or some hand like that -- if he did, he played perfectly, and we let him.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-12-2024 , 11:04 PM
When someone doesn't understand what equity is I guess that is what his thoughts sound like. A complete mess.

It's much better to put in some money with a good hand than put in no money at all. But for example here the best would be to get all the money in even if sometimes you are beat. It doesn't mean you played it bad or "let him play perfectly".
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-13-2024 , 12:23 AM
I'm exhausted of writing out my long version of the blue.feet DBBP special, so let's try and keep it shorter.

Eight players start the hand all with random equity of 12.5%. You poke a pretty big stick in everyone's random eyes and take about 2.50% equity from everyone while random making it about 30% equity for you and 10% for the other seven players !!!

Move people from something random to something more specific, the only other true monster hand worth betting is someone on the other board having top set like you have. So they mostly gain nothing from you but took equity from the other six players. It is now, hero 30% equity, villian with QQxx 30% equity and the other six players with about 6.50% random equity.

This is waffle crushing domination especially because both boards are rainbow thereby eliminating front door flush draws. Bet flop and get it in. Ride that variance train with this much equity saying "choo choo" the whole time.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-13-2024 , 06:04 AM
And as far as sizing I think 1/2 Pot or less > Full pot. As ideally I'D like 1-2 callers so I can later chop their money.

Is that correct thinking?
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-13-2024 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by Mojo757
And as far as sizing I think 1/2 Pot or less > Full pot. As ideally I'D like 1-2 callers so I can later chop their money.

Is that correct thinking?
For me, no not really. You have a decent chance of a scoop if you can get it HU (and a very low chance of getting scooped). 3-way or more you are mostly splitting but also sometimes getting scooped.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-13-2024 , 09:56 AM
Maybe I'm too cautious in DBBPs, but I'm almost always happy at the end of them and rarely think I played them incorrectly unless I encouraged the money to go in on the flop and I got scooped

Last edited by Javanewt; 12-13-2024 at 10:03 AM.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-13-2024 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
Maybe I'm too cautious in DBBPs, but I'm almost always happy at the end of them and rarely think I played them incorrectly unless I encouraged the money to go in on the flop and I got scooped
You are probably playing against complete droolers who make mistakes of massive magnitude which causes you to fail to see your smaller mistakes.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-13-2024 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by amok
You are probably playing against complete droolers who make mistakes of massive magnitude which causes you to fail to see your smaller mistakes.
I am absolutely playing against droolers, but I saw it a ton at Aria 1/2/5 -- basically the same bad play.

Remember, we have only AA on one board vs seven players, so we are usually chopping at best. But, you guys go for it. I'll call $30 or $80 w/ equity on both boards. We're lucky QQ shoved (again, I'm assuming it folded around to us, but we don't even know that yet).
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-13-2024 , 03:06 PM
You still don't understand anything that has been discussed. GL.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-13-2024 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by amok
You still don't understand anything that has been discussed. GL.
I absolutely do. You want to bet on the flop with a set of aces on one board in a DBBP vs. seven other players; I think that's a bad idea.

It might have worked out this time because EP check/raised, but usually multiple players call your bet and you are praying to hold for a chop.
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-13-2024 , 04:23 PM
If you are trolling, you are doing a beautiful job!
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-13-2024 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by amok
If you are trolling, you are doing a beautiful job!
you may be right, but just poo pooing on others without clearly stating your own preferred alternative nor the reasoning behind it is never a way to convince anyone of anything other than you are an insufferable douche

java doesn't ever say she's a nose bleed crusher, she's very open about her game selection and is a known winner against droolers and has a very good track record of exploitative play against them

she's putting forward her ideas that it's better to be exploitative and wait until you have certainty on later streets because the droolers are so dumb they'll still get it in with you anyway so launch missiles on the flop when you can just wait until the river and fold out your losers cheaply and still scoop big pots when it looks like your top set is still safe

java's ideas sound reasonable, she could be wrong, anyone could be wrong, but instead of taking the time to point out why you think it's better to just jam - you're just saying "no you're an idiot you should always jam flop" and never go into your reasons as she did

it feels like you're more concerned with demonstrating how much of an arrogant asshat you can be rather than anything else, maybe in your response you can prove me wrong?
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
12-13-2024 , 05:42 PM
I would love to hear back from the OP -- did anyone else call/shove or did it fold around to you? What happened to the other caller? Results?
(DBBP)Can I ever fold set of Aces on the flop? Quote
